Hey how legit is dthrow-yellow/any fsmash/regrab on Falco? Or is it only good for a sexy mixup?
Oh on Snake if you grab him sorta near the ledge do dthrow-fullhop fair (don't fair right away but at the last moment before he can get out) and then dair (don't double jump). It might be a true combo lmao. The reason you shouldn't fair asap is because you wanna be as close to snake as possible for the dair. This is amazing. Also I like to apply this same concept of waiting on the fair and doing fullhop fair then another fair. And if they get back to the ground in time, make it look like you're gonna land in front of them but DI back at the last moment and grab.
Anyways, juggling. I like what Hilt said about empty shorthops. This has been really big for me lately. Just make sure you're taking the proper angle on the empty shorthop. Think of it this way: the chances of the empty shorthop baiting a favorable reaction (airdodge, attack) is directly proportionate to how much under them you are. If you're directly under them, they'll probably attack or airdodge. If you take too harsh an angle, an empty shorthop might even put you in a bad position. So make sure you're under them and not next to them.
Generally when you empty shorthop, your goal isn't even to hit them in the air, but to **** up theit landing. When people are at high percents they tend to shield more, so try to get to the spot they are landing and grab. If you're really good you can use the empty shorthop to bait the reaction and hit them with a smash attack.
Uair frame traps nicely. I can't really explain the spacing, just kinda follow them with uair, track their movement and try to follow where they are going, don't just jump at them and hope for the best, really lock in the placement of that uair, while keeping in mind how you're gonna land safely in case you miss (big mistake I see is Olimar goes for aerial followup, misses, then doesn't know how to land and make one of the following mistakes: land in front of the opponent (don't ever land in front of your opponent if you can avoid it) and either airdodge of incomplete nair, which gets shielded. And then if they do land, they'll roll or shield because they haven't thought past doing the upair. So make sure you just land away, and have your next action in mind in case the uair misses).
With pivotgrabs, what I've learned is to try to do them at the last moment once you think they've commited to how they are gonna land (particularly when you think they are gonna try to attack you). This is something I'm still working on, I always forget to pivot grab, I think I would win everytime if I applied this pivotgrab approach I just outlined haha. I'm working on internalizing this concept to I don't have to think about it when I do it.
Once you hit them far away, throw a pikmin and try to get them to airdodge. Works best with a white. Idk why but i ALWAYS get lucky when I hit them too far away, I seem to have a white next, and my aim ***** so I land it on them, so they'll attack it off and I'll try to run back to where they are.
...Yea I'm getting my oil changed and tired rotated right now and I needed something to do, so I posted this epic goldmine of information lol. Apply all this **** and every one of you will be ridiculously better haha.