Me: Hey Drew, you know when you do a waveshine and the guy automatically grabs the edge?
Dr DrewtheDragon: yeah
Me: Well, I was working on it, and you can do a spin in your shine, reverse wavedash from it, shine them again, and you'll be off the stage facing the edge. Insta-hedgehog.
Dr DrewtheDragon: Oh. I just don't shine them when they're at that distance. I do a grab instead.
Me: Oh...
Dr DrewtheDragon: You stick to the tech skill. I'll stick with the mindgames

Me: And then we can go to a big tournament, combine and form a giant robot, blowing everybody up?
Dr DrewtheDragon: Actually, we'd probably just form PC Chris.
Oh, and as for not going to tournaments and working your hardest to get good in the short time you have left... it's good to be focusing on your mindgames and thinking about the NEXT smash, but...
Mitch Hedberg: Some lady asked me why I drink red wine, she said, "don't it give you a headache?" I said yeah. At the end. But the beginning and middle are GREAT. I'm not gonna not do something just cuz I don't like what happens at the end. 'Hey Mitch, you want an apple?' 'No, cuz eventually, it'll be a core.'
Cmon man. Improve for the sake of improvement, and play the game cuz you like it. Don't worry about becoming a pro, strive towards it because you're making yourself better. Plus, you never know just how handy the skills you pick up in this game will be when you start the next one. Plus, won't you feel silly if the next Smash isn't a tournament worthy game and has too many broken things in it (competitively speaking) and we all have to stick with Melee for another couple years? You'll be glad you picked up l-cancelling early.