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Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
BardullM has the right idea.

So my roommate just arived. From China.

So I now have a Chinese roommate, a Korean best friend, and study Japanese.



Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Orbo, if she gave you that advice before, then this is obviously a test.

She could be testing your perseverance, or seeing if you like her enough that you'd do whatever it takes to get her.

Which means I'm not sure which of your two possible options is the right one.

****ing women.



Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Orbo, if she gave you that advice before, then this is obviously a test.

She could be testing your perseverance, or seeing if you like her enough that you'd do whatever it takes to get her.

Which means I'm not sure which of your two possible options is the right one.

****ing women.

I completely agree.
Guess i just need to coast it out for now.



Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
No nope nah nay.

I think SWF filters (because words like cockpit and cockfight) leave cockwords uncensored.


No. I like it.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Yeah I've seen all of this :x
You're talking to a guy who's spent hours upon hours researching Zelda mythos et cetera, aka, a Zelda geek. I KNOW EVERYTHING. :pimp:
Send me some more pics of these you got, I love these lol.

@Orbo: Take it slow and do what Kevin said, be classy.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
That's the first time I've ever laughed from that pic Xonar

John, forget your path to the so called righteousness of those who enforce. You are a man of Dgames. You are a man of freedom.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
It was basically a bad attempt at recreating the success of OoT, non innovative, way too easy, random Ganon thrown in for no reason, feels incomplete (hardly any secrets? wtf? parts where you're JUST TRAVELLING?), lacks the "epic" feel, shallow controls on the wii (need gccontroller)(random port for no reason?), its a story rather than a quest, bad character/environment/player interaction (oh hey a giant crystal barrier, but no comments!)

Just off the top of my head.

It felt more like an attempted copy of a Zelda game than a Zelda game itself, which it basically is.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
It was basically a bad attempt at recreating the success of OoT, non innovative, way too easy, random Ganon thrown in for no reason, feels incomplete (hardly any secrets? wtf? parts where you're JUST TRAVELLING?), lacks the "epic" feel, shallow controls on the wii (need gccontroller)(random port for no reason?), its a story rather than a quest, bad character/environment/player interaction (oh hey a giant crystal barrier, but no comments!)

Just off the top of my head.

It felt more like an attempted copy of a Zelda game than a Zelda game itself, which it basically is.
[COLLAPSE="[img]Silly Xonar.[/img]"][/COLLAPSE]


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I liked Twilight Princess for what it was. It did try way too hard to be OoT in certain ways, but can you blame it?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Yes I can. That game was hyped up for years and I know I wasn't the only one who threw his controller down after the first 30 minutes. It took me three years before I even touched it again.
Clinging to old ideas never worked in the game industry, especially when said old idea has aged in a bad way (yes, OoT has aged terribly).

Skyward Sword should've been what Twilight Princess is to the casual audience. It explores, innovates, it's solid, overall a good game. It deserves spotlight, instead it gets bashed by the casual/hardcore borderline players with arguments I have yet to actually see prove anything.
I would've forgiven TP if it was based on Majora's Mask, because that game was a gogdamn masterpiece. So many feels, so many tears, such a good game. But no, instead it clinged to OoT, measuring its financial success out of context, ignoring the actual quality of the two N64 games.

My heart was broken when SS was confirmed to not have a same-engine remake, but then I loved Ninty for it. They're trying to innovate.

Wondering how the next Zelda will turn out though, with a different top guy and stuff.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
I just remember there were way too many characters that didn't matter, the side quests were boring and didn't feel rewarding for doing them. Also random Gannon was horrible.

Best part of the game imo was the hidden village mini game thing. I wish I could just replay that because that **** was fun.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Yes I can. That game was hyped up for years and I know I wasn't the only one who threw his controller down after the first 30 minutes. It took me three years before I even touched it again.
Halfway through second dungeon and I'm asking myself... when is this going to get fun?

And being reminded of other, better games. (Okami springs to mind)


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
You will. Okami was a work of art. Story and art. Played through it several, several times.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

Well, there's a whole lot of fluff and unsupported assertions in there. I'm not interested in getting into a nerd fight about Zelda games to begin with, but if you're going to try, at least build a proper argument. "OoT has aged terribly" has no inherent weight because it is (I am left to assume) based on anecdotal evidence (you don't like it as much anymore). That is immediately defeated by my own anecdotal evidence, as my friends and I still occasionally revisit that game. Not frequently, but consistently, which is more than I can say for most games; certainly any other Zelda game. "[Skyward Sword] explores, innovates, it's solid..." is not specific. Explain what "explores" means and how it differs from "innovates." Explain the ways in which it innovates and why those innovations are positive. Because ultimately, all I see is a typical Zelda game (admittedly with some of the best puzzles I've seen from the franchise in a long time; maybe ever), with a more distinct hub world and an items upgrading system (both of which may be fresh for Zelda, but are really two of the oldest concepts in gaming). And the hub world concept is actually something that I would count against SS, based on my own desires for what a Zelda game "should" be.

Skyward Sword is a pretty good game. Twilight Princess is also a pretty good game. There are flaws in both of them. People lean toward different Zelda games depending on what they seek out of them. I agree on the principle fact that trying new things is always a healthier move for a franchise than resting on its laurels, but that doesn't mean that revisiting once successful ideas is always a bad thing. The Pokemon franchise treats the formula of its first generation as ****ing gospel, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I know what you're getting at. I could go in on it because I have to start moving within the hour, and I won't have finished a monster post by then.

OoT was great for its time. It's time to move on. TP was meant to be the next big thing, but it wasn't the next big thing, it wanted to be the previous big thing with a new jacket.

I kinda just want to throw experience at it as I've spent hours upon hours on Zelda, it's been a main theme in my life for a long time, but I know I can't get away with that in this room :c

I really disagree on TP being a good game though, even with "pretty" as adjective.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
SS isn't really the Zelda I want it to be though. Look at Link. He's a pansy.

I just don't like the atmosphere. Also look, we start with 6 hearts, not 3.


I do like the direction it is heading story wise, and did like the trials, those were cool.

THE ITEMS. Seriously, they were dull and weren't creative to me. A duster, MITTS THAT I DON'T CARE ABOUT, and some bug thing. WHOOO. (I liked the Titan's Gloves wayyyy better than those, because I actually needed the titan's gloves in LTTP)

The bird? I don't care about the bird, or flying.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Gonna throw in my opinon on this Zelda discussion while i'm at it. SS was okay, I remember wanting to like it but feeling like it was missing something, perhaps the scope and overworld just felt so empty and lifeless, and I know someone is going to bring up the argument on Hyrule Field but imagine back in 1994 and you first stepped into Hyrule Field. It was jaw-dropping. You don't get the same experience in SS, and backtracking isn't as rewarding as it should. I guess the main thing that also bothers me is that I was promised that combat was going to be challenging, and instead I got a waggle fest that had simplistic patterns bundled in a usually unresponsive wii-remote.

I'm not trying to say that it wasn't a good game, or it doesn't deserve it's praises, I'm just saying it fell short from the WOW factor that I'm craving! I have yet to get that same experience in so long ever since Wind Waker, I don't what it was but god everything was gorgeous and the art style was just so pleasing to the eye. Exploring the Great Sea was kind of repetitive I admit but that doesn't take away from the atmosphere of the game and what it was trying to accomplish. Gameplay was tight also, I really liked all the dungeons too, I honestly feel like they were a bit weak in Wind Waker and I guess what I loved aobut it so much is just the overall feel of the game and how it presented itself, not the mention the gameplay was always tight.

SS does the gameplay essentials of a zelda fine, and they even improved on it with stamina for running to get to places faster and some other neat tricks, but everything else just felt like a gimmick, I didn't get into it and didn't want to use it half of the time, swinging my sword pretending to be Link just wasn't what I wanted, I wanted to sit down and get into the game and experience it, what held me back so much is the game basically pandering itself for that reason.

I feel like TP does the same thing, but it was just so average. I don't know what it was, or why TP feels like that, but I know people also like to reference TP to OoT and how it tried to copy it. I wouldn't say that's true, they're different games with different styles and how they're played out, I will say that TP failed (just like SS did) on the WOW factor that people like myself are looking for. I don't remember something or get reminiscent of TP or go "Man I really wanna play TP now I totally remember this one part..." I guess it just stems down to how memorable the game is, there is the nostalgia factor after all. One thing TP did really well however was characterization, I liked Midna. She was a breath of relief from Navi and useless sidekicks, she had her own story and had a good personality, I could get into a bit. They really did drop the ball everywhere else though, That one girl Link is head over heels for just kind of becomes irrelevant and the whole struggle early in the game seems pointless, it almost seemed like a really long tutorial that you couldn't skip. The game only gets good 2 hours in, and I feel like that's another reason why I didn't like it that much, it takes awhile to settle in and appreciate it. It's not about being grimdark either, it had it's own tone and I understand what Nintendo was trying to do, I just feel like it was trying too much maybe. I liked the items in TP too, and I know another argument is that the item you get in the dungeon is for the boss fight only, but some still had their uses. Mother****ing double clawshots.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Oh hey items that aren't just "use this for the dungeon boss then stash it away forever", how hateful!
And not caring about flying when it was a pretty big thing for part of the story with the leviathan etc? How? No opinion? Also, you have to notice that as Zelda is an exploration game, the way you move is very important. A bird is unprecedented and hasn't been used this way ever before. It's also very telling that they give you a bird then almost immediately take it away when you're on the surface. What if you flew all this time and suddenly you had a goddamn horse? You wouldn't dig it. Welcome to conditioning.
The atmosphere is purely a matter of preference. I personally love the pure desolation and it really took me back to Zelda1, which is a personal favorite of mine. Matter of opinion. The art style is pretty and if you don't like it I'll bet you 10 bucks you didn't like Wind Waker's either, which is a pretty darn well-done art style.
Starting with 6 hearts instead of 3 isn't that biggadeal btw, when enemies aren't dealing half a heart damage every attack *cough TP cough*
And Link being a pansy? He's ****ing going down to a land that's NEVER been explored in recent history and has been told to be RULED BY DEMONS EVERYWHERE to save Zelda. He's a dream hero, dude. He's got a slight bit of personality. It's different from the usual blank sheet Link.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Like WW (Which I loved as well, Soup), I felt Flying was tedious. : P I'm saying that I didn't really care for the bird as I would for Epona, or even the other pets we had in Oracle of Ages/Seasons.

Well with the items, I just felt they weren't as fun to play with. I may be biased when it comes to this though, because I do like the themes with items at times. Yet, I don't care for the items in SS. I think LTTP did better with the balance between utility and 'creativity/fun'. I do remember not really using the Megaton Hammer from OoT but I loved playing with it! I just always look forward to a cool tool to use, and then get some dust thing. D: < And the rest of the items are just the same old items you use. And I feel the Mitts are not used much at all, I feel it would be better to have MORE yellow holes so that you can acknowledge that you'd need a better mitt later on and hope for it etc etc.

I actually loved the WW art style. I think this is more... carnival like. You get me? I just don't like the main town where Link is at basically. (For some reason it reminds me of the Sky level in TP, dunno why) WW is my ****. I love the shade style.

I mean he looks like one. :p Even July admits this. :O I don't mind personality tho.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Okay answer me this;

Outside of Majora's Mask, has there been ANY Zelda game in which characters get developed as much as Skyward Sword? How important is this to you?

I think it should be obvious I'm skipping walls here. Multitasking status atm.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I'm with you on the idea that TP trying to be the new "best Zelda" by being the old (and, imo, current) best Zelda with a bump in graphics and some lycanthropy was a failed move. But every game since OoT has wanted to be OoT. Some games felt more free to stretch the structure, but ultimately every single Zelda owes whatever hype it gets to Ocarina. Even Majora's Mask, as unique as it was, was only able to be so because it was riding the immediate momentum of Ocarina.

Twilight Princess may not have risen to the heights at which expectations were placed, but that is a fault that literally every Zelda game since OoT shares—Skyward Sword especially. Only instead of getting the "It's OoT but with more polygons and less Navi!" treatment, it got the "so good you'll be saying 'Ocarina of what?' after you play it!" treatment.

SS was hyped just as much as TP was, but there are major elements of that game that fans of the franchise deem as missteps as well—things that a game like Twilight Princess actually got right. I'm specifically thinking of the overworld, personally. TP's sense of a cogent, explorable Hyrule does wonders for the sense of "questing" that you claim it lacks, and that Skyward Sword apparently has, yet I find Skyward Sword's jump-to-the-next-level system infinitely more disconnecting.

I will also totally submit to the point that you are probably a more experienced Zelda player than I and the games mean more to you. I love the games, but I wouldn't consider them important to me. With that said, I wouldn't consider you any more of an authority on the quality of a Zelda game than any other fan. You can hate on TP all day long, but the fact is that it gave a lot of fans of the franchise (not just gamers in general, but Zelda fans like you and me) what they wanted (although I don't think anyone was asking for a werewolf).

I'm not interested in getting into a nerd fight about Zelda games to begin with....

I need to go to bed.
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