"No time limit (this is a strategy game, you don't want to rush it)"
Yes it's true, but I want to see your face if someone doesn't move any unit in 1 hour.
"Summoned units, including Amiibo, are allowed but only one per team. Additionally, Summoned units that are copies of units already on the team are not allowed. For example, you can't have two Takumis"
I agree on the second part, no clones allowed, but if you limit the summoned unit at only one per team you can say goodbye to an amiibo team or a "perfect" childrens team and that's not fair.
"Warp can be used but it has restrictions. If you use Warp, you are not allowed to act again. A unit must end their turn after using Warp"
I think not allowing a unit to act after warping is too much, I'd rather having the skill on only one unit, to me it seems a better choice.
"Hexing Rods and Entrap are banned"
This is a nice rule, I forgot the status staffs.
"Lunge is banned"
Is this necessary? Is Lunge so broken to deserve a ban? I don't have the game so I can't tell, but I know its pretty good.
"Bifrost is banned"
Bifrost works in multiplayer? I was thinking not lol.
"Handicap is on (this is to stop OP units and also to give Conquest players a fair chance)"
I don't know what the handicap does but seems honest.
"Great Club is banned (it can have a crit rate as high as 71 without forging)"
It has only 45% hit, so it's really difficult to land a hit online when usually the enemy's units have pretty good evade, maybe we can limit it to only one per team.
"Brave Weapons allowed as long as they're not forged"
Are they so powerful if forged?
I agree pretty much on all the rest, but maybe Lethality should really be limited to only one per team, yes it's rare and unreliable but if you are a bit unlucky...