1. Pit grabs diddy and throws him into the air, where they have an intense aerial battle.
2.Oh wait.. diddy's jetpack is running low, he falls to earth
3. Pit remains airborn, while shooting arrows at diddy, and catching the peanuts he launches with his mouth.
4. Using his rediculously precise aim, Pit hits diddy in the neck with an arrow instantly killing him, and allows the blood to drain out of his severed jugular.
5. Pit lands on earth to gorge on the monkey carcass, then goes off to get Dixie's phone number.
Sidenote: Basement has authority?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Wait, wait, wait! That's not how it would happen! :D
1: Yeah they would have an intense battle up there. I agree. But Diddy would give Pit no room to fire arrows.
2: So, Diddy falls. It wouldn't damage him because... When did falling on the ground hurt again in Smash Bros?
3: Diddy would, with his enormous jump power jump on the head of Pit and spike him.
4: Pit tries to fly again and charges an arrow, but Diddy quickly shoots peanuts in Pit's face, who now would try to get back to the stage.
5: Pit is underneat the stage and tries to fly back. But then Diddy grabs his guitar and with the guitar's insane shockwave, Pit gets KO'd instantly.
6:And Dixie would never date Pit, he has no chest or arm hair.
Oh btw you knew that Pit is allergic to peanuts? If he would eat them, he'd instantly die.