I guess "crap" is too strong a word. Some "enjoyable but not really a good game" or "could have put more work into it" is what I meant. Jungle Beat was mediocre, could have been ALOT better. At least Super Mario Galaxy looks like fun.
Okay that sums it up (even though he had nothing to do with Jungle Beat). I think I get the point. I seriously can't wait for SSBB, Super Mario Galaxy, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, which he is leading Super Mario Galaxy, and formed the Metroid Prime team (Retro Studios)!
He doesn't value the opinion of those outside of Japan, he doesn't donate a cent of his millions to charity and chances are he eats whale, how can I respect him as a man?
He doesn't ask for billions, he asks for only a modest wage. He isn't that rich compared to other major video game makers who have been a tenth as successful as he has been. Now that is humble, and does anyone else who could easily have at least 2 billion dollars do that? No, because money doesn't matter much to him, he loves his work, fans, bussiness, and job.
He has all his money he could have earned go to his company, fellow workers, and everyone who works for him. He rides a bike to work a lot of the time! The whole whale thing is irrelevant, show me a
GOOD source claiming he eats whale. Just because he is Japaneese doesn't mean he eats whales.
Go one show me he cares about non-Japanese people, I dare you!
He was one of the people who brought back video gaming in Japan. Then, he risked a enourmous portion of his beloved company he worked for to help bring video games to the US, then the rest of NA and to Europe. He really wanted North Americans and Europeans to go through the rebirth of video gaming Japan went through, but have them here to stay.
He made Twilight Princess, and that is more North American and European than Japaneese. LOZ is clearly meant mainly for NA and European audiences. Same thinkg with Metroid, he made the first three (Metroid I, II, and Super Metroid), then found a video game company (Retro Games), showed them how to do the series, and look how it ended out.
He did the same thing with DK, but he left it with Rare, who did a absoluely fantastic job with DK. Then Rare left Nintendo, and now the series is in not so good hands. He risked his job to bring video games to America, and then throughout the world, because he felt he could change their thoughts of video games.
The Super Mario 64 is universal, LOZ is universal, DK is western mainly, Metroid is western, and by god does Super Mario Galaxy look Japan only? No, he mainly sticks with universal games, that fit everyone. Are you going to go on about how the LOZ is a Japan only series, because it is more liked by Europeans and North Americans, don't even get me started!
No video game designer is anywhere near his calibur, or is nearly as universally pleasing to their fans. The Mario series and LOZ series are the best example of this. If anything, he pleases non-Japaneese audiences a heck of a lot more than Japaneese audiences. Go on, show me LOZ or Mario is only for Japaneese audiences, I dare you to prove me wrong!