Large games without iconic flavor or a host with a powerful reputation are doomed due to the stigma. The only thing that combining the queues does is force people to play games they would otherwise choose not to which I think is incredibly stupid. You ought to have to work for your reputation as a host as much as your reputation as a player and all the benefits that both entail.
If I were to run into a string of games hosted by DH, Kantrip, Inferno, and Adum with no light at the end of the tunnel, I would soon be contributing to general inactivity in at least one of the games because I wouldn't care but there wouldn't even be an option for me to look forward to, so I /in a game I don't care about and then /in one I do care about and drop off the face of the Earth in the game I was already lurking. This problem is even worse in players who ****ing replace out. This problem is only compounded if DH, Kantip, and Adum all want to host large games which take longer to sign-up and are in general, plagued further by inactivity.
The queue was instituted for a reason and I have seen no proof or argument that leads me to believe that it is outdated or in need of change.