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Diddy Kong Appreciation Thread: From Dinky to Diddy, From the Jungle to the Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
..So? Link is a hero, always will be the quiet hero for Nintendo. Diddy is the outspoken Hero and the odd one. Fox is the courageous hero for Nintendo. DK is the dumb hero for Nintendo. Mario is musthachey, pumpler who never gives up hero...Nintendo needs Diddy, besides Diddy Kong Racing..Pwns over Mario Kart 64. You can fly a plane in DKR.

Edit: 500 posts!! W00t.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
Not everyone who plays the game is on this web site. I know a bunch of people who dont like Diddy I just cant get them to get online and come to this website. My brother and like 10 of my cosins are against him. There are still more though.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
And I know a lot of people who LIKE Diddy. I was waiting for one of you to say that so I could birng up how utterly stupid the statement "ONLY 5 PEOPLE ARE SUPPORTING DIDDY LOL HE SUX" was.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
And yes, while it seems there's only five people defending him (trust me, soon xianfeng will show up and open hells gates), .
Oh s***, I do not want to be there when that happens. Well, I do, but yeah, it will get very ugly.

And my friend is against Diddy, but knows his success and capabilities and knows he'll make it into Brawl, and he's only 15. Why can't you two be as mature as that? Your acting like half my age.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
Are they on Smashboards..? Nope so due case..you fail. Wow I don't know why you don't want Diddy. Sure..I got annoyed at him at DK64 half of the time...but Diddy is cool and he the most awesomest person on the DK series..execpt for that Funky Kong he soooo pwns over DK. But heck tell me one time that you wish to play DKC because of Diddy?

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Nice job, you now have 6 people who don't want Diddy in Brawl, as opposed to hundreds(hell, maybe thousands) who have been clamoring for him to make an appearance.

Diddy is popular, and plays a big role in the DK games. Not many of the characters who are suggested have those traits, but he does, so he should be in Brawl, simple as that.

If Game and Watch is your main you are a sad sad little man
DarkKnight did in post 609.
Playing as a low tier character isn't a bad thing(in fact, it's very fun if you know how to use them, this coming from a guy who plays as Bowser and Link), and I wouldn't be calling people sad if my name was Basement Dweller.

Also, stop flaming/spamming/trolling, you two are some of the least respected members here, and that's saying a lot.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
Aww I love Game and Watch..he is my secert weapon since I picked him up a few days ago. He is the awesomest..8-bit, 3-D character on Melee. I tend to stay away from the High and the Top tiers..Cause I love my Linkage..

Anyways Diddy for SBBB and Funky..cause I want him to do the Airplane thing from DK64.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
Where did you get hundreds? DarkKnight Im starting to think you have to say you fail in 90% of your posts.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
Well least I am not a Troll like you are Zombie and I can back up my statements instead of using one Liners in my post. I don't why it's important for you post count..It does not matter, you gain respect by your posts not how many you did. So I suggest you read and stop trolling around here. Just be quiet and let them posts cause yours just bunch of crud that I don't want to read..Also you want to be negative? Go to the nancy thread and post there if you wish..Cause you making here is Garbage.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Aww I love Game and Watch..he is my secert weapon since I picked him up a few days ago. He is the awesomest..8-bit, 3-D character on Melee. I tend to stay away from the High and the Top tiers..Cause I love my Linkage..

Anyways Diddy for SBBB and Funky..cause I want him to do the Airplane thing from DK64.
He's not 8-Bit, he's frigging LCD! anyway, do you ahve fun playing as him? People never expect him to be good, but he always suprises.

Anyway, Diddy before Funky, Funky before Lanky, Lanky before DK JR, DK JR before Tiny, and so on.

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Game and Watch isn't 3-D unless he gets a metal box so you fail and we really don't need the respect of people of your level who always mess with the English language. Go back to school DarkKnight077.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
He's fun to play with always..His judgement makes me mad..so inconsitent. =/

Does Diddy have a Super Smash move? I'm thinking the Guitar no?

Gee..just because I don't play with Marth..I suck now? Play Captian Jack's Donkey Kong then we will talk mk?


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
Well least I am not a Troll like you are Zombie and I can back up my statements instead of using one Liners in my post. I don't why it's important for you post count..It does not matter, you gain respect by your posts not how many you did. So I suggest you read and stop trolling around here. Just be quiet and let them posts cause yours just bunch of crud that I don't want to read..Also you want to be negative? Go to the nancy thread and post there if you wish..Cause you making here is Garbage.
Do you really think I want you guys to like me. I am proud of the red rep. Its better then green. Post count is kinda stupid anyway. Its just high because people argue and I stay in a thread instead of just posting and leaving. You cant always post several liners. Sometimes you can say everything you want to in 1 line.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
Good McFox should and I dont want McFox to like me. Oh and as for posts you havent been here that much longer and you are up there in post count. hmmm...


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
If you don't care about what any of us think, then go away plz. And if McFx doesn't like you enough, he'll ban you, so yeah. And saying "I don't care" is a lie. You DO care if you're banned. If you didn't, you'd be posting pornography and opening insulting others and you wouldn't log on for hours at a time every day.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
Blah..that's because I never log off and I leave my computer on through out the day.

Anyways I see Diddy does not have a Super Smash so I will make one myself.

Diddy Kong's Super Smash: Gutair Blast- Diddy jumps into the middle of the stage with his Guitar in his hands and plays a short song. (One he uses in DK64) The sound waves will make the characters on the ground stuck to the ground taking damage. The characters up in the air will fly off in an isntant KO.

Range: Middle
(%Wise on ground:25-30%

%Wise on the air:85-90% (Instant KO))

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Personally I really don't care I just use it to find local tournaments.

They won't make an instant kill super smash watch the video Mario's just does alot of damage they barely move when they are hit by it.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
That's obviously a lie. If you really didn't care and "only used it for local tournaments", you wouldn't be posting in this thread, now would you? Or in any of the other threads you make complete jackholes of yourselves in.

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
That's obviously a lie. If you really didn't care and "only used it for local tournaments", you wouldn't be posting in this thread, now would you? Or in any of the other threads you make complete jackholes of yourselves in.
It is fun to annoy you people because you seem to care about your ideas to much and take life too seriously. Most of the people on this boards seem really high strung.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
wow, so much happens when you are not here for a day. let's get started.

ok, now basement and zombie, this is a thread for diddy, not for english or game and watch or toad and tumble. secondly, just cause you hate a certain character does not mean he does not deserve to be in brawl. i hate jigglypuff, but i am certain it will get in brawl. third, when debating, please give good reasons for that character to not appear. don't give us this crap about "representation" and "i don't like the dk series". that is NOT what debaters do. dk is one of the most popular franchises nintendo has. i don't believe that dkc sold more than mario world, but i believe it was one of the higher selling franchises for the snes. dk is a popular franchise and deserves to have more representation. it is as popular as pokemon, mario, zelda, star fox, metroid, all the others that deserve lots of rep. now let's look at statistics. in xianfeng's first page, you will see a list of diddy fans. now i bet all those guys know at least 1-10 people that also like diddy and 1-3 who don't. so that tells us that diddy is a popular choice. if he look at the games he has stared in, whoa, there's a moveset in there! lastly, marth and roy didn't get a stage because america did not know fire emblem at the time. they had one in the japanese version. it is up to sakurai if diddy should have a stage, but most likely he will pick one from the dkc franchise.

i am going to say this to you guys. no matter how hard you try (and it sounds like you guys aren't even trying hard) you will not convince any of the diddy fans to hate him. if you want to continue debating, give logical reasons to why they shouldn't be in brawl, not the crap you are giving us. if you are unable to do that, then i kindly ask you to LEAVE THIS THREAD AT ONCE, and stop spreading you stupidity to all the diddy lovers here.

now if you don't mind, i am awaiting xianfeng's opening of hell's gates.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
It is fun to annoy you people because you seem to care about your ideas to much and take life too seriously. Most of the people on this boards seem really high strung.
I knew you'd say that at some point! They always do! It's a very popular last ditch attempt at looking cool used by noobs on forums I've seen A LOT. They'll finally just say "LOL U GUYS R SO FUNEE 2 MAYK MAD!!!!" Argh! I was hoping to post that you'd say that before you did. Oh well. It still makes you look just as dumb.

Anywho, I am official bored of you, and shall now take the mature road, llike everyone else, and ignore you and your posts, completely. Just be glad I saved you from utter humiliation from debating against your pathetic arguments. You're welcome. =)

I think Diddy Super should be like, a stampede of rhinos or something. Or at least that's what DK's should be. Although, they'll probably make DK's something related to bongos. Lame. =/


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
wow, such much happens when you are not here for a day. let's get started.

ok, now basement and zombie, this is a thread for diddy, not for english or game and watch or toad and tumble. secondly, just cause you hate a certain character does not mean he does not deserve to be in brawl. i hate jigglypuff, but i am certain it will get in brawl. third, when debating, please give good reasons for that character to not appear. don't give us this crap about "representation" and "i don't like the dk series". that is NOT what debaters do. dk is one of the most popular franchises nintendo has. i don't believe that dkc sold more than mario world, but i believe it was one of the higher selling franchises for the snes. dk is a popular franchise and deserves to have more representation. it is as popular as pokemon, mario, zelda, star fox, metroid, all the others that deserve lots of rep. now let's look at statistics. in xianfeng's first page, you will see a list of diddy fans. now i bet all those guys know at least 1-10 people that also like diddy and 1-3 who don't. so that tells us that diddy is a popular choice. if he look at the games he has stared in, whoa, there's a moveset in there! lastly, marth and roy didn't get a stage because america did not know fire emblem at the time. they had one in the japanese version. it is up to sakurai if diddy should have a stage, but most likely he will pick one from the dkc franchise.

i am going to say this to you guys. no matter how hard you try (and it sounds like you guys aren't even trying hard) you will not convince any of the diddy fans to hate him. if you want to continue debating, give logical reasons to why they shouldn't be in brawl, not the crap you are giving us. if you are unable to do that, then i kindly ask you to LEAVE THIS THREAD AT ONCE, and stop spreading you stupidity to all the diddy lovers here.

now if you don't mind, i am awaiting xianfeng's opening of hell's gates.
Ok im not trying to get you guys to hate Diddy. Also where did you come up with the # of people each of them know. Finally I dont think me or Dweller brought up Toad Tumble or G&W, that i know of.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
..Gee all the time and wasted your time here..? Wow Basement..I wonder if you do live under your mom's basement..cause you my freind..are the worst n00b I have ever seen. Probably worse than that Dietsnapple kid..and you bag on Ken?! ..Leave Smashboards and play with your barbie dolls please. =/


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
yes, one of you guys brought up tumble. first off, how ******** are you for thinking that? and if you are curious, look at the first page to see the list of diddy supporters. and for the #, i know tons of who like diddy, and all the people i know don't like diddy are, um, basement and zombie. statistics man. and lastly, why the hell did you have to quote my WHOLE message. i can imagine you on your computer, with your helment on yelling "DURRRR, this guys likes diddy, DURRRRR. i am going to post a dumb answer for hating diddy, DUUURRRR!


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Ok Diddy could draw all his moves from DK64 of DK king of swing and tada he's SOLO
Ok. Fine. I accept that. That's perfectly logical. Just stop flaming me for having an opinion. If I'd like to see him with Dixie, that's fine. If you'd like to see him solo, that's fine too. It's not like either of our opinions matter in the slightest. It's really up to Sakurai in the end. So lets just agree to disagree.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Ok. Fine. I accept that. That's perfectly logical. Just stop flaming me for having an opinion. If I'd like to see him with Dixie, that's fine. If you'd like to see him solo, that's fine too. It's not like either of our opinions matter in the slightest. It's really up to Sakurai in the end. So lets just agree to disagree.
Bravo Hiddentiger, you handled your situation maturely and have my respect. Now if Basemant and Zombie could be as mature as you, all they do is disagree to agree to anything.
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