Disney Film Director
Yeah, I watched all the episodes. I'm just saying there are obvious things he does in the film that goes directly against the series, like making Piccolo not green, having Goku's kamehameha come out of one hand, and making Goku a high school student. It's Hollywood we're talking about. Realistic or not, there's the technology to create whatever world you'd like. Just look at Avatar. But obviously this wasn't a project that attracted a competent and respected director, so the budget just couldn't be that high. Michael Bay was interested in this film for a while before he opted for Transformers 2. Whether you're a Michael Bay fan or not, you have to admit the film would have had much higher production values. In my mind, DB/DBZ is a series worthy of being turned into a Hollywood blockbuster film, but it's just a matter of hiring a director who wants to keep true to the material.Dude. Have you ever seen Dragonball? Who the **** thought he could honestly make that realistic?
Also aside from Mortal Kombat, there are no and will never be any good videogame movies.
And Brett, I was literally JUST about to ask you the same thing! I'm coming to Phase this weekend, so bring your Reese's Puffs, son!