Welp downloading League of Legends. Don't know what I'm getting myself into.
You're getting yourself into a really neat team game with a moderately difficult tech skill learning curve, and a much steeper strategic/game knowledge learning curve.
Assuming you have no MOBA experience (i.e. you never played DOTA or DOTA style games before), if you want to become a competent player as fast as possible, do your research. The game is 99.99999% about making logical decisions based on where you stand in the game statistically. Knowing how to maximize your gold/experience intake will net you IMMEDIATE rewards are a player.
You also need to learn what all the stats do and what items excel at giving you each stat respectively. Every champion thrives off of different stats, so learning the basic positions that champions are expected to play and what stats are conducive to playing that position is incredibly important to being a competent player.
Notice how I'm using the word competent a lot. This is because literally just being competent will set you apart from the bottom tier IMMEDIATELY. It is very easy to make intuitive decisions in the game that are simply WRONG and WILL MAKE YOU MATHEMATICALLY WORSE AT THE GAME THAN EVERYONE ELSE YOU ARE PLAYING AGAINST. Knowing the right champion builds, times to attack, places to defend, and phases of the game, neutral objectives, layout of the map, etc. are all basic pieces of info that do not take that much time to learn but will net you immediate and tangible rewards.
Literally knowing basic strategy is enough to make you not a liability to your team. That's really the core of the game. Don't feed or otherwise be a liability. It's a slippery slope game so one person's awful play can literally doom your team, or at the very least, set you very, very far back.
I actually am not saying this to scare you. I am saying this because you are an intelligent person and intelligence goes a loonnnnnnnnnng way in League, so long as you understand the game's core mechanics. Basically Im trying to say that you'll get really good really fast if you just do some studying first.
Also be prepared to enter probably the most toxic community of players of all time. Unfortunately, because of the game's popularity, the fact that bad players can get the illusion that they are good just because they can beat other bad players with gimmicks, and because of the fact that its a team game so players always can find someone else to blame for their losses, you have a playerbase that is full of personalities that love nothing more than to put other players down and play the blame game. You WILL play with players who project their failures on to you. You WILL play with players who have NO IDEA what they're talking about and will tell you you did something wrong even though they're the ones who made the wrong call. You WILL play with players who don't even understand the roles that their position is supposed to fulfill, and then will blame other people on their team for not doing things that are actually not at all expected of them.
Basically you're gonna play with a **** ton of people who don't know the basics of how to play but delusionally believe they are professional tier players and everyone else is holding them back from getting there.
So yeah. tl;dr pretty solid game with with a significant but not necessarily grossly prohibitive learning curve that brings out some of the worst in human psychology. I have a lot of respect for the game but I've never been able to maintain consistent interest in playing because of how frustrating the people you have to play with can be.