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Diddy Kong Appreciation Thread: From Dinky to Diddy, From the Jungle to the Brawl.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
well, what else do you think dk could do? that was the best i could come up with in 10 sec. plus, it did attack everyone on dk64.
Just look at Mario's and Link's. Those were made up. That's what I'd like to see. DK pulling out an instrument just doesn't fit him (even he did it in DK64). DK is known for using close-range attacks and he should get a super that works with that.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
Weren't you the one who said that the anime bore no relevence in SSB?
To show off the GameCube's graphics, Nintendo made a demo called "Meowth's Party," which had him speaking. It was never made into a game, but when people first saw it, they thought it would.



Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2006
On the blue planet next to the sun, can't miss it!
I'd like to see Diddy Kong.

Though, moreso, I'd like to see Nintendo have Miyamoto get a runthrough of all of Rare's character designs so he can make them look less like the work of an armless man with crippled feet which he uses to draw.

I heart the original DK design from Donkey Kong. Not so much this DKC redesign. And Diddy could look cool in the old style.
lol. I wonder what Diddy and Banjo-Kazooie would look like on the Wii
Banjo-Kazooie for Brawl man!


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Just look at Mario's and Link's. Those were made up. That's what I'd like to see. DK pulling out an instrument just doesn't fit him (even he did it in DK64). DK is known for using close-range attacks and he should get a super that works with that.
well, mario's came from smrpg, i think, and we don't know much about link's specials, so they made one up for him. if you think you're so smart, then come up with a super for dk.

anyway, i never actually knew that diddy has blue eyes. i never really looked that far into gaming when dk64 came out. but yes, he needs his dkc and dk64 look.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
Mario's super is not from RPG, but that just seems like the obvious one he would use.

I think DK's super should involve slapping or clapping and creating some sort of shockwave. Maybe make bananas fall from the sky while this is going on.

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
No Meowth is a talking pokemon and he is the 2nd most important pokemon on the anime and is the lost iconic pokemon so I think he will be in.
I aplogise for just how off-topic this really is, but I must protest. If hes is SO important than who are Ash, that red hired lasbian, the self hateing gay, and the queer team?

Besides the Meowth in question doesen't even play a role...IN THE GAME! Thats what were looking at.

Sorry if I seemed rude at some points, but I really dont belive that Meowth has any relvence for Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2006
Jigglypuff doesn't have any significance in the games (but she's sort of the comic relief in the anime), yet she was put in the original and Melee. Meowth's the exact same case, and he did have a larger role in the yellow version of Pokemon. Well, not really, but he was Jessie and Jame's main Pokemon in the game.

Mewtwo also doesn't play a very large role in the original games. He has some pre-history, but most of his personality, his voice (he did have a voice in the Japanese version of Melee) and even his attacks to a degree were taken from the first movie and the anime series.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
wat is this a diddy kong thread or pokemon thread?

but an idea for a diddy kong super? it has to involve bananas (or something that has been in the games he has appeared in)
not bananas that would be gay but his Guitar Gazzump from DK64

lol. I wonder what Diddy and Banjo-Kazooie would look like on the Wii
Banjo-Kazooie for Brawl man!
Banjo -Kazooie is owned by Rare who is owned by microsoft so we won't see him on the wii, Diddy is owned directly by Nintendo.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
well, mario's came from smrpg, i think, and we don't know much about link's specials, so they made one up for him. if you think you're so smart, then come up with a super for dk.
Mario never did any Kamehameha-like fireballs in SMRPG.

Here's two supers I made up for DK:

1. Armageddon Punch

Spins his arm a bit and his fist is on fire. He throws a punch and it makes a big explosion.

2. Hurricane Clap

Spreads his arms, his hands turn big, and he makes a hard clap that makes a sonicboom.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Mario never did any Kamehameha-like fireballs in SMRPG.

Here's two supers I made up for DK:

1. Armageddon Punch

Spins his arm a bit and his fist is on fire. He throws a punch and it makes a big explosion.
That's basically his B move with fancy effects.

2. Hurricane Clap

Spreads his arms, his hands turn big, and he makes a hard clap that makes a sonicboom.
That's basically his FSmash, or it could be his USmash, or his DownB with fancy effects.

My point is that they don't have to be creative with all of the super moves, Kirby's is from his game, and Link's has nothing to do with his game.

For Diddy Kong, using his guitar, pistols, and jetpack is from his own game and would be fine.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
When Nintendo wanted to revive the Donkey Kong series, they asked Rare to help. DKC was born. And anything that was placed in DKC, belonged to Nintendo. Even up to and including DK64.

Everything else, like Banjo-Kazooie, Diddy Kong Racing's original portions, Perfect Dark, etc. is all Rare's. Hence Conker on the XBOX, Banjo-Threeie announced for 360, and so forth.

...Diddy's been in Mario Sports titles for Chrissake. He's a frigging Nintendo character.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
I know that I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I think that Diddy would work better as a tag-team with Dixie Kong, BUT! I don't mean a Nana & Popo style Tag team. I'm thinking more along the lines of Zelda and Sheik. It'd be just like DKC2. You play as Diddy, and have his all of his moves at your disposal, then, at the press of a button, he tags out to Dixie and you would now have control of her and her moves. Press another button to switch back to Diddy. They'd be togther, but not work together. Do you get what I mean?


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
I know that I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I think that Diddy would work better as a tag-team with Dixie Kong, BUT! I don't mean a Nana & Popo style Tag team. I'm thinking more along the lines of Zelda and Sheik. It'd be just like DKC2. You play as Diddy, and have his all of his moves at your disposal, then, at the press of a button, he tags out to Dixie and you would now have control of her and her moves. Press another button to switch back to Diddy. They'd be togther, but not work together. Do you get what I mean?
A lot of people have suggested that idea, actually, and it was one of the longer entries on Sakurai's polls, believe it or not. So who knows? It could very well be a reality. Two birds with one stone :laugh:


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
Wouldn't that be kind of overpowered though? If one of them is KO'ed the player can simply used the other one.

With Zelda and Shiek: Since they're the same person, damage won't be affected

With the Ice Climbers: You only play as one of them. So if the CPU one is KO'ed it doesn't really affect the player damage wise


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
That could easily be remedied by making it so that they cannot be knocked off separately. Or, perhaps they could just share damage, as the Ice Climbers do. It could be made to work that neither Dixie nor Diddy are as strong as standalone characters. There's many solutions to that problem.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Mario never did any Kamehameha-like fireballs in SMRPG.

Here's two supers I made up for DK:

1. Armageddon Punch

Spins his arm a bit and his fist is on fire. He throws a punch and it makes a big explosion.

2. Hurricane Clap

Spreads his arms, his hands turn big, and he makes a hard clap that makes a sonicboom.
well, i got that from wikipedia, so that is why i thought it was from smrpg. as for your supers, marshigio already covered it. bongos fit him because he used them as an attack in dk64 and for his last 3 games (konga 1+2, jungle beat) and his next 2 games (konga 3 and bongo blast).

but for the diddy dixie team, no way. diddy is a good enough character to be by himself and would work a lot better anyway.

off topic:i heard that banjo threeie may be coming to the ds.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Why waste a B move and it takes up just as much space as a regular character to put in another moveset leave Diddy solo, if you were a fan of the DKC SERIES you would know why that would work better.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Wait, what? What the heck did you just say? Anyway, adding Dixie wouldn't take anything away from Diddy, except maybe one single B move slot. That sure would be a tragedy, wouldn't it? I think one less move is a small price to pay to get in another popular character without wasting one of the precious 40 character slots. And about the whole 'DKC fan' thing, I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of those games, but I do like them. And if I remember correctly Diddy and Dixie were in fact tag-teamed in DKC2. So, really, it would work even better to team them up then to drop Diddy in on his own.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
Wait, what? What the heck did you just say? Anyway, adding Dixie wouldn't take anything away from Diddy, except maybe one single B move slot. That sure would be a tragedy, wouldn't it? I think one less move is a small price to pay to get in another popular character without wasting one of the precious 40 character slots. And about the whole 'DKC fan' thing, I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of those games, but I do like them. And if I remember correctly Diddy and Dixie were in fact tag-teamed in DKC2. So, really, it would work even better to team them up then to drop Diddy in on his own.
The Ice Climbers needed to be put in together because they would suck by themselves. People want Lolo & Lala and Plusle & Minun in the game to be team ups because they would be crap without their partner.

Diddy only teamed up with Dixie in ONE game. Diddy has been solo in all the others, and has gained enough abilities to fight by himself. He doesn't need Dixie.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
I agree. Diddy works fine by himself, teaming him up with Dixie is adding a gimmick where a gimmick is not needed.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
The Ice Climbers needed to be put in together because they would suck by themselves. People want Lolo & Lala and Plusle & Minun in the game to be team ups because they would be crap without their partner.

Diddy only teamed up with Dixie in ONE game. Diddy has been solo in all the others, and has gained enough abilities to fight by himself. He doesn't need Dixie.
Ice Climbers worked separately in their game, hence not really being "connected." Lolo and Lala worked separately in their game as well, which I guess would mean they're not "connected" either. Plusle and Minun... eh. It doesn't matter.

But Diddy and Dixie, as a duo, worked very closely together, meaning that they could feasibly work a lot different than the Climbers as a duo. Like the suggested "transformation" idea, where they swap whoever is in the lead (and share damage, I would assume).

Diddy's been in more games solo than not, but DKC2 IS the most popular of the series, and arguably the best platformer ever made if you ask a lot of older gamers.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
It would limit Diddy if he had to have Dixie there, he has been in 20 games in 2 of them he has been with Dixie in the other 18 he is a lot better (although he still rocks with Dixie) take away one of his moves and add in a partner now your bumping him down a tier, there is no point explaining it to non-DKC series fans, I wish there weren't those errors at DKU so I could join their forums.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
It would limit Diddy if he had to have Dixie there, he has been in 20 games in 2 of them he has been with Dixie in the other 18 he is a lot better (although he still rocks with Dixie) take away one of his moves and add in a partner now your bumping him down a tier
There is no possible way you can back that statement up. Brawl doesn't even have a full roster yet, much less an established tier list. For all you know, Diddy may end up being a low-tier character with or without Dixie. And please don't say "No way Diddy is top tier" or whatever you were planning on saying, because you can't possibly know that. And about that 20 games thing, a lot of those can't really count . Remove from that list any Mario Sports/Party/anything else games he guest starred in, any racing/music/bongo/any other game that couldn't possibly be used in his moveset, and I think you'll find that the list of games that actually matter has been severly whittled down. Look, I'm not trying to flame or start anything. I just wanted to voice my opinion, and you're here crawling up my *** over it. Just get over yourself, seriously.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I think the Ice Climbers should be the only duo pair. That is their unique trait. Much like transforming should only really be Zelda's trait. I am sure Sakurai could think of new interesting features for characters rather then rehashing old ideas.

But anyways I would rather see Kaptain K. Rool in before Diddy. Of course the chances of that are mindboggilingly slim.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
There is no possible way you can back that statement up. Brawl doesn't even have a full roster yet, much less an established tier list. For all you know, Diddy may end up being a low-tier character with or without Dixie. And please don't say "No way Diddy is top tier" or whatever you were planning on saying, because you can't possibly know that. And about that 20 games thing, a lot of those can't really count . Remove from that list any Mario Sports/Party/anything else games he guest starred in, any racing/music/bongo/any other game that couldn't possibly be used in his moveset, and I think you'll find that the list of games that actually matter has been severly whittled down. Look, I'm not trying to flame or start anything. I just wanted to voice my opinion, and you're here crawling up my *** over it. Just get over yourself, seriously.
Ok Diddy could draw all his moves from DK64 of DK king of swing and tada he's SOLO

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
there are so mny good levels that can be in SSBB from Donkey Kong Country, but I figure Jungle Japes will return, and I hope the Pirate Ship from diddy Kong's quest will make it in for Diddy's stage.
Not all the characters will have there own stage, so why does Diddy deserve his own stage when Marth and Roy in Melee didn't have one betweeb the two of them. The DK stages will work for Diddy too.Give stages to each series represented before individual characters from the same series. Even if each series has a stage Diddy doean't deserve one there will be better characters in it if he even makes it in. Anyway there are better characters to put in before Diddy let alone him getting his own stage. DK is enough from the DONKEY KONG series.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Not all the characters will have there own stage, so why does Diddy deserve his own stage when Marth and Roy in Melee didn't have one betweeb the two of them. The DK stages will work for Diddy too.Give stages to each series represented before individual characters from the same series. Even if each series has a stage Diddy doean't deserve one there will be better characters in it if he even makes it in. Anyway there are better characters to put in before Diddy let alone him getting his own stage. DK is enough from the DONKEY KONG series.
nno he's not there are 11 games in that series and a Spin off franchise, that's more games than Starfox and Metroid so why do they get more representation? Is it because DK isn't a popular franchise no that can't be it considering on the SNES DKC was one of it's best selling games, is it because Nintendo hates DK no that's not it either it's one of Miyamoto's personel favourites.

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Donkey Kong is already represented with DK, so they need to spread out the representation of other franchise to attract a wider variety of the Nintendo fanbase, just as they did with Snake. Incorporating Snake in Brawl will appeal to the fans of the MGS series on the PS and may attract new people to play Brawl. Therefore the more games they can represent the better Brawl would be by having a larger basis of players and if a series is in Brawl they should have one stage before another series gets a second one.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Donkey Kong is already represented with DK, so they need to spread out the representation of other franchise to attract a wider variety of the Nintendo fanbase, just as they did with Snake. Incorporating Snake in Brawl will appeal to the fans of the MGS series on the PS and may attract new people to play Brawl. Therefore the more games they can represent the better Brawl would be by having a larger basis of players and if a series is in Brawl they should have one stage before another series gets a second one.
So, they have DK, so that means they shouldn't have another character from the series. Your right, one is enough. While we're at it, let's give Luigi, Peach and Bowser the axe cause we already have Mario. Screw zelda and Gannondorf, Link is all we need. Meta-Knight, go to hell, we already have Kirby.[/sarcasm]


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
So we need more DK characters, Donkey Kong is the largest and good series from Nintendo. Also we need Diddy, without Diddy the DKC series will be no longer remember. Miyamoto may hate the DKC series but it has give the SNES it's glory plus Diddy needs his own stage. I believe something will be pull out from the DK64 or Diddy Kong racing. Plus I wouldn't mind playing with Chunky Kong or maybe...Lanky Kong.
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