I haven't been able to find the fame data on Corrin and Bayo's counters, but they seem to come out faster than others. It's hard to uair string/combo characters when their counter comes out around frame 5, and it punishes so powerfully. Which Time is straight dumb sometimes, and Corrin's counter is just incedibly strong, and hardly ever misses. I don't mind someone playing smart counters, but when it comes to a point that counters can happen during a multi-hit dair, and confirm a stock, it's a little ridiculous.
Bayo and Corrin, without a doubt, have the top two counters in the game. They're borderline impossible to combo on, and when your character is combo heavy (Mario, Shiek, Zero Suit), the matchup is heavily against you. (Especially when Bayo is a combo Queen and her multi-hit jab is harder to mash out of compared to anyone else's in the game, and that they're both fairly difficult to gimp--Bayo ESPECIALLY because she has tons of jumps, and Corrin gets super armor and hitboxes during up+b).
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they're in the game, and I'm happy that my way of playing is being challenged, but I feel like these characters do their job a little TOO WELL at the moment.