Mozart or any classical music. basically just sit down and let it flow through you fro a while.
Think about nothing. (it's alot easier than it sounds when you have good music)
i've also used relaxation music / zen garden type music while just sitting around and it's helped.
generally i'd say just take a breath. Like just breath in for a good long bit, then let it all out.
Find things you enjoy and just take a break and do them, no inhibitions or worries, like for me , i like watching gameplay commentaries , don't know why, just do, so if i'm ever stressed i just head over to youtube and watch like 15 minutes and laugh my *** off, then get back to it.
Or play video games like nabe said.
All depends on what you like to do.
Stress relief is such a personal thing, like only you know how you make yourself less stressed, so if you find what does that, then :thumbsup.gif:
Keep powering through and believe in yourself