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Diddy Kong Appreciation Thread: From Dinky to Diddy, From the Jungle to the Brawl.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
They couldn't have saved steve because the barb went straight to his heart, pretty much instant death. I think that after 5 years you would have got over it, I mean your president has sent your country and heaps of other countries over there to kill the ******* and you already have saddam. We didn't worship steve it's just that he was an icon and an embassador, the amount of time, energy and money he spent on the animals is amasing, he loved the animals. Peeze that's not funny, you guys don't have any great americans from what I can tell but if there was one american for you that summed up your country and then they were killed you wouldn't be making jokes a month after they died.

It's been 5 years, sure it was sad but we heard about it one day and then the next we didn't care.

BBC is what your ABC is based on and it's a lot more reliable than fox.

Steve was filming some footage for his daughter's TV show, his new camera man was too close and the stingray felt boxed in so it attacked and killed steve.

there is one in Iraq he sent a video threatning Melbourne, bloody Melbourne said that Canberra is Australia's 7th biggest mistake.

Here is his daughter bindi at steve's funeral, when this was on TV...
Xianfeng, you are trying to stack up the lives of thousands up against one celebrity. Sure, alot of people were sad about Steve's death but nobody got as deaply emotionally wounded as the families of the people who lost their lives because one stupid country had a grudge. I feel sorry that he died, but the Twin Tower's incident isn't something to joke about and neither is Steve's death. And all of you joking around are completely thoughtless and immature. Of course, I wouldn't doubt it if one of you will say something like "you don't have any authority over us" or "shut up" but that just proves my point.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Uncle Kenny we like you don't care about any nation but our own hence the jokes about how you guys are idiots, hicks and the twin tower stuff.

On Topic Diddy For Brawl, Gibbon Monkeys can go to hell.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2006
Sunshine State of Mind
Ok to get us back on topic: Diddy sucks!!!!! We don't need more small characters and he would be a mini DK just tweaked a little
Oh burn!!!!!!!! Diddy haters unite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2006
Sunshine State of Mind
In super nintendo DKC(the only Dk games i've played are for the snes so sorry for my limited knowledge on his moves) diddy was DK just smaller, weaker(couldn't kill croc), and more agile(cartwheel). Like roy is a slower clone of marth, Diddy would be a faster smaller clone of DK. I think.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Diddy WASNT DK in Donkey Kong Country. Dude how many times do I need to explain....
They where nothing alike in DKC. Just ****ing accept that. If that's your logic, Meta Knight would be a clone of Kirby aswel. Same form, both have a sword... >_> Both being able to fly, ect ect.

Diddy wouldn't be a clone. You even played DKC, shame on you. Now just see that the point of DKC is that you controll a totally DIFFRENT tag team, with... DIFFRENT characters. Hello don't you just see Diddy is nothing alike DK? Even the intruction manual said so... (And dude it's been around 8 years ago that I readed that for the last time).

And we always have DK64. Where most of DK's moves come from. You know Mario 64 DS? Well if you do, this game is quite the same. You walk through 3D levels, and collect stuf. And to collect everything, you'll need to switch between characters who have other special skills. DK and Diddy are both there. Meaning Diddy has other skills then DK. And where DK has got punches and kicks, Diddy has got tail swings, cartwheels and other acrobatic stuf.

Both Kong's even came in Mario sport games. Let's take Mario Power Tennis from the GC, there are special moves to hit the ball harder with. Some of these moves are in SSBM aswel. Mario's down B and Bowser's up B are there aswell. And ofcoarse, DK and Diddy have diffrent specials, while lets say, Mario and Luigi both share one. IF Diddy truley where as you say "DK just smaller, weaker and more agile" He'd atleast share one special shot with DK, which he didnt.

Let's see what characters YOU support for a change. Your your here bashing the Diddy idea. But you don't even know the character. You just played through 2 levels or something in DKC... Even that would proof that DK and Diddy aren't alike.

Okay, now I will quit defending Diddy. Xianfeng, you take it over from here. :)

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
How did you know?(I play trombone)
Trombone is a popular instrument and it is the only one that would readily accept a pump action shotgun what with the slide and all that or maybe I am psychic I have done it before to DRD by telling him what the initials stood for without him mentioning it.:laugh:


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
Trombone is a popular instrument and it is the only one that would readily accept a pump action shotgun what with the slide and all that or maybe I am psychic I have done it before to DRD by telling him what the initials stood for without him mentioning it.:laugh:
That or your a great guesser.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2006
Samurai Goroh, a completely different character from anything in the game-he has a katana.
But from what I played of the F-Zero series 10 years ago, Goroh rides around in a futuristic car just like Captain Falcon! Therefore, even though I'm not in a position to claim who's going to be a clone or not, Goroh will be a clone of Falcon. Nope, don't care if he's a Samurai, because he's from the F-Zero series, and by law each character from the same fanchise has to be a clone of each other. Because characters tend to play similarly to each other in their respective games. Most which I have hardly ever played. Giving me no creditablity what-so-ever.

Hell, let's just throw out every single character other than Mario, because we all know that somehow everybody's going to be a clone of him somehow!

EverysinglefreakingidiotSSBBcharacter-wise UNITE!

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Verbally ironic if you want to get technical. sarcasm is the use of verbal irony in a way that is harmful to others since this comment wasn't directed to anyone n particular I am assumiong an certainly didn't have the potential to be harmfulit is classified as verbal irony.

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
No it is that you repeated the fact that the thread had been concluded when he had absolutely no way of knowing it so that it could have been interpreted that he was slow or something. Maybe it was just me that took it the wrong way, but it could have came accross that way.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
No it is that you repeated the fact that the thread had been concluded when he had absolutely no way of knowing it so that it could have been interpreted that he was slow or something. Maybe it was just me that took it the wrong way, but it could have came accross that way.
I am sorry. I guess I forgot to add this :laugh: at the end of the statement to imply that I was joking around. But I must of forgotten that everything is taken seriously all the time.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
In super nintendo DKC(the only Dk games i've played are for the snes so sorry for my limited knowledge on his moves) diddy was DK just smaller, weaker(couldn't kill croc), and more agile(cartwheel). Like roy is a slower clone of marth, Diddy would be a faster smaller clone of DK. I think.
Download project 64 and then download Donkey Kong 64 play that game and get all of Diddy's moves and tell me he would be a clone. I have never seen DK and Diddy share a single move.
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