Deleted member
I'd like to personally review the time I've spent with you over what seems like a very long time. Although we don't end up talking as much as we used to, I still feel like you're my closest "smash friend" I guess along with JesiahTEG and I really feel like I understand you as a person much better than most people do even if you talk to them more often. You've asked me to keep probably a hundred secrets in the past 10 years and I've never shared a single one. But for now, I want to talk about something that isn't really a secret anymore; it's pretty obvious to me and a lot of other people that you haven't really enjoyed smash for a few years now.
First, let's go back in time for a bit. You sucked, hard. You were really bad. Then you got better. First off of random regional tournaments, then bum and wes, and then new jersey, then azen and chillin, pc, kdj, and finally ken. You were nothing short of hellbent of being "the best" to a point where I thought it was unhealthy. Suddenly in less than two years you were a world-class player. By mid 2007 you won FCD and had a reputation for single-handedly destroying entire crews in California. This is all well and good, but not really the point. The point here is that it's what you wanted to do. Even when you were stranded in Cleveland, and we had to get you to Erie so my dad could take you to a bus station in Pittsburgh, all you talked about to my dad was how you were "the best" and how talented you were. For 2 hours.
Change to recently, you've made it very clear anymore than your agenda is money. There is nothing wrong with raking in some pocket change for being good at something, but now that it has become your focal point, it feels like you just aren't happy anymore. It's not even just about "I lost over $30k" or "someone stole money from me" at some location. Those things suck, a lot, especially when money seems so tight and you're in college. However, I don't think a stack of cash is your real prize. Rather your prize is the pride of being "the best", a title I feel you let go of too easily as soon as people started making legitimate challenges for it. I know that I and a lot of other people on this forum would give up $30k for the pride of being the best in the world at anything, even something stupid, let alone two of the hardest competitive games ever. You went from living at home with a family that drives you nuts and I don't want to talk about that in public, being world champion and shutting yourself into those games, playing a lot of other games too, and just using your winnings from each tournament to make it to the next one. We actually had this conversation in 2007:
"How much did you make in teams?"
"I don't know. Whatever I don't care, I just want to play more."
"Ok well what did you do in teams? Like what strategy did you use?"
"****. I just ***** them" *smiling laugh*
/20 minutes later, I see you talking to Cort-
AND I DID THIS *imitates sheik's downthrow kind of* AND I DID THIS *a short, white boy jump* AND THEN I DID THIS *big arm wave like sheikslap* AND THE-
And so on. Let's compare this to our most recent conversation in person from a few months ago:
"Where have you been living? Are you even home anymore?"
"I've been staying random places for tournies."
"What do you do for laundry?"
"Not as often as I'd like."
You've been in Georgia for a month now? You openly admit that you only play the game for money. You just don't seem to be happy playing smash in any way.
Now, I know you've been focused on your girlfriend and school. I'm the exact same way, and have been for a long time. School is particularly expensive and I know why you're so frustrated with the money thing, I really do. But there are alternatives for school. I spent the last 4.5 years with NO money at all and I used my video game winnings from multiple games to pay for school. You saw how ****ty my apartment was when you stayed over that one time. It was really bad. It's just not worth it man.
Anyway, here's what I think you should do:
- Stop playing smash for money. Play smash for fun and money or just fun, but not exclusively money. It's having a noticeable effect on your behavior and you're just not as happy anymore. You deserve better than this.
- Stop getting frustrated at smash. It's seriously why you're losing. I don't know why you're getting frustrated so much, but I'd guess it's that you get impatient with Falco or Jigglypuff or Diddy or Olimar or whatever or that you're switching games too much. If you have to, I would even suggest dropping one game completely for the other.
- Let's work out your college expenses. I'll help you fill out the FAFSA and I'll help you apply for third-party scholarships, loans, or grants. Countless other college students go to school and not all of them are super talented at something. You can go to college like everyone else does and not have to deal with being effectively homeless or dealing with a bunch of unnecessary stress. We'll find a way to deal with it one way or another.
I think between covering all of your school hardships and making smash more enjoyable, you'll solve two problems at the same time.
to the mods: I know this is a personal appeal, but I'll ask that you leave it open here anyway. I feel that this topic addresses a lot of people in the community because m2k probably interacts with more people that any other person in the community. I really want everyone reading to post their thoughts here too. Maybe it'll hit Jason a little deeper if he sees that several hundred people want him to be happier than he is.
First, let's go back in time for a bit. You sucked, hard. You were really bad. Then you got better. First off of random regional tournaments, then bum and wes, and then new jersey, then azen and chillin, pc, kdj, and finally ken. You were nothing short of hellbent of being "the best" to a point where I thought it was unhealthy. Suddenly in less than two years you were a world-class player. By mid 2007 you won FCD and had a reputation for single-handedly destroying entire crews in California. This is all well and good, but not really the point. The point here is that it's what you wanted to do. Even when you were stranded in Cleveland, and we had to get you to Erie so my dad could take you to a bus station in Pittsburgh, all you talked about to my dad was how you were "the best" and how talented you were. For 2 hours.
Change to recently, you've made it very clear anymore than your agenda is money. There is nothing wrong with raking in some pocket change for being good at something, but now that it has become your focal point, it feels like you just aren't happy anymore. It's not even just about "I lost over $30k" or "someone stole money from me" at some location. Those things suck, a lot, especially when money seems so tight and you're in college. However, I don't think a stack of cash is your real prize. Rather your prize is the pride of being "the best", a title I feel you let go of too easily as soon as people started making legitimate challenges for it. I know that I and a lot of other people on this forum would give up $30k for the pride of being the best in the world at anything, even something stupid, let alone two of the hardest competitive games ever. You went from living at home with a family that drives you nuts and I don't want to talk about that in public, being world champion and shutting yourself into those games, playing a lot of other games too, and just using your winnings from each tournament to make it to the next one. We actually had this conversation in 2007:
"How much did you make in teams?"
"I don't know. Whatever I don't care, I just want to play more."
"Ok well what did you do in teams? Like what strategy did you use?"
"****. I just ***** them" *smiling laugh*
/20 minutes later, I see you talking to Cort-
AND I DID THIS *imitates sheik's downthrow kind of* AND I DID THIS *a short, white boy jump* AND THEN I DID THIS *big arm wave like sheikslap* AND THE-
And so on. Let's compare this to our most recent conversation in person from a few months ago:
"Where have you been living? Are you even home anymore?"
"I've been staying random places for tournies."
"What do you do for laundry?"
"Not as often as I'd like."
You've been in Georgia for a month now? You openly admit that you only play the game for money. You just don't seem to be happy playing smash in any way.
Now, I know you've been focused on your girlfriend and school. I'm the exact same way, and have been for a long time. School is particularly expensive and I know why you're so frustrated with the money thing, I really do. But there are alternatives for school. I spent the last 4.5 years with NO money at all and I used my video game winnings from multiple games to pay for school. You saw how ****ty my apartment was when you stayed over that one time. It was really bad. It's just not worth it man.
Anyway, here's what I think you should do:
- Stop playing smash for money. Play smash for fun and money or just fun, but not exclusively money. It's having a noticeable effect on your behavior and you're just not as happy anymore. You deserve better than this.
- Stop getting frustrated at smash. It's seriously why you're losing. I don't know why you're getting frustrated so much, but I'd guess it's that you get impatient with Falco or Jigglypuff or Diddy or Olimar or whatever or that you're switching games too much. If you have to, I would even suggest dropping one game completely for the other.
- Let's work out your college expenses. I'll help you fill out the FAFSA and I'll help you apply for third-party scholarships, loans, or grants. Countless other college students go to school and not all of them are super talented at something. You can go to college like everyone else does and not have to deal with being effectively homeless or dealing with a bunch of unnecessary stress. We'll find a way to deal with it one way or another.
I think between covering all of your school hardships and making smash more enjoyable, you'll solve two problems at the same time.
to the mods: I know this is a personal appeal, but I'll ask that you leave it open here anyway. I feel that this topic addresses a lot of people in the community because m2k probably interacts with more people that any other person in the community. I really want everyone reading to post their thoughts here too. Maybe it'll hit Jason a little deeper if he sees that several hundred people want him to be happier than he is.