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Social DGames Social | V/LA |

Apr 17, 2011
So I don't really see how one COULD have a gf/bf over the internet. Meeting up regularly simply seems like it would be required.
You find a common ground and interact with one another that way. Common way I've seen is through a game. Being young and naive enough to believe it could work out for longer than one week also helps.

Like, isn't sex kinda what defines a relationship?

I mean, I know there's obviously more to it but if sex ain't happening then what's separating them from simply being a friend? Seems to me that the whole reason one would find a bf/gf was so that they could **** them. If you're just looking for someone to have non-sex based fun with then it sounds to me like you're just looking for a friend, and by extension wouldn't dating online just have to qualify as that?
sworddancer do you know nothing about love or what


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
When I was a wee lad, I had many a online relationships. I mean, it's not like I actually had the gall to have sex in a society filled with people telling me not to (and sex was also something I never really fully understood as a kid anyway), so I was completely comfortable with online intimacy and calling it a relationship. Then there's the fact that I've always had trouble finding someone who I really clicked with in-person; I've always found difficulty in finding someone who I'm not only attracted to, but someone who can maintain my interest in terms of physical and emotional intimacy.

I mean, there are couples who don't have sex that often if ever, but they still call it a relationship. IDK man, IDK. What I do know though, is that feeling all lovey dovey for someone but not having sex is still different from feeling like "man this person is cool" about another person. I guess a relationship is when two people feel all lovey dovey with each other regardless of what they do? Or maybe it's an unwritten contract binding two people together on their own terms.

I mean, technically speaking, the word "relationship" isn't an immediate implication of a partnership of sexual nature, is it?
Apr 17, 2011
Sword I've had a waifu for quite some time now and we've never had sex. I try to protect her innocence and while no sex has been part of our relationship yet I can see my heart still goes doki doki when she goes dere for me. You wouldn't understand.
How can little girls have sex though?


#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
But people don't get together because they want to kiss and cuddle, they get together because they want to ****. Do you honestly think that kissing and cuddling and all that first base stuff is what's selling people to commit to relationships? I mean it might be a factor but it's definitely not the driving force.

I'm not saying that relationships are all sex but I think that's where they generally start. If it's not a factor than I just can't see the justification for getting a bf/gf.
This explains so much about you.
Apr 17, 2011
But people don't get together because they want to kiss and cuddle, they get together because they want to ****. Do you honestly think that kissing and cuddling and all that first base stuff is what's selling people to commit to relationships? I mean it might be a factor but it's definitely not the driving force.

I'm not saying that relationships are all sex but I think that's where they generally start. If it's not a factor than I just can't see the justification for getting a bf/gf.

Also Xonar you don't count on the account that you are Xonar and weird.

Sworddancer are you a robot or the Sniper from TF2?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Sword for when you get back:

For our purpose of the discussion, I am using these two terms to refer to these things.

Relationship: Boyfriend, Girlfriend
Sex: Intercourse with the dick and/or vagina

OK look, yes the the origin of relationships spawned from sex/ reproducing/raising offspring but that in no way implies that these factors are now necessary for a relationship. The meaning of a such relationships has evolved, ascended really beyond their origin. This is not unusual. We have done this to many things in which many scientists and scholars agree have evolutionary basis. Comedy, art, etcetera. Comedy may have evolutionary origin in laughter being a way to express trust. That in no way implies that trust is a necessity for laughter or that laughter is necessity for comedy. Art's origins may lay in that we are attracted to /find beauty in objects that are beneficial to our survival or have similar properties to such objects. That does not mean that something must be beneficial to or represent something that is beneficial to our survival for one to consider it art. The idea of beauty has ascended far beyond its evolutionary origins into the realm of philosophy. Just like all else that I've mentioned. I would argue that this evolutionary quality that these terms seem to undergo goes hand in hand with human nature. Our self awareness allows us to go beyond biology. We are social, cultural, philosophical beings and so the properties that make us up fall into that form.

I said earlier that relationships are about intimacy (sex being a form of intimacy but not the only form). A relationship is simply a social contract. Physical intimacy may not even be needed, just the mutual agreement of the relationship.

Some article stuff & stuff on evolution with regards to laughter & beauty.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Speaking of skype, maybe I should actually use it more often and get reacquainted with everyone.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I'm always on skype, lmao. Hit me up for a conversation whenever, Soup. I might be mean but that's an initiation everyone has to go through ;-;


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Alright, story time.

So this one time, a Tetris block started falling towards me from the sky

I fell in love with a girl through an old online multiplayer RPG after being the biggest douche for at least 2 months to her. I think my grouchiness was just my way of pushing back her bubbly/kawaii personality while leveling with her, but I secretly liked her a lot despite never coming into close proximity/physical contact with her. She liked me a lot too, but once I stopped putting up my douche defenses, things just got...different. I can't really explain it from there, but we ended up going our separate ways. I think she really liked the personality I exhibited in the previous two months I had been leveling with her, but it just wasn't the real me that she had come to know. The real me was a silly person who initially didn't want her getting too close, and then when she did, she realized the douche she had come to know wasn't the genuine article? Or maybe I was just too attracted to her silly personality. I dunno man, I dunno.

Damn, this conv is getting too deep. DIP!
Apr 17, 2011
Story time!
Well ****. Here we go then.

for those not following, this is Laundry because I can't be arsed to log onto my main account.

Honestly speaking, online dating isn't the worst thing in the world. I've been in like 4 relationships over the internet between the time I was like 13-16 and there were a couple that weren't so bad for me. I did learn a lot from them myself, so I can't say any of the time was truly wasted. They still can work in other cases too. One of my friends started his current relationship through an online dating site and one of my friends has been in a relationship with this chick in Pennsylvania for like 5 years now (holy **** I feel so old). They can work out, but those who are saying you need some physical interaction are right. There needs to be some validity to the relationship, otherwise it ends up feeling like an overglorified penpal, y'know?

gog this is so embarrassing to actually talk about though

wee babby Laundry-chan started his internet experience on Neopets and then transitioned to Gaia Online, and I met all of them between these two sites. Rather than talk about all of them, I'll just tell you about the first/last of these relationships to kinda display both how online ones work and why they have issues as well as debunk some other **** Sworddancer's talking about.


So I met the first one on Neopets through an argument because she was trashing my lovely pets for their colors and I, being a naive 13-year-old, prime in my youth, naturally got pissed as **** cause I worked hard to get the paintbrushes to even turn them those colors. We hit it off when I later apologized for being a douche (even though she started it) and became fast friends. After some time passed, my naive little teen hormones started to develop feelings for this girl cause I spent a lot of time with her and I didn't really have a lot of other options available (socially awkward and one girl in my class in middle school), so I just started dating her online. By this point, we had transitioned to Gaia and it was a lot of fun. Gaia is a lovable little emotrap of a website so it obviously has functions to support this type of behavior, and we used some of the features for **** like this. However, about a month into it, she just flat-out disappears. Vanishes completely, totally gone. I waited for like 3 months for her to come back before my patience ran out and I moved on. 6 months after that (I think, I have no solid handle on time during that point), she finally shows back up after I had moved onto another relationship. After that one failed and I moved though another one, I ended up back with her. At first she's really happy for it but she eventually just gets so damn salty about it. She constantly tried to trap me, make me slip up, guilt trip me, and essentially control my every action. She didn't really so much want a boyfriend as much as she wanted a dog. The relationship lasted for about a year and a half and a majority of it was through Maplestory (now you know why I hate it so much, Gova?). We both played it every single day we were with one another but we spent so much time arguing and dealing with problems with one another we barely ever actually played the game.

And that's how the relationship worked. We talked about things, but we also spent time playing Maplestory with one another. It was how we got interactions with one another and it was fun (a little). The problem is that we absolutely destroyed one another emotionally and mentally. I dunno how exactly I messed her up but I know that I had lingering problems for years because of her. We talked a lot (we cybered [it's the ****ing worst don't do it]). The problem is, that the relationship just kinda sucks when you can never really see the person. When we did finally meet one another in person, it was at the end of the relationship and I literally terminated it after she went home. Our relationship had just devolved into sexuality and mental abuse and it was no longer anything but just a burnt out husk we clung to for a semblance of familiarity and belonging.

The end!


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Holy **** this thread moved fast. 3 pages, won't read. someone give me highlights.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
An anime/manga slang term for a character that is cold, blunt, cynical, and pretty much doesn't care if her beloved dies. That's what she is on the outside but she is actually caring and nice on the inside.

Differs from tsundere since tsundere is when the character frequently runs hot and cold between tsun and dere. Kuudere is when the character only occasionally shows her caring side.

based urbandictionary
even classifies me as a girl

also talking about tsuns, theyre only good when theres a lot of dere and not a lot of tsun. See: Tsumiki from Acchi Kocchi. (which was super hilarious btw)

okay now I want to stop anime talk because nobody knows **** about it

it also randomly changes my text there. wtf?

also I love the SF4 portrait art styles. Damn.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
honestly as someone that's usually like "online girlfriend, really??" even I am perplexed by swordy's statements. Saying that relationships don't exist except for sexin' up is like saying any other sociological construct that comes with being the genius of the animal kingdom also doesn't exist. Humans are too advanced to just walk up behind each other and stick it in there, so we have elaborate courtship and maintenance and whatnot. really by the same logic it's not a real relationship if you're using protection, cuz you're not blastin that seed onto those eggs namsayn. and don't get me started on mouth and butt secks (rockin you abomination!!!)

also bear in mind that the "really though?" is tempered by success stories like mcfoxy and mayling and ****. they put in dat real work doe. online can lead to dating but imo it's not actual legit dating unless you're really goin full spread, like making the most of digital hanging out a ****load and stuff to ease the distance. also lots of visits. clearly I am an expert from my having no experience in this and only one sample (McMays) of success to draw from and that means you should listen to me
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