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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
i have enouhg cards to make you a deck, there all mad old though. i odnt even remember what set i stopped collecting at



Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
running 2 games in one day is honestly stupid, there just isn't enough time, maybe if you had a 2 day event.

and why would you run 64 how many players in CT play 64? Like at least somewhat seriously?

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
running 2 games in one day is honestly stupid, there just isn't enough time, maybe if you had a 2 day event.

and why would you run 64 how many players in CT play 64? Like at least somewhat seriously?
It's just an idea. Mostly to see how many people would be interested...

I asked people at the tournament today and atleast 10 said they would play. Plus, I have about 15 friends who play 64 competitively amongst each other all the time. I'm sure they can put up a challenge for the people in CT thread. :"}

So going by that 25... I'm sure if I dug deep there could be atleast 30.

EDIT: Anyways, going to bed. G'night!


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Link inside the spoiler.
Its awesome. What do you think?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
That's a good idea Budai but I wasn't trying to get anyone into anime, it was DD. Unless your saying I should have said that or something.
Hah, I must have been tired last night. I think I just saw your post first and missed DD's or something *shrug*. Anyway, I think Bebop would be a good first anime for anyone, really.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
EDIT: How many people would be interested in a Smash Bros 64 tournament?
Thanks for stealing my idea biotch. I asked people yesterday if they would be down for an N64 Smashfest the week after Esticle.

You know what would be awesome? An N64 Esticle.

I still think and probably always will think N64 is the best Smash Brothers game.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
That'd be cool, and i would go if esticle were closer to me and I wasn't doing anything else on the weekend. But I suck at 64 (still find it fun though).


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
*if you plan on watching seasons 1-4 of lost and you haven't watched any of it yet don't read any of this* *season finally spoilers have been blacked out*
I think everyone here who watches it has seen the last few episodes so we're beyond spoiler tags

*shrug* I enjoy having mysteries presented to me. I really think it's quite challenging without crosssing the line into stupid. I know it's a played out analogy but it really is like pieces of a puzzle slowly being turned over. Some you are like "ahhh so that's what that is" and others (most) are like "so I know what that looks like but how does it fit with the rest/what's the bigger picture". The fact that new questions/mysteries are constantly being presented may give the illusion that nothing ever happens but um remember when the Others were dirty mysterious strangers living in the jungle? Of course I am pretty much almost as hardcore as one can get with that show... I freaking love it so much and read up on and follow theories and the ARG stuff the show does (kind of like viral marketing: did you see this during a commercial break?: http://www.octagonrecruiting.com/ )

I really like Jack still. He's had some shoddy flashbacks (the tattoo one in particular). But he's insanely flawed and complicated, which is why I like him. I like tragic people with hero complexes. I loved Locke's line in the finale: "If you lie to them half as well as you do to yourself, they'll believe you." Plus I love bearded Jack, obv. *strokes beard*

And yeah the producers were pushing hard for ABC to give them an end date and I believe before season 4 aired they came to an agreement. There are going to be 2 more seasons with 17 episodes each. Originally it was going to be 16 each but since the writer's strike f'ed up this season they added some.
I see what you're saying in that the fact that they present things to us in pieces can be enjoyable. This is basically what keeps people tuning in every week. The only things I don't like about it is as good as my memory can be, I sometimes forget important island secret from seasons 1+2. I think the show is much deeper than what the average viewer sees and thats why it's interesting to read up on little eggs you might miss while watching it on tv. Also the countless theories that can be found on lost forums are rarely about the future of the drama but about the metaphysical stuff.
I think it is Jack's "hero complex" that makes me not like him. It leads him to make stupid choices, and he is constantly trying to save everybody. I know a few people like this in real life, people going to school for psychology who are more ****ed up than the patients they are going to see, and that just never made sense to me.

you guys watch lost too?

sayid is badass

lol @ Hugo beating eco in chess

lol Jeremy Bentham wtf.......

Ben is the f**kin man.........I love Ben honestly he is one of the many reasons I keep up with the show. F**k Jack and Kate and all that mellow drama with Soyer/juliet. Ben and Locke have a WAY MORE INTERESTING plot
I agree x10

As for Lost:
How do you guys think the island actually moved?
The same way a gigantic polar bear ended up on the island lol
I think when he turned that spoke it released a controlled level of something similar to what came out that one time they didn't put in the code to stop the countdown. This most likely being electromagnetism or something of the sort. I'm not sure if this resulted in a displacement in time or dimension. lol wow I sound crazy...

i MM'd echo in chess and won. he not that good

Also more Lost:
XD I thought that they were dead too. Also, wouldn't Sawyer and Juliet have gotten off the island too, since it seems that Locke and Ben did in the Flash Forwards...

Spolier Tags are too good.
not necessarily because we found out how Ben got off. We also know that he left the island regularly.

The whole "they are dead" theory regularly has new evidence to support it, but I think its more complicated than that.

I think Micheal is dead because Jacob appeared right b4 the shipped blew up. "you can leave now". Leave now as in not be apart of Jacobs plot scheme etc. I think Claire is a ghost like Jacob now. I don't think that she is normal anymore. she seems to have given herself to Jacob and be engulfed in the plan.
ehhh engulfed? We still don't really know what jacob is, and whatever he is I'm sure claire is not the same. What confuses me is that
when claire appears to kate in her dream she tells her not to return to the island, but the voice on the phone tells her that she has to return. Also ben says that everyone who left needs to go back in order for any of them to get back. See this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt9Au265l5c

Lost spoilers(?):
EDIT: As for Michael, the dude who appeared said "you can go now," right? Keep in mind in the Michael-centric episode, it was revealed that he wanted to kill himself but couldn't, and later aligned with the others.
I thought it was that he couldn't kill himself until he completed his mission, and that was to protect the people on the island. That whole part with him back on the main land confuses the hell out of me because that almost leads to believe they are in fact already dead. How else could that dude show up just as he pulls the trigger and there are no bullets? idk its muy confusing

Link inside the spoiler.
Its awesome. What do you think?
This is interesting . I read somewhere right after the episode that they thought he said something like that. Either way that move was sooo badddass lol. I'm going to see if people have tried to find out what all those whispers say that appear frequently.

this time it should work : ]


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
That Kates phone call vid...
Just WOW.
I think you're right about that electro magnet stuff.

Also, I applied for a job at Block Buster!
Anyone know what they pay?



Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic

I believe that Lock anticipated the dilemma with "All of them having to return"

I feel that he suggested it when he asked Jack to stay with him. Jack left and hence the island didnt like it and did something "bad". The ladder is what I think Lock thinks wouldve happened. however...enter Ben.

Ben stated that everyone had to return. If Lock is correct about his aniticaption he(Ben) suggests that is wasn't only Jack leaving that did something to the island. I mean if it was just Jack then Jack would be able to return himself right? I am compelled to think that everyone leaving did something bad to the island hence Ben wanting everyone to return.

I would like to know what Jacob thinks of Clares statement to Kate. I believe that Jacob would not agree because for the most part i believe that jacob and Ben are on the same page (whether they know it or not.) Jacob and Ben seemed to be very concerned about the fate of the island and do not suggest that they would contradict the need of everyone. Clare using her new "ghost" status was selfish and wanted her baby to live normally. I cannot think of any possible reason as to why clare would be next to the baby saying what she said to kate other than the ladder.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
That Kates phone call vid...
Just WOW.
I think you're right about that electro magnet stuff.

Also, I applied for a job at Block Buster!
Anyone know what they pay?

The one I just applied at (my second job, yeahyuzzz) is starting me off somewhere in the neighborhood of seven or eight dollars an hour (possibly more because I have an assload of retail experience).

Smooth Criminal

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
*if you plan on watching seasons 1-4 of lost and you haven't watched any of it yet don't read any of this* *season finally spoilers have been blacked out*
I think everyone here who watches it has seen the last few episodes so we're beyond spoiler tags

I see what you're saying in that the fact that they present things to us in pieces can be enjoyable. This is basically what keeps people tuning in every week. The only things I don't like about it is as good as my memory can be, I sometimes forget important island secret from seasons 1+2. I think the show is much deeper than what the average viewer sees and thats why it's interesting to read up on little eggs you might miss while watching it on tv. Also the countless theories that can be found on lost forums are rarely about the future of the drama but about the metaphysical stuff.
I think it is Jack's "hero complex" that makes me not like him. It leads him to make stupid choices, and he is constantly trying to save everybody. I know a few people like this in real life, people going to school for psychology who are more ****ed up than the patients they are going to see, and that just never made sense to me.

I agree x10

The same way a gigantic polar bear ended up on the island lol
I think when he turned that spoke it released a controlled level of something similar to what came out that one time they didn't put in the code to stop the countdown. This most likely being electromagnetism or something of the sort. I'm not sure if this resulted in a displacement in time or dimension. lol wow I sound crazy...


not necessarily because we found out how Ben got off. We also know that he left the island regularly.

The whole "they are dead" theory regularly has new evidence to support it, but I think its more complicated than that.

ehhh engulfed? We still don't really know what jacob is, and whatever he is I'm sure claire is not the same. What confuses me is that
when claire appears to kate in her dream she tells her not to return to the island, but the voice on the phone tells her that she has to return. Also ben says that everyone who left needs to go back in order for any of them to get back. See this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt9Au265l5c

I thought it was that he couldn't kill himself until he completed his mission, and that was to protect the people on the island. That whole part with him back on the main land confuses the hell out of me because that almost leads to believe they are in fact already dead. How else could that dude show up just as he pulls the trigger and there are no bullets? idk its muy confusing

This is interesting . I read somewhere right after the episode that they thought he said something like that. Either way that move was sooo badddass lol. I'm going to see if people have tried to find out what all those whispers say that appear frequently.

this time it should work : ]

Haha, who do you think you are? Alex? haha


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
i spent like 100 dollars on ygo cards

i managed to get;

SR thestalos
SR raiza (storm monarch)
2 caius (shadow monarch)
escape from dark dimension
reinforcement of the army (gold edition)
jinzo (gold edition)
swords of revealing light (gold edition)
breaker (gold edition)
don zaloog (gold edition)
dark nephthys
like 4 other random SRs
a bunch of good common cards (enough to build like 3 decks)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
dam drsuper, all on lost's nuts. lol
I watch very little tv so it allows me to focus my thoughts on one show
I'm down at our beach house with my family all weekend and they are like tv junkies. They watch E! and all the celebrity garbage. I just don't understand why anyone cares about that nonsense

Haha, who do you think you are? Alex? haha
lol he hasn't been around, someone needs to flex the multiquote


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
She's that angelic chick created by Ixidor.


Smooth Criminal
*hi five*
i spent like 100 dollars on ygo cards

i managed to get;

SR thestalos
SR raiza (storm monarch)
2 caius (shadow monarch)
escape from dark dimension
reinforcement of the army (gold edition)
jinzo (gold edition)
swords of revealing light (gold edition)
breaker (gold edition)
don zaloog (gold edition)
dark nephthys
like 4 other random SRs
a bunch of good common cards (enough to build like 3 decks)
i kno three of those cards. lol. now i kno how old magic players feel.
They watch E! and all the celebrity garbage. I just don't understand why anyone cares about that nonsense
my homegirl is like that too. but she looks good, so its ok

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I need to write a short story today, and I'm just not getting any good ideas. If anyone wants to Brawl with me in the meantime, I'm online now.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
i spent like 100 dollars on ygo cards

i managed to get;

SR thestalos
SR raiza (storm monarch)
2 caius (shadow monarch)
escape from dark dimension
reinforcement of the army (gold edition)
jinzo (gold edition)
swords of revealing light (gold edition)
breaker (gold edition)
don zaloog (gold edition)
dark nephthys
like 4 other random SRs
a bunch of good common cards (enough to build like 3 decks)
>_> I'm not sure what "Gold Edition" means, but...
Don Zaloog IS AWESOME.
Dark Nephthys is SCARY.

Oh, hey, do you guys know about YGO Virtual Desktop? That would make playing eachother easier :3.
We'll just use the "Cards we own only" rule.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
=( YVD is great!
D: I had so much fun with it when I was younger.
Totally dominated.

Jam, I wanna play youuuu. :o
I wanna get better with ZSS and Pikachu...and probably Pit too.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
hey if anyone was looking for a PS2 controller, the video game version of woot.com is selling used ones for 4 dollars


just thought my CT friends should know, I'll probably get one too lol

trademark I'll do your sig tomorrow

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Good games, DD. Sorry, but right in the middle of that match, Gabriel was playing with my bass, and it fell on him. Of course, he started screaming like the world was ending.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
i spent like 100 dollars on ygo cards

i managed to get;

SR thestalos
SR raiza (storm monarch)
2 caius (shadow monarch)
escape from dark dimension
reinforcement of the army (gold edition)
jinzo (gold edition)
swords of revealing light (gold edition)
breaker (gold edition)
don zaloog (gold edition)
dark nephthys
like 4 other random SRs
a bunch of good common cards (enough to build like 3 decks)

im tellin you man my friends are just like that they play all the time, you should see if you can beat them they have like a bazzillion cards.
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