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Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Lol. I don't really care if Xonar is a virgin or not honestly, seems like arbitrary criterion for excellence (or awesomeness or coolness or anything of that sort). Didn't really try to read into whether or not he was attempting to brag about it, but whatever.

On an anime note: High School of the Dead was alright but nothing special, I have to agree with you RR.

On BarDulL news: I just had the most boring class in my entire life, and the worst part is that there are no attractive girls in the class. Well, there's one, but she seems like the dangerous introverted loner type...and she's religious, which is sort of a deal breaker for me depending on the rationale. And it's in a class of like 60~ people. The professor is this short dude who has no commanding presence whatsoever. He's smart, but he's not very good at capturing his audience. Ugh.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
The Answer is
Okay, it's really hard and you should just watch it on youtube, prepare to grind or get slaughtered. Another warning, everyone becomes ********, especially Yukari. Junpei is the only character who is slightly redeemable in it.

Actual spoilers if you didn't finish the game:
It picks off right after when the MC dies, about a month or so. It takes a minute to start up and you play as Aigis in this one. It's actually pretty long too, I clocked about 70 hours worth of gameplay, maybe half just grinding.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
No, I'm not a virgin. You can't be a virgin if you have a 1.5-2 year relationship with a woman at the ages of 14-15 and 16-18 (17?), being together 3-7 days a week, and together means TWENTY FOUR ****ING SEVEN.
Yes you can. I'm proof. >_>



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
yeah, i'll probably just watch it on youtube, i don't think i can handle another 70 hours of persona 3, additional story line or no. i took the time to attain every persona and easily clocked in 120 hours, the most i've ever done for any RPG ever in one play through. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

edit: actually i didn't attain all of them, just most. like 97% or so, because i didn't have the brain to look up social link guides prior. still put in too much damn time into that game though.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
does that even count as a relationship?

i mean, it may as well be labeled as a friendship where you both provide each other emotional support and intimacy.

(except that it's exclusive for some reason)

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Man Jerkus stealing my line.

Imo, virginity smirginity, but that's just my PoV on it. *shrug* I mean of course, the first time should be nice and all that jazz but yeah.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I saw Paranorman tonight.

It was really good.

Ya'll should go see it because stop motion animation could use the bump.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I've been meaning to see that movie. It actually looks good for a kiddish movie.

Seph said:
IMO save till marriage.
It may be the tiredness making me more compelling to share my opinions, but this is something I just don't necessarily agree to as a "need" before you have sex.

Then again there are a lot of other fun things besides sex.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
My first time was in college; the girl told me she liked me after a week or two of talking off and on with her in class and on FB, and then I took her to my room after a couple dates and it's history from there.

Honestly, remaining a virgin for all eternity isn't a great idea (no offense to Seph of course). It seems awesome at first, because at that point you feel super special awesome, but you're really going to have a hard time finding someone you're truly compatible with if you don't actively explore sex during the dating phase. I mean, imagine, you think you find the one, but then you find out she gives terrible dome. Or she just isn't really providing for your sexual needs in general. That's what happened to my grandfather; got married and lost his virginity, but he absolutely hated the sex, lol. Needless to say he wasn't really enjoying the exclusivity very much and eventually moved on.

IMHO Xonar, I've never ever ever put virginity on a pedestal ever. Don't know if it's a thing in Europe or not (I would assume not, my father tells me that sex is extremely common and fairly easy to come by in Europe), but in the U.S. it's kinda...I mean, hell, I dunno, maybe they do hold virginity in higher regard in different parts of the U.S., but I certainly don't, nor do the people at my college. People in general really just don't give a **** in college honestly.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I've been meaning to see that movie. It actually looks good for a kiddish movie.
There were some pretty young kids in the theater with us, even though we went late on a weekday.

I honestly wouldn't reccomend this to anyone young enough to be in elementary school. It's funny and relatively light hearted, but it deals pretty candidly with death and there are a fair amount of intense moments.

I really enjoyed it. It's the kind of movie I see myself owning in the future and using for Halloween movie nights. It's a lot of fun, with just the right amount of creepy.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Also, this has been me trying to move the conversation away from virginity and sex because I don't really think it's an appropriate discussion to have here. People have whatever experiences/hangups/whatever and that's fine. Be you.

But I'll say I'm pretty much with J and Bardull on this one.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Don't matter if you're a virgin or not. Nor does it matter if you choose to be so or not. I've noticed that some people get offended when another person expresses that they choose not to have sex until they are married.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
<3 Circus.

I mean yeah, in the grand scheme of things it all ties in to personal choice, I'm just saying that abiding by that rule can inadvertently hinder the organism in terms of general happiness. But hell, if you really want to continue being a virgin 'til marriage, more power to ya.

Anyway, since we're moving onto the topics of current movies now, Kristen Bell is mad cute in Hit & Run. Movie was alright overall, like a 7 out of 10 on the comedy scale, but it wasn't bad. Did I mention that Kristen Bell is mad cute btw? Oh, the things I'd do to her.

I would comment on Paranorman but I haven't seen it yet, sorry Brocus.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
It should only be preference tbh, I don't care if you had sex before marriage or you're going to wait until marriage, I'd say waiting for marriage is more noble of you but I won't be pulling out hatecrimes because you banged your girlfriend at that wild party.

And for the people who haven't got laid yet, you shouldn't feel bad.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Circus we are big kids who don't need censors we can talk about these things and not get immature about it

for a little bit


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
We're big kids, sure. But you don't have to be a big kid to access this site. And mods may take issue with it for that reason.

If you guys wanna share your conquests, then knock yourselves out. I'm just saying.

I also just kind of think that, regardless of your experiences, that's kind of your business and no one else's. Share what you guys want, but I consider that stuff pretty private.

Bro-dull, go see ParaNorman. Then we can be proper bros.

I haven't seen Hit & Run. Bradley Cooper in dreads is repelling me.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I agree with you actually, I find the idea of getting into those things completely silly which is why I steered towards that, but I see you countered my advances with talks of children movies.

One step ahead, Circus. One step ahead.

I really want to see Wreck-It-Ralph, but i'm afraid it won't live up to my standards, it's kind how I've felt with every movie i've watched recently, but considering I haven't been to the theatre in over 2 years, maybe I'm biased. I remember the last (and maybe only movie?) I've watched recently being Toy Story 3, and even then I was skeptical after hearing it being really grimdark in a sense. I'm actually a huge fan of movies like Wreck-It-Ralph and ParaNorman, i'm a total wuss with scary movies and I get really sensitive with violence and blood and the alike (even if I know it's fake). Comedys and Kids Movies for me, but I really have tried to enjoy the more mature movies, I just gotta learn to toughen up.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
We're big kids, sure. But you don't have to be a big kid to access this site. And mods may take issue with it for that reason.
You don't have to be a big kid to access the internet for one. For two some random 9 year old aint gonna come in here and be like. Oh man Bardull isn't a virgin. My life is completely different now.
I also just kind of think that, regardless of your experiences, that's kind of your business and no one else's. Share what you guys want, but I consider that stuff pretty private.
You wanting to keep your business private doesn't necessarily mean that everyone else should have your same concerns.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
My first time was in college; the girl told me she liked me after a week or two of talking off and on with her in class and on FB, and then I took her to my room after a couple dates and it's history from there.

Honestly, remaining a virgin for all eternity isn't a great idea (no offense to Seph of course). It seems awesome at first, because at that point you feel super special awesome, but you're really going to have a hard time finding someone you're truly compatible with if you don't actively explore sex during the dating phase. I mean, imagine, you think you find the one, but then you find out she gives terrible dome. Or she just isn't really providing for your sexual needs in general. That's what happened to my grandfather; got married and lost his virginity, but he absolutely hated the sex, lol. Needless to say he wasn't really enjoying the exclusivity very much and eventually moved on.

IMHO Xonar, I've never ever ever put virginity on a pedestal ever. Don't know if it's a thing in Europe or not (I would assume not, my father tells me that sex is extremely common and fairly easy to come by in Europe), but in the U.S. it's kinda...I mean, hell, I dunno, maybe they do hold virginity in higher regard in different parts of the U.S., but I certainly don't, nor do the people at my college. People in general really just don't give a **** in college honestly.
Loool no. Differences aren't that big tbh, the only reason why it's perceived as such is because weed is legal in the Netherlands and the bible belt exists in America I think.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I agree with you actually, I find the idea of getting into those things completely silly which is why I steered towards that, but I see you countered my advances with talks of children movies.

One step ahead, Circus. One step ahead.

I really want to see Wreck-It-Ralph, but i'm afraid it won't live up to my standards, it's kind how I've felt with every movie i've watched recently, but considering I haven't been to the theatre in over 2 years, maybe I'm biased. I remember the last (and maybe only movie?) I've watched recently being Toy Story 3, and even then I was skeptical after hearing it being really grimdark in a sense. I'm actually a huge fan of movies like Wreck-It-Ralph and ParaNorman, i'm a total wuss with scary movies and I get really sensitive with violence and blood and the alike (even if I know it's fake). Comedys and Kids Movies for me, but I really have tried to enjoy the more mature movies, I just gotta learn to toughen up.
Man, I'm all about the animated/kids movies. I could make a top 5 fave movies just using animated movies.

ParaNorman doesn't get super gory or anything. But it does get darker in the third act than I expected it to. Which ends up being a good thing.

You don't have to be a big kid to access the internet for one. For two some random 9 year old aint gonna come in here and be like. Oh man Bardull isn't a virgin. My life is completely different now.
Everything Bardull says changes my life.

You wanting to keep your business private doesn't necessarily mean that everyone else should have your same concerns.
I agree.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I guess i've been really squeamish about it, I just can't stand looking at blood or watching someone suffer, even if they're acting. I can handle Video Games because I know it's not real and only simulated and pixels, and I can stomach most of anime because it's just drawn. I'm with you on the animated/kids movies, there's just something about them., I'm reminded of great movies like The Lion King or The Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh (All-time favorite right there), I find myself enjoying them more than a gritty action movie, but I'm also a huge sucker for a good story in these things too. I think not all animated/kid's movies should all be in retrospect that they were made for kids, a lot of them have a ton of adult themes that are noticeable throughout, and I think when we get past that it's mostly targeted for kids, you can learn to enjoy it more. I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying the childish aspect either tbh.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Soup, we're soulmates. I don't know if you've figured that out yet.

You, Nabe and I are gonna be a polyamorous relationship soon.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
The overly sensitive guys to certain things, yep that's me. I'd conside myselfr fairly adjusted in other aspects, but I simply can't pretend I'm not bothered by certain things.

Circus, we gotta hang out and have a disney movie marathon or something, it will be a blast.
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