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DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
For simplicity's sake (and to prevent what feels like all of fiction competing for four spots), I'm going to go with no. I haven't played much of Fortnite (played two games back when the Thanos event was a thing), but by my understanding, they're just skins, and they don't behave like the actual characters. (You're not going to see Spider-Man or Wonder Woman shooting people to death, generally speaking)

If people want to, I can count it (I'd have to look into what properties have been included in Fortnite), but I'd prefer to stick to crossovers that happened in comics rather than stretching it to other media.
There were some Fortnite/Marvel crossover comics. I'm not sure which characters actually appeared in them since I didn't read them and my knowledge of Fortnite is almost Zero, but I know they at least had Spider-man, Wolverine, Thor, and Galactus.

DC also had a seperate crossover comic with Fortnite. It also has Batman fighting G.I. Joe's Snake-Eyes.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
We'll be using PinkFlare PinkFlare 's Nightwing costumes and Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Cyclops costumes! For the rivalry poll, we had a tie, so I'll go with whichever one that I didn't vote for, meaning that Plastic Man is Ms. Marvel's rival!

Here's the DC stage poll:

I would have nominated a stage myself, but I figured that the nominations covered the main ones that I wanted to see.

Magneto won't be having any premiere costumes.


Job 117: arcade mode rivalries for Black Canary and Storm

Same as usual; part of me feels like I could do four of these at once instead of two, but I worry that four would be a lot.

Job 118: nominate a Marvel stage

Like with yesterday, this is the last Marvel stage for the base game, so anything that isn't already in the current stage line-up goes!
Job 117: Rivals
Black Canary's rival should be Wasp. I don't know why. I just feel like it.
For Storm's rival, I will nominate Wonder Woman.
I think eventually we could do 4 rival rounds at once, they're quick and easy, and with the full base roster we can definitely start speeding it up. I guess the only issue would be running 4 polls at once, but we already have 4 polls for today so it seems like a non-issue.

Job 118: Final Marvel Stage
Truthfully, this choice seems self-explanatory. Doctor Doom is in the roster, and it would feel ill-fitting to not have his castle as a stage alongside him, or have his castle pushed to DLC instead of being available alongside Doom from the start. Latveria is also hugely important to Marvel's foreign world, so we may as well have a stage to represent that.

Base Roster
On an additional note; This was brought up earlier by @Darkonedagger, and I agree with them that Darkseid and Thanos should be unlockables, in the same way that Brainiac was an unlockable in Injustice 2. Everyone else should be available from the start; no reason they wouldn't be.

I have one question tho, we are starting to have too much premiere costumes in so little, I guess there it would be a poll in the future to decide which of these premiere costumes would be DLC?, and also iirc there it was also talk for cross-company premiere costumes.
People already responded to this but I feel like putting in my 2 cents anyway.
It may seem like we have a lot now, but I can definitely say as we go down the roster we'll barely be getting as many nominations. All of the characters with the most costumes were thrown right into the beginning of the roster.

Discussion: DLC
Time to dig into this. I will be saving Guest Characters for their own section.

My current idea is to have each season consist of eight characters, with two of them being guest characters that have crossed over with Marvel or DC. As well, there's be four stages - one for Marvel, one for DC, and one for each guest character. (I don't know how many seasons we'll do - I'm torn between two or three, since having three seasons would mean 24 DLC characters, which feels like a lot)
I think having seasoned DLC's is the best way to go. I've been taking a look at other fighting games with similar season structures. The typical lineup is around 5 to 6 characters; I think we can afford to bump the number to 8 per season. An IP collaboration of this calibre can definitely justify it, and our base roster is already huge so it'd feel contradictory to say our DLC has to be smaller. With that said, going anything over 8 is too much, especially with multiple seasons of DLC, so I'd say 8 is the sweet spot, with 4 and 4 on each side.
4 Stages is also perfect since it's half the number of the characters, which is fitting because our base stage selection is half the base character selection.

As for the number of seasons... I wanna go overboard and say 5, but I know that will be a point of contention. 3 seems like a good number, but my suggestion would be to do 2 first and then gauge the demand for a 3rd season. You can interpret this as seeing the sales of the first two seasons and then ordering a third based on the success, which is essentially close to what my suggestion is.

If we decide to do themes, I'd like it if members of the thread could make suggestions - it seems fairer, since I'd be the first to admit that I have massive blind spots when it comes to Marvel and DC (the cosmic and magic sides of those companies, for starters), and there's less space than in the base game. (Unlike the base game, where each company had the same jobs, maybe we could cover different jobs depending on the company - for example, we could start off with a cosmic DC character and a street level Marvel character, rather than picking a cosmic character for both sides, depending on what areas feel underrepresented in the current roster) I already have an idea of what's missing thanks to yesterday's discussion, but I'd like to hear your pitches.
I say we keep the themes. It's part of what help diversified the base roster and made up lean more towards certain characters that would never have had a chance going up against the rest of their entire universe. Could you honestly say Doctor Octopus, Black Canary, Blue Beetle or Miles Morales would be in the roster if they were nominated in the same rounds as Daredevil, Deathstroke, Ghost Rider, etc? Part of the fun was just having the themes anyway.
I think a good balance to this, though, would be to do themes for the first two seasons, and then the final season be all Wildcard. I feel like this strikes the best balance, because I don't want to say we shouldn't have wildcards at all. Either that, or dedicate one round of DLC every season to be Wildcard, but I don't recommend that as that only leaves 2 rounds per season actually open for unique themes.

I do have suggestions for themed rounds regardless.
  • Teams Rounds; Avengers and Justice League, Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy, Teen Titans and X-Men, etc. I think a few of the teams in both side's history warrants having dedicated nominations, especially since quite a number of them could and should have more representation.
  • DCEU/MCU Round; I know this was done for the base game, but it is a hallmark of most DLCs to have promotional tie-ins like this. In the case of Marvel and DC, this actively works in its favor in nominating characters that have only recently blown up in popularity or relevance due to the films/shows.
  • Person of Color Round; I've said this before but having a diverse genetic makeup has always been a big draw to both of these universe, having interesting and complex characters of all backgrounds. And, as of right now, I can count all the PoCs on our current roster without using all my fingers; Not necessarily saying we should include characters just for being minorities, but this definitely helps open the roster beyond just comprising of caucasians and aliens, and would help bring popular characters from both companies to the forefront.
  • Horror Round; This one seems self-explanatory, a round dedicated to the characters based in the horror or horror-esque comics of both companies. While it is a niche aspect of both, it is also a very noticeable side of each's universe of characters that brings something new to the table, and both companies have continued to run dedicated horror comics for several years.
  • Magic/Cosmic Rounds; Self-explanatory as we've done it before. Lots of popular nominations from both sides that can be done again.
  • Villain/Female Character Rounds; Again, self-explanatory.
Those are all the ideas I've had, and I would definitely hope we shoot for all of them, and whatever else I missed.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Discussion: Guest Characters
However, I know that when it comes to fighting games like Mortal Kombat, some people have issues with guest characters, feeling that it means that there's less of a chance for fan favourites to make an appearance if the developers choose to add a guest character instead. I wanted to see what people thought.
I hate to be this brutal but those people are stupid. Atleast in the context of Mortal Kombat.

I can see arguments for as to why our roster shouldn't go this route. However, I definitely think the option should be open, since it'll be an easy way to get more popular characters to our roster and have cool crossovers; However, it should happen in limited fashion.
On another note, it'd be best to have a simple yes or no poll for Guest characters.

If we do go with guest characters, I wanted to see what people considered the cut-off point. For example, if we go with anything that's crossed over with a Marvel or DC property, then that opens the door to the likes of Lebron James or Rick from Rick and Morty thanks to Multiversus, or Doomguy thanks to Wolverine's appearance in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (Doomguy was playable in the PC version). On the other hand, if we limit it exclusively to properties that originated in comics and crossed over with Marvel and/or DC, then that might cut down on the options to the point where people might not be as passionate about it.
I want there to be a cut-off point. Obviously, having it be anything and everything is absurd.

On of the options would definitely be to either have only properties that have crossed over, but I personally don't like this. There are comics and characters that have never crossed over with DC or Marvel that would just be natural fits in this roster, like The Boys characters.

My suggestion is to only do either comic book characters or superhero characters. Why? Because this is a project about comic books and superheroesn it spells itself out. This opens the door to have a plethora of characters to choose from, such as the TMNT, Hellboy, Scott Pilgrim, Rocketeer, The Boys, Image Comics characters, MHA, Green Hornet etc., while also not just opening the floodgates for no apparent reason.

I don't think having anything crossover here would work and I feel like this eliminates the chances for a lot of fantastic comic/superhero characters to be disregarded in favor of something like Lebron James or Jonesy (neither are characters I have a problem with, I just don't think they fit into this roster).

I definitely understand if people disagree, but I also personally believe that a lot of choices like Predator and Darth Vader, while cool, seem like odd choices for guest characters in a comic book/superhero based crossover.

Edit: On the topic of whether guests should be included every season or just at the end, I want to briefly mention I had an idea that if we decide to do a final 3rd season, it could be all guests, and just have the first two he Marvel/DC only. I thought about it a little more and felt like it is a terrible way to go about it, but I'll throw it in the ring incase anyone thinks otherwise.

Discussion: Replies
Thats are my exact thoughts right now, while I was always supporting on the Guest Character everyone needs to put limits.

First for all the number...I think 6 are kinda too much, so maybe only 4?, I know that the quantity of possible guests is just that damn big that 4 slots feels like too little but we need to remind that mostly this game is for Marvel vs DC. About how those 4 characters would be distribuited, is easier to do with two seasons but in a 3 seasons format probably we will end making the last season exclusively of Marvel and DC characters (or the opossite, only the first one), on the other side we could have 2 seasons but each one with 10 characters at the oposite of 8 thus having 10 characters from each side apart of our 4 guests.

About the limitations, I understand that limit ourself to only comic book characters could feel like too much restrictive (even if covers an actual good chunck of franchises), I think we can expand it a little more, also allowing characters that even if don't come from comics they had their own comics (of course those comics should at least be quite recognizible, or in the other side, be published by Marvel or DC), with only that you actually have a very big lineup of choices without going out of branchs.

Thoug in my honest opinion I think we should not left behind the characters who born in this media (maybe even extending ourself a little to the Graphic Novels, considering that even some stories of Marvel and DC where writted in this format).

You know I could even be open to something like Scott Pilgrim if that was the case! Maybe we could have a balance here too, with two characters coming from the comics and other two from other media that still has a name in the comics but to be honest, not all things needs to be a 50/50.

I'm quite on in the All-Strife model of DLC, but I wouldn't be against the use of themes, thought I would like that there where individual jobs for each company instead of have paralellisms.
I think 6 guests, with 2 per seasons, is the perfect number here. 4 is too little to really tap into the potential for guests, while 7 to 8 feels like they're overstaying their welcome. 10 characters per seasons is asking too much imho; that's about 2 seasons for any other fighting game.

I also would consider a lot of those non-comic characters out of branch, though I'm probably just stubborn. But a lof of those comic book characters you listed are definitely the type of characters we should consider for this project; I can also definitely name a lot more comic and superhero characters than just the ones presented, but it definitely goes to show that there are a lot of options even with this limit, and that it wouldn't be restrictive at all

For DLC, here's what I'm thinking so far:

-at least two seasons with eight characters each - two characters per season will be guest characters
-depending on if people stay invested during the DLC period, we might have a third season that's all Marvel/DC
-for guest characters, they (or their series) has to have crossed over with Marvel or DC in comic form, and they have to have a comic of their own. (for the purposes of this, manga counts - I know that Marvel's had official crossovers with Attack On Titan and My Hero Academia, at least)
-when it comes to guest characters, I feel like it's best to do direct crossovers rather than going all "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" - for example:
  • All Might from My Hero Academia appeared in Deadpool Samurai (where he teamed up with Deadpool to fight Thanos)
  • All Might also appeared in Jump Force where he fought Goku from Dragon Ball
  • that doesn't mean that Goku's eligible (unless anyone can find an official crossover between Dragon Ball and either Marvel or DC)
-however, Deku from My Hero Academia would be eligible since All Might appeared in a Deadpool manga - hopefully all of this makes sense. (I don't want to limit it to specific characters from a series if another one would work just as well)
-likewise, to use a DC example, any character from RWBY would qualify, but even though RWBY crossed over with BlazBlue and Persona 4, those series wouldn't be eligible.
-we'll be using the All Star Strife method, where you can nominate any character, but once you've nominated them, you can't nominate them again for the rest of the DLC season - someone else will have to nominate them instead.

I'm probably making this unnecessarily complicated, but tl;dr: eight characters, two of those are guest characters, there will be two (maybe three?) seasons, you can nominate any character once per season, and guest characters should have comics of their own and should have crossed over with Marvel/DC officially.

EDIT: Planet of the Apes is eligible for this, apparently? And so is ALF.

Wikipedia doesn't have a complete list, though - it leaves out Marvel Zombies vs. the Army of Darkness, a crossover with the Evil Dead franchise.
I'm not necessarily sure that having a comic of their own would really quantify as a limit; practically ever big IP has had one.

If we are going to do the "has to have had a crossover" route, which, I don't think we should do, but let's say we do, I think having it be direct crossovers and not Kevin-Bacon style is the ideal way to do this, otherwise literally anything and everything is viable.

I think a poll should be held for themes or All-strife. It seems like the best way to just get a direct answer from the thread. I'll still be advocating for themes, though.

For simplicity's sake (and to prevent what feels like all of fiction competing for four spots), I'm going to go with no. I haven't played much of Fortnite (played two games back when the Thanos event was a thing), but by my understanding, they're just skins, and they don't behave like the actual characters. (You're not going to see Spider-Man or Wonder Woman shooting people to death, generally speaking)

If people want to, I can count it (I'd have to look into what properties have been included in Fortnite), but I'd prefer to stick to crossovers that happened in comics rather than stretching it to other media.
There were some Fortnite/Marvel crossover comics. I'm not sure which characters actually appeared in them since I didn't read them and my knowledge of Fortnite is almost Zero, but I know they at least had Spider-man, Wolverine, Thor, and Galactus.

DC also had a seperate crossover comic with Fortnite. It also has Batman fighting G.I. Joe's Snake-Eyes.
Just to put the confusion down;
It's the official characters appearing in Fortnite, not just skins; it's also canon to the main universe of both Marvel and DC, as explained by the comics.
There is an explanation for the skins as well; The storm recreates anyone who has been in a battle royale and it results in duplicates running around each match with out of character interactions; it essentially means all the skins are canon alongside the official character, atleast once they've made their way into the game
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Deleted member

Yeah I feel like a poll on if we should even do guest characters might be the right idea.

I do think sticking to comic crossovers is the right idea.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
I also would consider a lot of those non-comic characters out of branch, though I'm probably just stubborn. But a lof of those comic book characters you listed are definitely the type of characters we should consider for this project; I can also definitely name a lot more comic and superhero characters than just the ones presented, but it definitely goes to show that there are a lot of options even with this limit, and that it wouldn't be restrictive at all
Yeah I was just trying to appeal to other people who probably wouldnt be that fond into the idea. Imo the comic book characters should be the priority, has I also said there is a very good chunk of franchises that could be repped with just comic books.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
John Stewart and Guy Gardner will be Green Lantern's premiere costumes, Beta Ray Bill will be Thor's premiere costume, and the Batman Who Laughs will be the Joker's premiere costume!

As for the final DC stage for the base game, the winner is Apokolips! Congratulations, @Darkonedagger!

Here are two polls based on yesterday's discussion:

If we do go with guest characters, I'm convinced that it's probably best to stick with comic characters, regardless of whether they've crossed over before or not. As much as I'd love to see Ash Williams or the Predator in this, I realize that it might be straying too far from the theme.

The Wasp is Black Canary's rival, while here's the poll for Storm's rival:

One more poll for today; this one's for the last Marvel stage in the base game:

Job 119: arcade mode rivalries for Ra's al Ghul, Catwoman, Captain Marvel, and Doctor Octopus

I'm going to try four of these at once and see how it goes; there have been several times recently where characters only got one nomination.

Job 120: costumes for Plastic Man and the Thing

Same as usual; submit a default costumes and anywhere from 1 to 7 alternates for the characters.


I'm going to see what I can come up with for a Nightwing moveset today, though I might have to play as Nightwing in Batman: Arkham City or Arkham Knight first to see what inspires me.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

For Captain Marvel, I'm going to nominate Wonder Woman. This seems pretty straightforward - they're both the most prominent women of their respective companies. (though I realize that it's arguable in Carol's case, given that Marvel didn't have the film rights to the Invisible Woman or any of the women on the X-Men for a while)

For Doctor Octopus, I'm going to nominate Blue Beetle, since Ock has a history with bug-themed heroes.

For Catwoman, I'll nominate Rocket Raccoon and Groot, since Rocket's also a thief, albeit a less conventional/subtle one.

(I was going to nominate Daredevil for Ra's al Ghul, so no point in nominating him since it's already been done)


The Thing:

1. Default

You can't beat the classics!

2. Future Foundation

3. Guardians of the Galaxy

Ben jumped at the chance to join a team of superheroes in outer space.

4. Trenchcoat

Ben's classic disguise. Totally inconspicuous!

5. Blackbeard

As a result of time travel, Ben Grimm is the historical figure Blackbeard in the Marvel universe.

6. UCWF Outfit

From Ben's wrestling days in the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation.

7. Happy Groom

Even it being his wedding day won't stop him from clobberin' whoever needs to be clobbered.

8. Ultimate

Plastic Man costumes:

1. Default

2. The Terrifics

As far as I can tell, he's kept a pretty consistent look over the years, which seems ironic given that he's a shapeshifter. Aside from his brief time in totally-not-the-Fantastic-Four, he seems to have worn the red outfit since the 1940's.
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Deleted member

I've talked about guest characters before but I ultimately decided to go with "no" on the poll. I feel it would be best to focus on marvel and dc characters as there are still a lot of options. I definitely have some ideas if we do do them
I also went themes as I think it makes things more interesting




Future Foundation







Red Uniform




Catwoman I'll go Spider-Man. I think it would be fun if he compairs her to Black Cat
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Character Interactions:

The Wasp vs. Spider-Man:

Spider-Man: So can I join the Avengers?
Wasp: I don't know... there's something about you that gives me the creeps.
Spider-Man: Is this about that "wasps hate spiders" thing?

The Wasp vs. Captain America:

Cap: So what are we wagering?
Wasp: Whoever wins gets to be chairperson for the next month!
Cap: Heh... sounds good to me.

The Wasp vs. The Hulk:

Wasp: Come on, Hulk - team up with the Avengers again, like the good old days!
Hulk: You mean when Hulk fought you all every other month?
Wasp: We're better than that now! ...Well, mostly.

The Wasp vs. Black Panther:

Wasp: Come on, just one redesign!
Black Panther: The Black Panther outfit is ceremonial gear passed down from my forefathers.
Wasp: I'm sure they'd love the changes that I'd make!

The Wasp vs. Daredevil:

Wasp: So about that yellow outfit you used to wear...
Daredevil: Not my best work.
Wasp: I'll say. No offense, but you'd have to be blind to think those colours worked well together.

The Wasp vs. Ms. Marvel:

Ms. Marvel: What was it like, being one of the founding Avengers?
Wasp: I'll tell you if you beat me!
Ms. Marvel: All right! Let's go!

The Wasp vs. Loki:

Wasp: We kicked your butt before, and we can do it again!
Loki: As I recall, Thor did most of the work.
Wasp: I've gotten a lot tougher since then.

The Wasp vs. the Wasp:

Wasp 1: I'm a designer brand; you're a cheap knock-off.
Wasp 2: I've got all that I need to beat you!
Wasp 1: We'll see about that.

The Wasp vs. Wonder Woman:

Wasp: I've got to ask - what's up with the stars and stripes?
Wonder Woman: It was gifted to me by the gods.
Wasp: Well, tell them they've got great taste!

The Wasp vs. the Joker:

Joker: Time to squash this bug!
Wasp: Ugh... so... tacky... can't look... directly at it...
Joker: I'll have you know my suit's to die for!

The Wasp vs. Green Arrow:

Wasp: So this universe has its own version of Hawkeye too...
Ollie: Like you're one to talk - you're ripping off the Atom!
Wasp: I'm not, but I looked into him, and I'm not impressed.

Captain America vs. Captain Carter:

Carter: I don't think I'll ever get used to this.
Cap: You still up for a spar, though?
Carter: I could do this all day!

Batman vs. Flashpoint Batman:

Batman: You're not the first imitator I've encountered.
Thomas: Bruce... end this crusade.
Batman: Father?! ...You know I can't do that.

Spider-Man vs. Iron Patriot:

Iron Patriot: Welcome to my parlour, said the goblin to the spider...
Spider-Man: Norman? What, you've stooped to ripping off Iron Man now?
Iron Patriot: Think of it as a tech upgrade, you annoying arachnid!

Doctor Doom vs. Iron Patriot:

Iron Patriot: Let's work together, like the good old days with the Cabal!
Doom: That was once amusing; now it is just pathetic.
Iron Patriot: No one says no to me!

The Thing vs. Iron Patriot:

Iron Patriot: Still looking for a cure? You know, I'm something of a scientist myself...
The Thing: No thanks, whacko. I've got people who love me just as I am.
Iron Patriot: Suit yourself. I'll just get whatever research data I need from your corpse.

Hulk vs. Abomination:

Abomination: I'm gonna rip you limb from limb!
Hulk: Hulk smash you like always!
Abomination: Heh. I've got a few upgrades!

(I was going to have interactions between the Wasp and Iron Man/Thor/Captain Marvel, but I had writer's block; I'll see what I can come up with later)

EDIT: one more

The Wasp vs. Superman

Wasp: Nice suit!
Superman: Thanks - my mom made it for me.
Wasp: You have to introduce me!
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
General Playstyle
Scarlet Witch is, like most magic users in the game, a zoner. Thought her main ability is provoke debuffs to the opponent to make her combat easier.

Unique Ability - Curse of Chthon
Scarlet Witch makes use of her Chaos Magic to enhance her magic attacks with a particular debuff, those debuffs can't be stacked and has a duration of 3 seconds, you can change of debuff pressing the UA Button multiple times, the debuff you get is reflected by an icon above Scarlet Witch's Super Meter while the order is alleatory between rounds.
  • Blaze: The attack inflicts Ablaze to the opponent (deals additional damage has gray health).
  • Freeze: The attack inflicts Freeze to the opponent (makes them slower).
  • Shock: The attack inflicts Shock to the opponent (unable to block).
  • Bind: The attack inflicts Bind to the opponent (unable to use special moves/unique abilities).
  • Absorb: The attack absorbs the opponent's life to heal Scarlet Witch.
  • Steal: The attack steals the opponent's power meter to reestablish the one of Scarlet Witch.
Calamity SphereHold X, then release (Air OK)Scarlet Witch fires a magic ball of crimson energy at the opponent from her hand. The spheres are slow but hits multiple times at the opponent. They also have near to no endlag making them quite spamable if wasn't for the initial charge.
Hex Bolts236 + X (Air OK)Scarlet Witch shoots crimson bolts from her hands like a fan, this move could remind you to Dr. Doom's Photon Shots from the MvC games, thought in this game he lost this attack so there is no problem for Wanda to make use of it.
Chaos Illusion214 + XScarlet Witch attacks forwards with a forward magic blast, but it has different variations between the three buttons. The light one is a regular attack, the medium one is a fake move where she instead launch a mirage of herself to attack (meaning that if she is attacked she doesn't receive damage), while the third one starts has a mirage but follow ups with a teleport of herself (this follow up can also be performed in the other two moves pressing the Heavy button during the attack.
Chthonic Spiral623 + XScarlet Witch summons a pillar of crimson magic, depending of the button pressed it's the place where the pillar appears, it not only inflicts damage but also reflects projectiles.
Hex Dive214 + X (Midair)Scarlet Witch does a dive kick envolving herself in crimson energy to enhance the attack, the distance of the dive kick depends of the button.
Chaosport421 + X (Air OK)Scarlet Witch dashes forwards at high speed, depending of the button pressed it could be a mirage of her or not.
Dark Control632146 + X Scarlet Witch does a physic grab to the opponent, if connects debilites their mind making them fall to her knees.
Level 1 Super:
Hex Blades
236236 + XScarlet Witch shoots multiple crimson blades from above the stage.
Level 2 Super:
Chaos Barrage
214214 + XScarlet Witch surrounds herself with a barrier of chaos energy, reflects projectiles.

Level 3 Super:
No More
All Buttons Pressed
Wanda cries in agony while a magic blast surrounds her, if the opponent gets hitted by the burst
they are send to a blank space where is only them and Wanda. She with tears in the eyes simply exclaims
"No More" and makes the opponent disintegrates...thought if the battle didn't finished yet they would unexplicable come back to life to continue the fight. All this of course comes from her most well knowed story, House of M.
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Classic (default)
future foundation.jpg
Future Foundation
Red trunks
3158203-thing - returned from battleworld_byrne_panel_color_lrg.jpg
wrestling trunks
"Pineapple" Thing
Metal Masked
Future Thing

Earth-12 (note the red legs)
Injustice sosiety.png
Injustice Society
Black and white.png
The Terrifics
Eel O'Brien
Woozy Winks.jpg
wearing the green and polkadotted outfit his friend Woozy Winks usually wears


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Yeah I feel like a poll on if we should even do guest characters might be the right idea.

I do think sticking to comic crossovers is the right idea.
Yeah I was just trying to appeal to other people who probably wouldnt be that fond into the idea. Imo the comic book characters should be the priority, has I also said there is a very good chunk of franchises that could be repped with just comic books.
Just to clarify, I think superheroes that didn't originate from comics should also be viable; I listed Green Hornet to exemplify that (though truthfully I doubt he'd get in the roster as a guest character). But it should stick to the theme of superheroes or comics

John Stewart and Guy Gardner will be Green Lantern's premiere costumes, Beta Ray Bill will be Thor's premiere costume, and the Batman Who Laughs will be the Joker's premiere costume!

As for the final DC stage for the base game, the winner is Apokolips! Congratulations, @Darkonedagger!

Here are two polls based on yesterday's discussion:

If we do go with guest characters, I'm convinced that it's probably best to stick with comic characters, regardless of whether they've crossed over before or not. As much as I'd love to see Ash Williams or the Predator in this, I realize that it might be straying too far from the theme.

The Wasp is Black Canary's rival, while here's the poll for Storm's rival:

One more poll for today; this one's for the last Marvel stage in the base game:

Job 119: arcade mode rivalries for Ra's al Ghul, Catwoman, Captain Marvel, and Doctor Octopus

I'm going to try four of these at once and see how it goes; there have been several times recently where characters only got one nomination.

Job 120: costumes for Plastic Man and the Thing

Same as usual; submit a default costumes and anywhere from 1 to 7 alternates for the characters.


I'm going to see what I can come up with for a Nightwing moveset today, though I might have to play as Nightwing in Batman: Arkham City or Arkham Knight first to see what inspires me.
Crossing my fingers for Themed rounds to win out here; I don't think I can vibe very well with an All-Strife system.
If it is still something people want to do, then for the very final season of DLC I suggest doing it All-Strife style, but that also depends on what/how many categories are done in the previous seasons.
Just to quickly touch on the topic, since the majority seems to be in favor of Guests, will the Guest rounds just be a single round per season with the top 2 winning as opposed to just one? Seems like the most logical way to handle it

Job 119: Rivals
Ra's Al Ghul vs. Daredevil - DD is an allegory for Batman in this case, and he's fought Ninjas before. This matchup needs to happen
Catwoman vs. Black Panther - Cat-themed heroes, but with BP as an allegory for... Batman, again
Captain Marvel vs. Starro - Feels like an intergalactic threat that falls right into Carol's alley, like the Kree
Doc Ock vs. Superman - He fought him in the original Superman/Spider-Man comic

Job 120: The Thing and Plastic Man Costumes
I'm not too heavily invested in either of these characters and would like to sit this one out.

On another note, the Hall of Doom was robbed


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
On another note, the Hall of Doom was robbed
Agreed; maybe people felt like we had too many bases/headquarters as stages, but it makes me want to include one more stage per side so we can fit it in. Maybe it'll get in as DLC.

With the guest rounds, I agree that when we get to that point, having one round with the top two getting in makes the most sense.

Also, all of the Marvel movesets have been completed! Thanks again to Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer and PinkFlare PinkFlare for helping out with that. (there are five DC movesets left - Raven, Nightwing, Plastic Man, Catwoman, and Blue Beetle. I'll see what I can do for some of them when I have the time)


For DLC, we will be including guest characters, and we'll be having themes like what we had for the base roster. (I can get a rough idea of what themes to go with thanks to the roster discussion from a few days ago)

Storm's rival will be Wonder Woman (fitting, since they were rivals back in the old Marvel vs. DC comics), and the final Marvel stage for the base game will be Castle Doom! This means that the list of stages for the base game is complete!


Ra's al Ghul's rival is Daredevil by unanimous decision, and here are the polls for the other characters:

In addition, here are the costume polls:


Job 121: arcade mode rivals for Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Ghost Rider, and Venom

I'll stick with four at a time for now, since the base roster's finished.

Job 122: costumes for Constantine and Daredevil

We didn't get a ton of nominations yesterday, so I figure we're good to have another costume job back-to-back like this.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
I'm going to do costumes for the two latter.

Due the lack of Hawkeye, I will say that Green Arrow rival should be Daredevil, another Justiciero.

Ghost Rider rival could be Raven due both of them having connections with demons.

Deleted member

For Green Arrow I'll go Iron Man. Both are billionaires who ended up stranded and escaped, reforming their ways.













Earth X






Blue Suit

tumblr_285cd53dba28dd8a91db2d4257b0bc14_cae027f5_400 (1).png



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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
classic default
DD Yellow.jpg
Daredevil armored.jpg
90s armor
The Earth-X future
DD Mutant X.jpg
Mutant X (also serves as a nice reference to the pre-Marvel Golden Age DD)
Agent of SHIELD
Not daredevil.png
Not Daredevil
I don't know why you think Matt is Daredevil. He's obviously not.

John Constantine squire.jpg
Default John
1st Appearance, back when John wore a nice suit and white gloves

John's Demonic magic clone
Evil John Constantine.jpg
Evil Alternate Reality John
John Constantine as Hellblazer.jpg
wearing Hitman's coat
dr strange coat.JPG
red Dr. Strange inspired coat
the last two aren't John, I just included the pictures to give you an idea what I was going for.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Here's a rough idea that I have for the first season of DLC:

  1. DC Cosmic character (we didn't actually get this round in the base game, so I figure we can have it for DLC)
  2. X-Men character (hero or villain - it seemed like a common sentiment that we're a little short in that regard)
  3. Non-Batman (or Superman?) villain (right now, there aren't many in the DC roster that fit the bill - if we're counting both Batman and Superman, it's just Deathstroke and Starro, and both of them are still sort of connected to Batman and/or Superman through Nightwing and the Justice League, respectively)
  4. Marvel villain (I feel like we could use at least one more - not counting examples like Magneto or Venom who aren't really outright villainous any more, we've mainly got Doctor Doom, Doc Ock, Loki, and Thanos)
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. Guest character (the top two make it into the roster)
For 5 and 6, I'm not sure what to go with. Avengers and JLA could work - I feel like we've got a lot of JLA members as it is (13, by my count - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Zatanna, Shazam, and Plastic Man), and there are likely others where I'm not aware of them actually being in the Justice League (like Constantine, Nightwing, or Blue Beetle), but there are bound to be a bunch of other examples that we're missing out on. (Hawkman/Hawkgirl and the Atom come to mind)

The idea of a horror-themed round seems interesting, even if I'm not sure who all would qualify. The roster could definitely use more people of colour on it (we only have 6, I think? Blue Beetle, Cyborg, Black Panther, Storm, Ms. Marvel, and Ultimate Spider-Man - not sure if Ra's al Ghul counts), though I'm not sure if both sides would need a round for that or just one of them would. Likewise, another DCEU/MCU round could help to cover characters that have appeared in movies/shows or are getting movies/shows soon, like Black Adam, She-Hulk, Shang-Chi, etc.

I also had an idea for characters originating from other universes, to allow for cases like Power Girl, the Maker, Squadron Supreme characters, the cast of the Watchmen, etc. to be available, though maybe that could be saved for season 2.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Agreed; maybe people felt like we had too many bases/headquarters as stages, but it makes me want to include one more stage per side so we can fit it in. Maybe it'll get in as DLC.

With the guest rounds, I agree that when we get to that point, having one round with the top two getting in makes the most sense.

Also, all of the Marvel movesets have been completed! Thanks again to Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer and PinkFlare PinkFlare for helping out with that. (there are five DC movesets left - Raven, Nightwing, Plastic Man, Catwoman, and Blue Beetle. I'll see what I can do for some of them when I have the time)
Very briefly on the topic of DLC stages
I think we should just do Marvel/DC stages. I'm not too sure about dedicating stages to IPs with only 1 character, given that we have a limited amount, and it leaves only 3 more stages for DC and 3 for Marvel. Granted, it is something fighting games usually do so perhaps I'm in the minority here.

I can work up some movesets for those DC characters. I'm not too sure on what I'll do for Nightwing but I have a couple of ideas; perhaps Catwoman too.
I was considering submitting an Ant-Man moveset for DLC when the time came, but now with Wasp in the game, I'm not too sure on that. I can recycle some moves, though.

Here's a rough idea that I have for the first season of DLC:

  1. DC Cosmic character (we didn't actually get this round in the base game, so I figure we can have it for DLC)
  2. X-Men character (hero or villain - it seemed like a common sentiment that we're a little short in that regard)
  3. Non-Batman (or Superman?) villain (right now, there aren't many in the DC roster that fit the bill - if we're counting both Batman and Superman, it's just Deathstroke and Starro, and both of them are still sort of connected to Batman and/or Superman through Nightwing and the Justice League, respectively)
  4. Marvel villain (I feel like we could use at least one more - not counting examples like Magneto or Venom who aren't really outright villainous any more, we've mainly got Doctor Doom, Doc Ock, Loki, and Thanos)
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. Guest character (the top two make it into the roster)
For 5 and 6, I'm not sure what to go with. Avengers and JLA could work - I feel like we've got a lot of JLA members as it is (13, by my count - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Zatanna, Shazam, and Plastic Man), and there are likely others where I'm not aware of them actually being in the Justice League, but there are bound to be a bunch of other examples that we're missing out on. (Hawkman/Hawkgirl and the Atom come to mind)

The idea of a horror-themed round seems interesting, even if I'm not sure who all would qualify. The roster could use more people of colour on it, though I'm not sure if both sides would need a round for that or just one of them would. Likewise, another DCEU/MCU round could help to cover characters that have appeared in movies/shows or are getting movies/shows soon, like Black Adam, She-Hulk, Shang-Chi, etc.

I also had an idea for characters originating from other universes, to allow for cases like Power Girl, the Maker, Squadron Supreme characters, the cast of the Watchmen, etc. to be available, though maybe that could be saved for season 2.
Marvel and DC should have cosmic rounds together. DC didn't have one for the base game so having one in the DLC makes sense, and the results of the Marvel round should make it pretty clear that we have way more options left for Marvel cosmic characters. It makes sense to me to do shared themes together, so we may as well get both cosmic rounds done in one shot. I would suggest to move X-Men to one of those latter two spots and have a DC specific round. I initially want to say the Suicide Squad as an option since we only have Harley Quinn from that team, but that effectively feels like another villain round; either way, you can decide on whatever you want for that.

There's no reason to exclude Superman's villains; Starro doesn't count, and the logic that it's because of the Justice League doesn't work because he would also be a Wonder Woman villain, a Flash villain, an Aquaman villain, etc., and that we shouldn't include villains for those characters either. So disregarding Starro, we only have 1 Superman villain (which is also 50% of all the present Superman characters), in a roster of (as of right now) 26 DC characters; excluding more Superman characters in future rounds seems like a really bad move. I can see the justification for excluding Batman villains, given that he has 4 villains, plus him and Nightwing are in the roster, and I suppose we wouldn't want a repeat of Injustice 2 having an overabundance of Batman characters (it had 9 out of 38 characters, so roughly 25%, which is was too much). I am going on a bit of a tangent though, so I'll end it here, but villain rounds for both sounds good to me and Black Adam will win the villain round anyway so it doesn't matter.

We can do an Avengers round, definitely a few more characters we can pull out of there. I'm iffy on the Justice League; on the one hand, we do have a lot (the 13 you mentioned, Doctor Fate and Constantine as they're on the Justice League Dark, and Blue Beetle who has been on both the JL and Teen Titans). On the other hand, there are some classic DC characters I want to see make it into this game that would best fit under a JL round... but there are also other rounds they could fit in, so I'm very unsure. Either way, I don't think the Justice League should be the X-Men rival team for the 1st DLC season.
On a related note I would have definitely saved Martian Manhunter for DLC but it's too late now

I highly recommend doing Horror as something unique for the DLC; It may not be as active of an round as other possible ideas, there are definitely characters available on both sides for it to at least have some interesting options from (Swamp Thing, Blade, DC Sandman, Elsa Bloodstone, Solomon Grundy, Werewolf By Night, Ragman, Man-Thing, Scarecrow... and uh... Morbius... just off the top of my head).

Both companies should have the PoC round, same with another female round. Doesn't really make sense to limit it to 1 company when both can fill those categories twice over; and your lineup has a villain round for both sides, so we may as well do the same for other universal categories like that.

Thinking about it now, we can probably scrap doing a Magic DLC round; I also had an idea for an Anti-Hero round, but I feel like DC already used all it's most popular options apart from Red Hood and Black Adam, whereas Marvel just as a wider pool to select from, so maybe that could be a Marvel specific round. We could hold a Batman specific round too, if there is demand for more Batman characters; on that topic, I would prefer to have a character from the Batfamily rather than a villain, either Batgirl or one of the other Robins, but that's moreso an opinion I should leave voting.

A Multiverse round sounds interesting, although I'm personally not too big a fan of some of those choices (truthfully I would rather not include Watchmen).

Alright, that's enough rambling; for today's jobs:

Job 121: Rivals
Martian Manhunter vs. Rocket & Groot - They're aliens I guess
Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye Iron Man - Batman is already fighting him so I don't wanna do this matchup, but we really have no other options.
Ghost Rider vs. John Constantine - Both are darker magic users, with Constantine having his fair share of experience against Hellspawns.
Venom vs. Blue Beetle - Both wear alien lifeforms that give them powers, both of which with their own consciousness and askew morals that contrast to Jaime's and (sometimes) Eddie's good nature. Blue Beetle also can use sound cannons, which directly exploit's Venom's weakness, making this an interesting fight.

1. Rebirth (Default)

2. First Appearance Suit
3. Superhero
4. When he was Doctor Fate for like 2 seconds

I picture this as having those blue affects surround him, ending in a mix of both Fate's and Constantine's signature costumes simultaneously, as seen in this panel.
5. Shazam Constantine
6. Punk
7. John Wick

He has to wear the gun on his back. The costume isn't complete without it
1. Default
2. Classic
3. Shadowland
4. Man Without Fear
5. I'm Not Daredevil

I know this isn't actually Daredevil, but wouldn't it be funny if the real Daredevil wore this?
6. Armored Suit
8. Daredevil Season 2

Just as an FYI, there is a difference between this and the S1 suit, that being the helmet: S2 is red instead of S1's black
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Very briefly on the topic of DLC stages
I think we should just do Marvel/DC stages. I'm not too sure about dedicating stages to IPs with only 1 character, given that we have a limited amount, and it leaves only 3 more stages for DC and 3 for Marvel. Granted, it is something fighting games usually do so perhaps I'm in the minority here.
That's understandable; I realize that not every guest would have a stage that could be associated with them, but I was hoping to include a particular stage if the Ninja Turtles made it in, at least:

As for the DLC themes, maybe I'll have a nomination period so we can all decide on them together and narrow the list of ideas down; any that aren't in the first season can still make it into the second or (if we get there) third.

When it comes to the Superman villains, I was counting both Luthor and Darkseid. Maybe it's because I grew up with Superman: The Animated Series, but I tend to tie Darkseid to the Superman mythos. (plus, Darkseid's first appearance was in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen) I mainly included Superman villains in that list because I figured there were a bunch of DC villains who were unaffiliated with either of them. (I don't necessarily have to leave Superman's villains out; it was just a thought that I had)
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
That's understandable; I realize that not every guest would have a stage that could be associated with them, but I was hoping to include a particular stage if the Ninja Turtles made it in, at least:

As for the DLC themes, maybe I'll have a nomination period so we can all decide on them together and narrow the list of ideas down; any that aren't in the first season can still make it into the second or (if we get there) third.

When it comes to the Superman villains, I was counting both Luthor and Darkseid. Maybe it's because I grew up with Superman: The Animated Series, but I tend to tie Darkseid to the Superman mythos. (plus, Darkseid's first appearance was in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen) I mainly included Superman villains in that list because I figured there were a bunch of DC villains who were unaffiliated with either of them. (I don't necessarily have to leave Superman's villains out; it was just a thought that I had)
Ah okay. I misinterpreted you saying that Deathstroke and Starro were still connected to Batman/Superman. I can see the justification for no Batman villains but I still think Superman villains should be on the table. A lot of them are incredibly popular and I think they deserve at least a chance to be nominated and subsequently crushed by Black Adam in the voting
Plus, like I said before, there are only 2 Superman characters in the roster, I don't think another villain would hurt. I'll let you in on a secret, one of my planned nominations is a popular Superman character, so I do intend to push for more characters from that IP.

I can think of stages for guests characters for sure, my main concern is just for more Marvel/DC stages. For the TMNT I would definitely say the Turtle's hideout or a Foot Clan base; For Invincible, I could suggest Talescira. Spawn's stage would obviously have to be Hell.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
I'm coming back to the 4 x 2 format since is easier to edit in PC (that it's where I mostly post).

Yellow Devil
The Man Without Fear
Secret War

Hellblazer (Earth-13)
Helmet of Fate
Trinity War (Shazam)
Keanu Reeves


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
  • Catwoman's rival will be Black Panther!
  • Captain Marvel's rival will be Wonder Woman!
  • Doctor Octopus's rival will be Blue Beetle!
  • We'll be using Oddball Oddball 's costumes for Plastic Man!
  • The poll for the Thing's costumes is tied, so I just flipped a coin - we'll be going with my costumes for him
Here are the rivalry polls:

And here are the costume polls:

-Darkonedagger (Constantine and Daredevil)
-Oddball (Constantine and Daredevil)
-1SecondNinja (Constantine and Daredevil)
-Infinity Sorcerer (Constantine and Daredevil)


Job 123: premiere costumes for Lex Luthor, Shazam, Doctor Doom, and Doctor Strange

As usual, you can nominate up to two per character.

Job 124: nominate themes for the DLC characters

I figure that, with space being much more limited than in the base game, I should hear from the community when it comes to what we feel like this game is missing. (rather than deciding entirely on my own) You can nominate two themes (one for Marvel, and one for DC), and we'll have ranked voting and include the top three for each side.

For example, I'll nominate:

DC villain

There are a ton of examples for us to work with here; while I could rule out Batman villains, I figure the likes of Poison Ivy, Clayface, Scarecrow, or Bane shouldn't be left out. There are plenty of villains outside of Batman's rogues gallery, though - the likes of Brainiac, Captain Cold, Black Manta, Black Adam, Sinestro, Cheetah, etc. haven't made it into the game yet, and as we've seen in previous villain rounds, there's a lot of possibilities outside of the major names.

Marvel person of colour

It's probably not a secret that we're lacking on this front for both sides, but with Marvel, a ton of examples spring to mind - Sam Wilson (either as Captain America or the Falcon), America Chavez, Shang-Chi, the Mandarin, Blade, Monica Rambeau, Luke Cage, Nico Minoru, Psylocke, Blue Marvel... Admittedly, most of that list is from the MCU, but there's still a lot that we can choose from. (I'm less familiar with DC beyond Batman and Superman, so I was less sure when it came to examples)


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
I feel kind of odd having mix-matching jobs for the Marvel and DC sides. I think if we want to nominate a person of color (or alien or villain or whatever) , we'd want both a marvel and DC person of color and not a Marvel Person of color and a DC robot for example.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
I feel kind of odd having mix-matching jobs for the Marvel and DC sides. I think if we want to nominate a person of color (or alien or villain or whatever) , we'd want both a marvel and DC person of color and not a Marvel Person of color and a DC robot for example.
Nothing stops you to submit it by yourself tho.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Job 123: Premiere Costumes Group 4
This time, out of a group of 4 characters, I only have costume ideas for Doctor Strange.
1. Baron Mordo (MCU Inspired)

He's a classic enemy of Strange and would work well as an alternate character using Strange's moveset.
While he definitely has the potential to be his own character, I find it highly unlikely he will be included.
2. Strange Supreme (MCU Inspired)

I wasn't too sure about submitting this since he is an alternate costume, but I wanted to include a Multiverse variant of Strange to go with our roster's theme, so I'll put this out there.
His dialogue would ideally be written differently to reflect that of a broken and evil variant of Strange, to justify Strange Supreme as his own character.

Job 124: Theme Nominations
I actually quite liked your original rough plan for the 1st season; having a Cosmic and Villain round for DC was the right call, and the X-Men definitely demanded having more than just 5 characters to justify their own round. I would have just wanted a Cosmic round for Marvel and a team round for DC to round it out.
Although, quite frankly, this job is extremely difficult. I could name about 10 themes that we could all suggest for DLC, but it looks like I'm nailed down to the top 2, and the decision is tought.

I want a Horror round for both sides to happen, but I think we can afford to leave that out of the first season. If anyone else wants to nominate that round, I say go right ahead.
I'm definitely sure somebody will nominate Cosmic rounds, too.
Quite a few of the round ideas I have leave lead to a few characters overlapping, though I truthfully see nothing wrong with that. It just makes me question which round should go first, since certain characters would fair better in one category than another.
My most wanted nomination would likely fit best in a Marvel/DC Female Characters round, but I feel like the more obvious names need to get done first.

Alright, here are my picks;
Justice Society (DC) - This stems from the Multiverse idea that was thrown about yesterday; the Justice Society has had a history of being moved between Prime Earth continuity and alternate Earth continuity, but that is all besides the point. The JSA was a very crucial team in early DC Comics, and continues to have influence in the modern day, with the team also now appearing in the DCEU via Black Adam. There are many members here that would likely never have another chance to be nominated; Power Girl, Hourman, The Spectre, Atom Smasher, Cyclone, Stargirl, Alan Scott's Green Lantern. This is ripe.
X-Men Round (Marvel) - This feels very obvious. We just need more X-Men in general.

I liked the Multiverse idea for DC and Marvel, but truth be told, the Marvel side of things just didn't impress me with what characters it had, and the ones that did catch my attention could all be nominated in other rounds (The Maker, Kang, America Chavez, etc.) This left DC, but having a Multiverse round for one side but not the other felt off. The Justice Society works as an alternative that still draws from the Multiverse and can be paired elsewhere.

I know the X-Men's rival team in the base roster was the Teen Titans, but truthfully I don't think we need another Titans round, as we already have 4 major members and a villain, and a lot of the other Titans are just sidekicks that share similar powers to their mentor. This left the X-Men without a rival, and I also came up with a new team without a rival, and from there the pieces just fit.

Here are other ideas I had, in case anyone wants to nominate them: DCEU/MCU, DC Person of Color, Marvel Villains, Justice League, Avengers, Anti-Heroes

I feel kind of odd having mix-matching jobs for the Marvel and DC sides. I think if we want to nominate a person of color (or alien or villain or whatever) , we'd want both a marvel and DC person of color and not a Marvel Person of color and a DC robot for example.
Truth be told I 100% agree with this. Outside of the team rounds, which I argue are exceptions, I would agree that all the other rounds are best being paired together; Especially in regards to the Person of Color round, of which both sides could definitely use.

Edited: I changed my nominated and the wording in my post to reflect those changes. Sorry for the confusion
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Lex Luthor premiere costume:

Alexander Luthor, Sr.

The sole hero of Earth-3, Alexander Luthor has dedicated his life to defending his world from the villainous Crime Syndicate. Also, in another way that he's the opposite of the Lex Luthor that we're all familiar with, he has hair! (facial hair, but it still counts)


Doctor Strange premiere costume:

Doctor Strangefate

A fusion of Doctor Strange and Doctor Fate from the Amalgam comics line - he could probably work as a costume for either one, but I went with Doctor Strange because it tied in with an arcade mode ending idea that I had. Speaking of which...


Doctor Fate arcade mode ending:

Doctor Fate managed to seal away Thanoseid and undo the damage that the monstrous amalgamation had done, but at a great personal cost. His energy was draining, and his body was giving out - he is well over a hundred years old, and doing all of this took everything that he had.

Kent Nelson passes away peacefully in his home, content with having saved two universes. The Lords of Order are not bothered by this - they have other plans...

The other members of the Justice Society give the Helmet of Fate to Doctor Strange, as outlined in a recent addition to Nelson's will. Strange accepts it, putting it in a place of honour within the Sanctum Sanctorum to act as a shrine to a fallen friend.

One night, as Strange sleeps, his room is filled with a golden glow as the Helmet of Fate enters his chambers. Waking up, he tries to cast a defensive spell, but it is too late - the helmet zooms towards his head.

Now with a body that can never age, the Lords of Order can continue their efforts in spreading order to the multiverse without having to worry about what had happened to Kent Nelson. With this merger, Doctor Strangefate is born.


I couldn't think of any premiere costumes for Shazam or Doctor Doom that would work well - with Doom, I could have went with the Doombot from Avengers AI and the Runaways, but it seems like the sorts of characters that he'd interact with wouldn't be in here, so it felt pointless. As for Shazam, Freddy Freeman (whether he's known as Captain Marvel Jr., Shazam Jr., King Marvel, etc.) seems quite a bit different from the original Shazam physically, and I didn't want to limit Black Adam to just being a costume.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Oh, just as an FYI, since there aren't notifications for post edits, I changed my first nomination. I'll throw in some interactions to justify this post.

Batman vs. Flashpoint Batman
Bruce: "You aren't the hero Gotham needs."
Thomas: "I did it all for you, Bruce."
Bruce: "...I'm sorry it has to be like this."

Bruce: "I never would have thought I'd see you like this."
Thomas: "I lost everything when I lost you."
Bruce: "You didn't have to become a killer because of it."

Flashpoint Batman vs. Flash
Thomas: "This idiot again?"
Flash: "Nice to see you again, too."
Thomas: "Let's make this quick."

Flash vs. Flashpoint Batman
Flash: "I'm sorry I left your world in war; I thought it'd change."
Thomas: "And I thought you were our last hope; I guess it was fated to end this way."
Flash: "I'll make this right, even if I have to fight you!"

Flashpoint Batman vs. Cyborg
Thomas: "Are you the President's lackey in this universe too."
Cyborg: "No, but that doesn't make me a pushover either."
Thomas: "I always did want to beat some sense into that chrome-dome of yours."

Flashpoint Batman vs. Superman
Thomas: "So, you're supposed to be the world's greatest hero?"
Superman: "And you're Gotham's greatest killer?"
Thomas: "I'll put you back underground, alien."

Reverse Flash vs. Flashpoint Batman
RF: "Did you think I'd forget about you?"
Thomas: "Sounds like you need another sword through your chest." (Comic)
RF: "I'm going to enjoy killing you!"

RF: "Did you think I'd forget about you?"
Thomas: "Sounds like you need another bullet through the head." (Movie)
RF: "I'm going to enjoy killing you!"


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I feel kind of odd having mix-matching jobs for the Marvel and DC sides. I think if we want to nominate a person of color (or alien or villain or whatever) , we'd want both a marvel and DC person of color and not a Marvel Person of color and a DC robot for example.
That's understandable - my thinking was that people might have felt that one side was lacking something, but the other side might not necessarily be lacking the same thing. (for example, someone might think that we could use another Avenger, like Hawkeye or the Vision, but that we've covered their DC equivalent, the Justice League, pretty well)

If people felt that both sides were lacking the same thing, then someone else could nominate a similar category for the other side.

I could change it, though I'm not sure how the best way to handle it would be. Having people nominate two categories for both sides - for example, changing my nominations to people of colour from Marvel and DC and villains from Marvel and DC - and including the top three overall, might get chaotic (or at least result in there being a lot of options to choose from, and the vote potentially being split half a dozen ways). On the other hand, doing something similar but dropping it down to one nomination per person (so I'd have to pick and choose between the two choices that I listed in bold) might be too constraining.
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Deleted member

Dr Strange costume:

Everyone loves Wong. Would be based more on the MCU version. There'd a slight body difference but I think it could work.

I kinda liked the list we had tbh

Street Level Marvel character:
Luke Cage. Punisher. Moon Knight. Many more. Some more street level vigilantes would be fun

Cosmic DC:
People seem to want this and there are options. Starfire, a New God, a Lantern, the Hawks.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
That's understandable - my thinking was that people might have felt that one side was lacking something, but the other side might not necessarily be lacking the same thing. (for example, someone might think that we could use another Avenger, like Hawkeye or the Vision, but that we've covered their DC equivalent, the Justice League, pretty well)

If people felt that both sides were lacking the same thing, then someone else could nominate a similar category for the other side.

I could change it, though I'm not sure how the best way to handle it would be. Having people nominate two categories for both sides - for example, changing my nominations to people of colour from Marvel and DC and villains from Marvel and DC - and including the top three overall, might get chaotic (or at least result in there being a lot of options to choose from, and the vote potentially being split half a dozen ways). On the other hand, doing something similar but dropping it down to one nomination per person (so I'd have to pick and choose between the two choices that I listed in bold) might be too constraining.
I don't think anyone would have a problem with having the same rounds for both sides, or at least for the specific two you addressed.
Team rounds would have to require two nominations by nature, since there isn't a DC X-Men or a Marvel Justice Society; but otherwise it seems pretty straightforward with sharing the same rounds across both sides. It's a system that worked really well in the base game, and I never felt like mixing and matching was the right way to go, unless there was a very unanimous exception like the Justice League*.

And for most of these categories it is something both sides could use more of. We have very few Cosmic characters on both sides of the roster, we don't have anyone from a Horror comic, there are a lot of popular Villains from both sides people want to see, and we could always use more Women, given that they are 50% of Earth's population. It'd probably be harder to name a category where there is already enough on one side.

I think we're already too deep into this job's nominations to change it so suddenly, though. I suppose at the end of the job we could just slap a counterpart category in the case it isn't nominated; i.e. if we don't get a nomination for Marvel villains but we have a DC villain round, we can add Marvel Villains as an option for voting regardless.

*I have since thought about the JL after I initially talked about them, and I think we could afford to have another round. There are a couple characters I thought about having that best fit under this round, but not elsewhere (Booster Gold, Hawkgirl, Firestorm, Black Lightning, The Atom, etc.). We could rebrand it as "Obscure Justice League Members" or "The Justice League B-Team", lol.

I kinda liked the list we had tbh


Cosmic DC:
People seem to want this and there are options. Starfire, a New God, a Lantern, the Hawks.
I agree, I thought that first list was a good start. I'm hoping the Cosmic DC round still happens this season- I previously said I would have nominated Brainiac but that has since changed; I have a new idea for a character that I think would make a great fit, especially given their popularity in the comics.

Also, Megadoomer Megadoomer , I think we should also decide soon if we're going to have a 3rd season or not. It may help with spreading out the categories, knowing that the ones that don't make it into the first 2 seasons can still happen in the last one, and then we can just decide which categories we should do after each season.

I know 3 seasons may sound like a lot, but looking at other popular fighting games, Street Fighter V had 5 seasons of DLC, Tekken 7 had 4 seasons, and Dragon Ball Fighters Z had 3 seasons; the latter two only ended their DLC within the past 2 years as well.
We could look at Mortal Kombat 11 for a quick comparison, which only had 2 seasons of DLC, but I feel like it's worth noting that NetherRealm games typically have less fighters overall, since that's just how they develop them. No reason to assume ours won't be done differently

Deleted member

Some rounds I think could he one side only. But I think if we do something like a POC round it should prolly be for both
Aug 7, 2021
my office, probably
Not really a nomination but I think we should have an even split of heroes and villains in the DLC round. Not sure if we agreed how many DLC characters there are (I haven't been paying too much attention to the thread, sorry) but I feel like 6 villains and 6 heroes would work quiet nicely. We could figure out the categories later

Deleted member

Not really a nomination but I think we should have an even split of heroes and villains in the DLC round. Not sure if we agreed how many DLC characters there are (I haven't been paying too much attention to the thread, sorry) but I feel like 6 villains and 6 heroes would work quiet nicely. We could figure out the categories later
Eight. Two are guests


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I think we're already too deep into this job's nominations to change it so suddenly, though. I suppose at the end of the job we could just slap a counterpart category in the case it isn't nominated; i.e. if we don't get a nomination for Marvel villains but we have a DC villain round, we can add Marvel Villains as an option for voting regardless.
I think I'll do that where I can - so, for example, there will be options for people of colour for both companies, or the Avengers and the Justice League would both be options since someone nominated the Avengers. Sorry about the confusion that resulted from all of this.

Not really a nomination but I think we should have an even split of heroes and villains in the DLC round. Not sure if we agreed how many DLC characters there are (I haven't been paying too much attention to the thread, sorry) but I feel like 6 villains and 6 heroes would work quiet nicely. We could figure out the categories later
To be clear, season 1 will have eight characters - three Marvel, three DC, and two guests. Season two will be the same thing; I'm not sure if season 3 will be all Marvel/DC if we get to that point, or if people will still want guests by then.

I'll just put up a poll to clarify how we want to handle this. The way I see it, there's two options:

  • Individually - we could wind up with Avengers, X-Men, Marvel PoC, Justice Society, cosmic DC, and DC anti-heroes, depending on what the most popular options are (we'd vote for Marvel and DC separately)
  • In groups - each side would get similar jobs (so we'd have one vote, where the two companies would be grouped together - so we could have Avengers and Justice League, cosmic Marvel and cosmic DC, and Marvel villains and DC villains, etc.)

In cases like 1SecondNinja's where no counterpart really exists, I'll go with something else they've mentioned, like a round for women or horror-themed characters.

Once again, sorry about all of the confusion surrounding this; a lot of this is new to me.
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