Smash Champion
In our social group, the members of the debate hall gathered ideas on how to improve activity in this room. The following is what we came up with.
All comments, questions, and concerns are welcome.
Debate Hall Reform Ideas
1. Remove the proving grounds. We the debaters believe that the current system paralyzes debate hall activity. Many solid proving grounds members who have gathered the support of debate hall members are left stuck in the proving grounds. Beyond being very discouraging to the person not being admitted, debate hall members feel ignored. Also, the proving grounds may intimidate some members of the site, and they may feel they have no chance of being accepted into the debate hall. Additionally, some members may be capable of making intelligent, insightful comments but may wish to do so sparingly, which gives them no chance of making through the proving grounds.
2. The new system should allow anyone who applies to the debate hall to be accepted (although some discretion may be used if the member clearly has a history of receiving infractions). They will be evaluated based on their performance immediately following their acceptance. If it is determined that they are struggling and/or unintentionally holding back other debaters from advancing discussion, they may be assigned to be mentored by the more experienced debaters. If a member is intentionally interfering with debates through breaking global rules such as posting spam, flaming, trolling, etc., they will be removed from the debate hall. They will be able to reapply in one month (or possibly a lesser or greater amount of time depending on the offense). A “three strikes” system may be implemented. That is, if a member is removed from the debate hall three times for disorderly conduct, they will not be allowed to reapply. Strict moderation should be enforced in order to make it clear that the Debate Hall is intended to be a serious place.
3. If a new debater is struggling and/or is unintentionally preventing other debaters from advancing discussion at a reasonable pace, they should be mentored by a more experienced debater. There will be a “Mentoring Thread” in which the struggling debater will practice against more experienced members to hone their skills and receive advice on how to improve. When they have improved, they may post in the rest of the threads.
4. We realize that through this new system, the quality of the posts in the debate hall will need to be monitored more. We will hold our members to certain posting quality standards, which if broken could result in a warning or suspension for the offender. Posting quality refers to making posts with substance, a certain level of grammar and spelling, maintaining a mature and generally serious tone, courtesy towards others, remaining calm, and several other factors. Below are some examples of posts that would not meet the quality standards:
6. "Probation" refers to a short (possibly 1-3 weeks) period of time right after an applicant is accepted into the debate hall. A member who is "on probation" should be monitored closely by the moderators, so we are able to figure out their basic skills, mannerisms, and intentions. The member on probation should be required to post relatively frequently during this period of time so that the moderators are able to figure out this information. If all goes well for the member during this time period, they will no longer be on probation. Probation can also refer to a member who has been assigned to be mentored in the mentoring thread.
2. The new system should allow anyone who applies to the debate hall to be accepted (although some discretion may be used if the member clearly has a history of receiving infractions). They will be evaluated based on their performance immediately following their acceptance. If it is determined that they are struggling and/or unintentionally holding back other debaters from advancing discussion, they may be assigned to be mentored by the more experienced debaters. If a member is intentionally interfering with debates through breaking global rules such as posting spam, flaming, trolling, etc., they will be removed from the debate hall. They will be able to reapply in one month (or possibly a lesser or greater amount of time depending on the offense). A “three strikes” system may be implemented. That is, if a member is removed from the debate hall three times for disorderly conduct, they will not be allowed to reapply. Strict moderation should be enforced in order to make it clear that the Debate Hall is intended to be a serious place.
3. If a new debater is struggling and/or is unintentionally preventing other debaters from advancing discussion at a reasonable pace, they should be mentored by a more experienced debater. There will be a “Mentoring Thread” in which the struggling debater will practice against more experienced members to hone their skills and receive advice on how to improve. When they have improved, they may post in the rest of the threads.
4. We realize that through this new system, the quality of the posts in the debate hall will need to be monitored more. We will hold our members to certain posting quality standards, which if broken could result in a warning or suspension for the offender. Posting quality refers to making posts with substance, a certain level of grammar and spelling, maintaining a mature and generally serious tone, courtesy towards others, remaining calm, and several other factors. Below are some examples of posts that would not meet the quality standards:
b. You’re being ridiculous. I’m increasingly convinced that you have no idea what you are talking about.
c. That’s what she said.
d. well theres an oil spill in mexico and stuff so i dont know but they got to stop it before it comes to us
5. There should be a guidelines thread that explicitly elaborates on these rules so they are clear to all new members.b. You’re being ridiculous. I’m increasingly convinced that you have no idea what you are talking about.
c. That’s what she said.
d. well theres an oil spill in mexico and stuff so i dont know but they got to stop it before it comes to us
6. "Probation" refers to a short (possibly 1-3 weeks) period of time right after an applicant is accepted into the debate hall. A member who is "on probation" should be monitored closely by the moderators, so we are able to figure out their basic skills, mannerisms, and intentions. The member on probation should be required to post relatively frequently during this period of time so that the moderators are able to figure out this information. If all goes well for the member during this time period, they will no longer be on probation. Probation can also refer to a member who has been assigned to be mentored in the mentoring thread.
1. The current events thread may be retried. We may need to adjust the idea, but repetitive events may help people keep ties with the debate hall. We may also retry the idea of debate contests.
2. The Archives should be re-integrated into the Debate Hall. We the debaters don’t see any reason why these topics shouldn’t be eligible for bumping if there is a relevant reason for doing so.
3. We believe that the system described under the “Debater Acceptance Reform” system will increase activity by making the debate hall more accessible and attracting more members.
4. We the debaters request that we have active moderators to help carry out this plan.
5. A Debate Hall Activities Thread may be made. This thread would provide debate challenges or contests that are both enjoyable and intellectual. Sucumbio is quoted below explaining some of the activities that could be a part of this thread. Please note that these activities were originally intended for use in real life, and have not yet been formatted for internet use. We have yet to adjust these so that they will be practical on Smash World Forums.
2. The Archives should be re-integrated into the Debate Hall. We the debaters don’t see any reason why these topics shouldn’t be eligible for bumping if there is a relevant reason for doing so.
3. We believe that the system described under the “Debater Acceptance Reform” system will increase activity by making the debate hall more accessible and attracting more members.
4. We the debaters request that we have active moderators to help carry out this plan.
5. A Debate Hall Activities Thread may be made. This thread would provide debate challenges or contests that are both enjoyable and intellectual. Sucumbio is quoted below explaining some of the activities that could be a part of this thread. Please note that these activities were originally intended for use in real life, and have not yet been formatted for internet use. We have yet to adjust these so that they will be practical on Smash World Forums.
Sucumbio said:Debate Hall Activities!
There's several things we used to do in debate club. Some of them are less viable due to this being an internet-based forum, and not specifically Lincoln-Douglas formatted debate, but perhaps we could modify those to work on here... for simplicity sake I will mark modifiable portions with an asterisk.*
1.) Quick Challenge / Debate of the Day - The debate coach* chooses a topic of debate including agenda and argument, then each team spends half an hour researching the topic. Once the research period is over debate begins. Each side has 5 minutes presentation (2 minutes introduction, 3 minutes argumentative - 3 valid points) 3 rebuttals for each of the 3 points and 2 minutes closing statements.* This is obviously a Lincoln-Douglas formatted debate drill but I like the idea of breaking off into pairs or even quads and having 2 member on 2 member or 4 on 4 as team debates. We can even hold sessions at scheduled times in which there IS a formal time period for research and prep, and a proper panel of debate judges.
2.) The Hot Seat - The debate coach* chooses an argument to debate. The hot seater has 30 minutes to prepare their argument for/against.Then they take the hot seat and are drilled by 2-5 debaters who challenge the person. Hot seat gets the floor first and presents their piece (5 minutes). Arguments against the position (3) minutes and rebuttals (3 minutes) exchange one by one until each debater has gone twice for a total of 4-10 arguments. A judge will score the quality of arguments -on both sides-. I used to think of it like the old atari game Combat with the 3 little planes vs the 1 big plane. Either can win but to win -and- be in the hot seat is an accomplishment. Deserving of a Weekly Trophy perhaps, the SWF DH Trophy or something.
3.) Rate my Argument - A debater presents a piece typed double-spaced 1 in margins* with full introduction/conclusion and 3 body paragraphs, 6 sentences each. The piece is graded on accuracy, grammar, persuasiveness, use of citations, form, voice/style, and depth. Up to 10 points are awarded in each category for a total of 70 points max. Highest score of the week gets a 10 dollar gift certificate to the mall. Haha well ok, in our case, perhaps the reward would be something more along the lines of getting to choose the topic for the Debate of the Day or something.
4.) Devil's Advocate - Another team activity, 2-4 member teams. Each team is assigned a debate topic and have 30 minutes to prepare, 15 minutes supporting arguments (3), 15 minutes denouncing arguments (3). Team A presents their first supporting argument, and Team B rebuts using their first denouncing argument. So forth and so on until both teams have exhausted all their points. A panel of judges scores.*
All comments, questions, and concerns are welcome.