Ok ok Oooookaaaaaay
So. oh sosososo...
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbrooklyn rage
So go to Japanese class.
Sensei asks if i got her email.
"le nope"
"kukuku meru o cheku te kudasai (Translation: check your email son)"
"hai (Translation: Ok)"
"watashi to gruupu to yon ji yon ju go pun ni aimasuka
(Translation: Can you meet with me and your group at 4:30? "
"uh sure i mean hai"
"purojecto wa totemo ii dese ga sukoshi ****sumon ga arismasu
(Translation: Your project/paper was very good, however, I have a few questions)"
"hai hai"
Sensei goes and makes sure the other group members can meet.
So rest of day im thinking alright so she just wants to make sure we have everything correct for our presentation. (we had to research kendo and we're supposed to make a skit a present it to the class in a few weeks)
So I go to the meeting place at 'round 4:35. Wait til 4:35 and one of our group members shows up. We'll call him Mafia Traitor.
K so im like hey man. and he's like hey sensei here?
and im like yeah but Town Vanilla aint here and Independent Politician aint here and sensei is talking with someone.
He's like ahight and then goes to look in senseis office
and in my head im like ni ga did u not believe me?
So anyways he comes back and is like so u know wut all this bout rite?
And im like not really i guess sensei just wants to make sure we have all our grammar rite n stuff?
And then his face was like no-u-baka-uguu and he was like oh nah apparently Vanilla Townie sent Independent Politician his part in english and i guess you too? And I guess independent Politician got some help from one of the Japanese students so sensei had some questions over plagiarism.
oh keeey den?
so den sensei cum out like all kawaii uguu and is like konnichiha
and we're like o hey yo and then she leads us to a room that was big enough for da meeting and we go in der and mafia goon finishes tellin me wussup and im like wtf this aint wut i wuzz spectin
so he leaves for a sec
sensei come in andz like ahight yo wut up wid dis. tell me town hero sama how did ur group do the project?
aight first off yo, you are freakn kawaii as ****. second off. i haven't seen the final draft yet. basically wat independent politician told us to do was research the topic she gave us then send it to her in email and then she would put it all together word up so i havent seen dat der dat u holdin yet
and she lyke. so u sent it to her in english?
im like yeah for sho
and she looks at me like SHOCKED
and im like oshi. i gotta take off my glasses for this one (yes take OFF my glasses because my eyes are quite baby like. i wanted to look innocent which i waz)
u sent it in english?
yeeeeeeeeeea O_O? <--actual way i made my face
den she goes on asking me wut i thought about that and stuff sayin thats not wut i should do and doesnt that seem not good and stuff. and that its supposed to be a group project
and im like yeah ok i get u. soooo i should like i didnt know that cause i sent it to indy and told her to let me know if i needed to do anything else cause i didnt really get the assignment (cause u dnt tell us nothin yo)
den she just keeps goin on bout how i shoulda dun dat der dattt
and im like aiight but yea im sayin i didnt know that so wuz good?
u cant keep using not understanding as an excuse doe. and she like super upset at this u can tell from her kawaii face
alright i got u yo wont happen again
so den maf traitor comes back in with indy
sensei gets to questionin them n stuff
they sayin how they told me and Vanilla were told to do it in japanese
(im genuinely not even seeing the big issue here, but they are like super tense up in here) and im like nah yo and i asked u yo to just tell me if there was more u wanted me to do. ya coulda told me yo. i have da email i sent u.
then indy is lyke well i just did it cause i didnt want u to think i was pushn u or somthing
nah yo its cool u can push me anytime if u know watteye meen. nah but foreal doe just let me kno dont be 'fraid.
but u still should know etc etc
yeh dat tru too im just saiyin nah mean
well c da ding is doe iz i thought we did tell u im pri sure we did
nah man and like i said ya coulda told me when i asked so yu get wut im saying
yeh but u shoulda been more assertive in knowing wut to do as i see it u didnt really care and shoulda asked
yes my kawaii agrees
yeh ok yeah i admit i coulda been more proactive in that
so vanilla calls and needs help getting to where we at so i go get him and im like dang yo sensei is mad. cause we were supposed to work together for the project and not alone.
vanilla doesn't get the extent of wut i was saying. he thought the same as me that we were meeting for happy fun times. oh boy when he gets in there...
so we get in there and sensei is talking to indy about her getting help from the japanese student and indy just explains that he helped her improve and correct some stuff but that indy did it all it wasnt like faked or nothin and sensei believed her after a bit. then she goes to vanilla and pretty much asks him the same stuff she asked me. but he's even more confused than i was and like sensei and traitor are like so tense we just dont get it
so anyway a bunch of back and forth goes on. a lot that id like to include but is too long. and basically traitor goes on about our faults and stuff. me and vanilla accept it. im like so yo u wun give me and F? or have me do it over or somden like wut?
then it just gets all awkward and ish and eventually after some more back and forths sensei just tells us to have the rest of the project more organized and group oriented ok?
for about a minute or so i was just pissed i wanted to drop out and leave the school cause and was just like dafuq is goin on. but im only ever seriously angry for about a few minutes. a few minutes later i was back in happy fun time and we all agreed to do better and ish.
vanilla was pri mad doe so he just left
the rest of us set up a time tomorrow to meet and that was that. i texted vanilla to c if he could meet but he hasn't texted me back
So way later im thinking to myself.. somethin doesnt add up here. how did sensei even know about how we went about the project? all she got was the final product. theres no way she could have just known that we sent it in that way. and then i think back to
mafia traitor...
How did HE know what sensei wanted to talk about when the rest of us thought it was just going to be a happy fun time meeting? How come HE kept getting on our faults during the meeting? How come when sensei asked the other 3 of us about if wed make it, she like actually awaited our answer but when she asked him they just gave eachother this glance? huh? huh? man it just all started to add up to me. I was ready to just put it aside and move on as a happy group because i seriously i can remove my upsetness after just a few minutes. but now i realized that he went to sensei with this. oh im not just going to assume it though. ill be sure to ask.. but im pretty Kary-necromafia sure on it. I can tolerate misunderstandings. i can tolerate sensei getting all upset. but a traitor is the worst. You can Lie, Cheat, and Steal. But TO BETRAY YOUR COLLEAGUE. Come on now... just wat in dafuq..
This project in entirety is worth 15%. If he did betray us (when we had done nothing wrong in the first place), then I'm seriously tempted to just leave the group. Like why didn't he just come to us and be like yo yal didnt put much work into that ish yo. and like just be real with us. yd he go to the teacher which could have lowered our grade without even seeing what the circumstances were. man thats just dirty yo