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Dallas Stuff

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Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
wow lol

ANYWAYS... the Inferno will be held according to plan, idk if smashboards will be sketchy or not for the next few days so if there is anyone new or anyone who doesn't have a way to contact me about going then call my cell


ask for Eric or Fire, your choice lol

Keep the G&W!!!


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
First post updated! The google maps link doesn't seem to work though.

I'll bring a full setup. I will also try not to lock my keys in my car this time.

$5 singles, $1 teams! With items on in teams! (not that I suggest that every tournament)


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
Apparently l-canceling is out. And I'm talking about the fast fall > aerial > land with no lag. It's removed. Also, you can now not only up-smash out of shield, but forward- and down-smash. And has everyone seen the completed roster?

Sad about no l-cancel? Forget your troubles with the power of DANCE:

EDIT: I updated the first post. For the rules I suggest we give SBR a whirl (http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=137382).

Edit again: Hey! And float canceling IS in! Not fair not fair not fair!


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2005
In a Kingdom of Mushrooms, max'n
SBR Rules kinda blow. I assume that the old school people who are in the back room like Rtard stages. So they have been fixed.

SBR Recommended Rule List The Box edition
Super Smash Brothers: Melee (singles and doubles)
The following list was created by members of the Smash Back Room (SBR).
General Rules
  • Items are set to off
  • The stock is set to 4 *
  • The time limit is set to a minimum of 90 seconds per stock **
  • All sets are best of 3 matches except semi/finals 3/5
  • In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors
  • No player may choose the stage they last won on
  • Ties will be broken by lives, then percentage. In the event of a percentage tie, one stock sudden death will be played
  • Wobbling is NOT allowed
  • The Ice Climber Freeze Glitch is banned
  • Jigglypuff's rising pound stall is banned
  • Peach's bomber stall beneath levels where she is unreachable is banned (example: FoD)
Set Format (in order of procedure)
1. Opponents choose their characters for the first match *
2. Each player may announce one stage to be banned for the entirety of the set
3. The first stage will be played at random from the Random Stage List **
4. The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage from either the Random Stage List or the Counter Stage List
5. The winner of the previous match chooses their character
6. The loser of the previous match chooses their character
7. Repeat steps 4-7 for all proceeding matches
*Double blind character selection may be called for this match
**Opponents may instead agree upon a random stage

Random Stage List
Dream Land: Fountain of Dreams
Kanto: Pokemon Stadium
edit *
Past Stages: Dream Land
Special Stages: Final Destination
Special Stages: Battlefield
Yoshi's Island: Yoshi's Story

Counter Stage List
Mushroom Kingdom: Rainbow Cruise*
Dream Land: Green Greens *
DK Island: Jungle Japes
F-Zero Grand Prix: Mute City
Kanto Skies: Poke Floats
Lylat System: Corneria
Planet Zebes: Brinstar
Past Stages: Kongo Jungle*

Banned Stage List
Mushroom Kingdom: Princess Peach's Castle *
DK Island: Kongo Jungle
Eagleland: Onett
Eagleland: Fourside
F-Zero Grand Prix: Big Blue
Hyrule Temple
Infinite Glacier: Icicle Mountain
Lylat System: Venom
Mushroom Kingdom I
Mushroom Kingdom II*
Yoshi's Island: Yoshi's Island
Past Stages: Yoshi's Island
Superflat World: Flat Zone
Termina: Great Bay

Additional Rules for Double's Play
  • Life Stealing is allowed
  • Set team attack to ON
  • Add Termina: Great Bay to the Counter Stage List
  • Add F-Zero Grand Prix: Mute City to the Banned Stage List
  • Add Dream Land: Fountain of Dreams to the Banned Stage List

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
No L-Canceling BKM will own in this game. Next, that song is from the original Pokemon CD that came out before the first movie. #2 - This tournament is mine. Since Roy isn't in brawl, I've dropped him as a character i play in Melee, meaning. All high Tier, meaning, you people have hell to pay.

More than likely I will attend this tournament, more than likely I will win this tournament. "RoK no you won't". When I tried to main Marth for a brief period (after practicing only a week), I did very well, beating Poot's Doc, 3 stocking RunningBrave, 4 Stocking Aeris. Etc. After a day or two of practing with Fox, I managed to 4 stock runningbrave (Ditto), beat a few people, and I managed to beat LG with my Fox, and beat Swift in a few Dittos. (I think he still won the majority however).

I'll let my skills do the talking since I have two weeks of training on my hands. Just don't under-estimate my speed or technique.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
garland, tx
inferno was super crunk yesterday. kg+bluezaft=pwnage .I didn't even get to play pootthebox(more yoshi dittos).but next time we play I really need to get
falco(runningbrave/poot thats where yall come in)and marth(bluezaft/brave thats where yall come in)practice.
any other character im pretty much straight.jus them two though.

brave I want some more G&W.

big MM comin. poot the box(falco)vs fogo(mario).ITS GOIN DOWN!!

who will be victorious?


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2005
In a Kingdom of Mushrooms, max'n
Quarter and Meph keep on showing. It's good to have new blood and yall have potential.

K.G. what about Ganondorf/Roy/Falcon?

RoK how could you do it? Zero Roy now? I'm gonna have to beat your high tiers with my low now to show you Truth. Tiers don't exist....................most of the time

Fogo is strangely confident in our MM so I'm getting teeny tiny tad bit worried about it.

Psssssssssssyche! I want it recorded and on the internet same day.


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
Quarter and Meph keep on showing. It's good to have new blood and yall have potential..
i second that, you guys keep up the appearances =D

also about our mm Mr. box, im gonna have to fold.

i figure either way it's not gonna be fun and one of us is gonna end up losing money and bragging rights, and i dont care to do that to you or have it happen to me.

so no more mm's between friends.

The one man revolution has spoken :p

but i will humiliate a chump like rawr any day of the week.


RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
Cloak & Dagger : I was four stocked for the very well known fact I didn't even touch Marth, and was concentrating more on the Roy Ditto MM (Which never happened). No one will be able to four stock me, or even beat me I believe. And since you're so **** talkative, how about a $5 money match? Put your money where your ego is.

Fire : Once again, a character I didn't practice equal the KG 3 stock. You ain't no friend of mine, so you should have no problem $5 money matching me. Your whatever V.S. My whatever.

Anyone else, I'll accept or decline your money matches at my leisure.

See everyone at the tournament. And Poot. Roy had many disadvantages I had to deal with, including being bottom of the recovery tier, Low damage in attacks (Though powerful), Really 1 kill move, mediocre speed and hardly any combo ability on most characters.. now that I'm actually using higher characters, you all got a problem. BTW, my Falco is faster than yours now.


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
lets hope bluezaft doesnt 4 stock you again
Yeah, because then I'd get beat up.

Cloak & Dagger : I was four stocked for the very well known fact I didn't even touch Marth, and was concentrating more on the Roy Ditto MM (Which never happened). No one will be able to four stock me, or even beat me I believe. And since you're so **** talkative, how about a $5 money match? Put your money where your ego is.
If you look closely at his post you'll notice that he didn't brag at all. He just referenced me 4-stocking you. Thus, his "ego" would in fact lie in me, so what you would be asking for is a MM where the two of us play each other, Jake putting his money on me and you putting your money on you. I'd be up for it! And why shouldn't you MM me, since you're going to win the tournament, you might as well make a little extra on the side. We've already got a $1 Roy ditto, $10 Sheik vs Fox; how about a more fair, any character MM, name the price... 5? 10? 20?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
some people just never learn... 1 dollar mm bluezaft? my mario vs your bluezaft marth

retire my mario(if you can laddy), the sooner the better.

3/5 random.

come on rok did you really expect that everyone would be cool with you saying all this mess. lmfao.

might i suggest strawberry flavored cupcakes for this next event with cream filling

that's the way, uh huh uh huh... i like it!

edit: fire, our dear friend R-BRAVE was merely remarking on your sudden change of heart, and then proceeded to make chicken noises. prove your might good man! it will be a good set nonetheless and there are no hard feelings amongst friends.

R-BRAVE to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!!!

ill accept 5 dollar mm's at this tourny. bkm? swift? lg? melee1? melee2? melee3?


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2007
Haha thanks Poot.
Yeah, we're planning on coming every week possible now so yall will be seeing us alot more.

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
Blue, First off, my ego doesn't lie on you. You managed to four stock a character I never use (with the exception of teams) and I never practice with at all, congradulations!

I don't play Roy anymore, so that $1 money match is canceled, I gave you plenty opportunity at the last tournament. Next, the $10 Shiek V.S. Fox, canceled; As I said, can't come to ya crib, no bettin' bills.

As for any other challengers I'm more than welcomed to take you on, probably. But I will be winning the tournmanent, just don't look too shocked.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
garland, tx
Quarter and Meph keep on showing. It's good to have new blood and yall have potential.

K.G. what about Ganondorf/Roy/Falcon?

RoK how could you do it? Zero Roy now? I'm gonna have to beat your high tiers with my low now to show you Truth. Tiers don't exist....................most of the time

Fogo is strangely confident in our MM so I'm getting teeny tiny tad bit worried about it.

Psssssssssssyche! I want it recorded and on the internet same day.
im not worried about them at all we can get that roy ditto again though

The Mano Games VII

Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2008
Where I live? Why, location is a state of mind my
um hey scavenger? sry to interrupt whatever the heck ur doin (money bets?), but I accidently double posted a thread and I see that your a moderator so you think you could delete the one that has a less recent update date? You'll know it's the thread I need deleted if it's in the Creative Minds forums and it says, "sry this is an accident, plz read the thread above that's also titled "The Descending Evil". Oh by the way the stories called "The Descending Evil".


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
It's a good thing you posted that here in the Dallas thread, you wouldn't want to run the risk of spamming. And speaking of money bets: Scav! $50 MM, your Lucario vs. my Zamus on March 9th! You're mine!

I don't play Roy anymore, so that $1 money match is canceled, I gave you plenty opportunity at the last tournament. Next, the $10 Shiek V.S. Fox, canceled; As I said, can't come to ya crib, no bettin' bills.
So since you can't come to my apartment anymore, I'm not allowed to lose money to your superior smash skills? Noooooo, what a terrible day this is for Bluezaft!

Oh, and the good news is today your awesome Captain Falcon was destroying Fire. And let's not even bring up that Pikachu ditto 4-stock you pulled on him, he's still sensitive.
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