Ill grace you with one final post and you can respond to it if you want but I don't really care.The ability to not care about what you people think is awesome. None of you know me at all and I don't care about any of you, so why should I care about your opinions of me? You're wasting your time writing posts like that, and I'm not going to let you waste my time by even reading them.
We do know you, because you spend all of your time around us and its very unpleasant
You do care about our opinions because you waste your time posting here speaking of your petty accomplishments even though nobody ever dignifies you with a response
I'm not wasting my time, because I know you read it or you wouldn't have bothered to reply
If you really don't care about us, then just leave us alone and exit the smash scene.
You probably would have done this by now, but I'm sure you get the same treatment everywhere you go
You can just sit there and never change if you're honestly happy with yourself
I'm pretty confident that happy people don't spend such vast amounts of energy on trying to improve the self-image they exhibit in a video game community
I could be wrong, but I don't find myself in a tournament trying to look cool by **** talking people who were nice to me and trying to say things that might impress people who actually have the right to talk ****(but don't do so as frequently as you because they're usually decent people)
Keep telling yourself you don't care
I'm only trying to help you understand that if you want people to respect you as you so clearly do, some changes need to be made.
If you won't change, at least realize that people do not want to be bothered by you when all you're going to talk about is yourself.
Ignorance is bliss, right?