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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
Good **** silas for recording all these.
i opted out of recording more brawl, in case i recorded some melee matches, but then i didn't do any and still had around 20 mins of video left, squandered hardcore man >.<

but, did what i could :D

edit: the kdj MM videos coming up are hilarious, smash balls on

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
you guys sure posted a lot while i was in NH/MA

i saw CT again at MM, it was pure awesome

I'll post a pic of the mothers day card people signed for darc and I later, thanks a bunch, my mom loved it

lastly, my sig lol


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
uh...the pc/paul #3 has failed twice now...i'm starting to think theres no hope >.<, moving on for the moment

man on fire is on fx, does anyone else want to appreciate the denzelawesome with me?

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Denzel Washington is a horrible actor.

Man on Fire
Deja Vu
American Gangster
Out of Time
Inside Man
Remember The Titans

All are crap. Pretty much every single movie he is in.....he has the same exact role. Either a secret agent, or a BAD secret agent. Most actors do NOT obviously branch out of what they do....but he is just horrible. Crimson Tide.....eh...thats arguable...Hackman made up for his crap.

The only good movie he was in was John Q

You take a look at people like

Adam Sandler
Robin Williams
Johnny Depp
Bruce Willis
Arnold Schwarnegger
even Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Justin Timberlake tried something different in terms of movies..
or just ANYONE really...they may not be good at there opposite career or talent in movies...but it takes real acting talent to be able to do multiple types of roles.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
I think Denzel Washington is an amazing actor.

I didn't see many of his but the ones out of the top of my mind I really enjoyed.

American Gangster - I don't know why you thought this movie sucked, it was amazing and so was Denzel.

Training Day - I didn't watch all of it, actually, barely any of it but it seemed like it would've been good.

Remember the Titans - I loved this movie, he isn't a secret agent here...

The Great Debaters - I really liked this movie too and he played a good professor.

John Q - Was this the heart transplant one? I liked this movie/him too...

Edit: Manchurian Candidate - I don't really remember but I think I liked it and him in it. >_>


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Denzel Washington is a horrible actor.
disagreeing to the largest possible extent

Manchurian Candidate(killer)
Malcom X(political activist)
Great Debaters(teacher)
Preachers Wife(angel)
Training Day(cop)
John Q(mentor [?])

This list shows his versatility. Forget all the other stuff, this is the Denzel bread and butter that got him where he is. Especially Glory and Malcom X. These were older films that put him on the Map. I agree that he is not as strong in some of the more recent things(out of time and de ja vu to specific) but his track record dwarfs his "flops". He has gotten tot he point where a flop for him isn't even really a flop(in reference to alot of other actors flops").


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Ah, very noble of you.

POF- ok, you thought Saw was an excellent film and now you're saying denzel washington is a horrible actor? LOL, I don't think I can take what you say about movies seriously anymore.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
now any actor/actress related posts of yours, for the rest of the day, can't be taken seriously
You did not even quote me correctly. What I meant was that even chumps that do not deserve to act make alterations.

PC-ehh Remember the Titans was good...it just was nothing that I had not seen before. I could go watch Little Giants, (haha Rick Morranis...) Rudy, Varsity Blues, Glory Road, or Coach Carter to get that same feeling.

Papito-I'm not saying GTA IV is BAD....i'm just saying its the same old game I have been playing since 7th grade in middle school with just better graphics. Even the Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat, and Street Fighter games make changes. I think a game that has been hyped up for a good two years can do a little better than cell phone multiplayer, better graphics, and a BIGGER environment. There are so many things they could have done to make that game more interactive and creative...but they just did the same thing they did for every GTA after III...more people on the streets, better graphics, and a few new cars.

Thumbswayup-Thats fine, think what you want dude.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Denzel Washington is a horrible actor.

Man on Fire
Deja Vu
American Gangster
Out of Time
Inside Man
Remember The Titans

All are crap. Pretty much every single movie he is in.....he has the same exact role. Either a secret agent, or a BAD secret agent. Most actors do NOT obviously branch out of what they do....but he is just horrible. Crimson Tide.....eh...thats arguable...Hackman made up for his crap.

The only good movie he was in was John Q

You take a look at people like

Adam Sandler
Robin Williams
Johnny Depp
Bruce Willis
Arnold Schwarnegger
even Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Justin Timberlake tried something different in terms of movies..
or just ANYONE really...they may not be good at there opposite career or talent in movies...but it takes real acting talent to be able to do multiple types of roles.
Are you serious....

I agree with Silas but...most of those movies are great and Denzel Washington is an awesome actor . Also you can't compare him to Adam Sandler or Arnold Schwarzenager ever who pretty much always play the same roll. But I do love Terminator 1 and 2.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
Denzel Washington is a horrible actor.
You take a look at people like
even Britney Spears, Paris Hilton tried something different in terms of movies..
it takes real acting talent to be able to do multiple types of roles.
so, Denzel < acting talent than Paris Hilton/Britney Spears. i believe i quoted it quite properly this time.

Ah, very noble of you.
ty sir

now poffy, i'm not trying to bag on you, i just think you're taking the whole "i have 200+ movies so my film critique is spot on" thing too far. Denzel happens to be a very good actor, bottom line. and i'm just hurt that you don't see it :'(

Doesn't my avatar kick ***
yes, anime, thumbs up, female, can't go wrong (Y) <--thumbs up on msn messenger

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Wow, thats not what I said at all Alex. I hate how people always board the bandwagon whether it is in relation to movies, video games, sports teams, or whatever the case may be. No one ever thinks for themselves and people just say what is "cool" so they do not get bashed on.

I also think that Goodfellas is better than the Godfather and the remake of Scarface is the worst mob movie ever created. Care to throw your input on that one guys? I really could care what you guys think about me on a forum...I do not care. I think knowing someone in person is a lot more reliable way of critiquing someone.

My posting rights are banned? ok........


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
Haha sic Ganon but why would they play a money match with smashballs?
not sure, they both agreed to it. i'm not sure if canti realized Forward B to FS combos with ganon, tho

Wow, thats not what I said at all Alex. I hate how people always board the bandwagon whether it is in relation to movies, video games, sports teams, or whatever the case may be. No one ever thinks for themselves and people just say what is "cool" so they do not get bashed on.
bandwagon? i posted that i was watching denzel's awesomeness, completely out of the blue, because a movie of his that i liked alot happened to be on. you came out of nowhere saying he sucked as an actor. i don't see how in any part of that i "boarded the bandwagon" or that i didn't "think for myself and just say what is 'cool' ", these are my honest opinions on the matter.

for the record, i don't post things i think other people will think are "cool", hence why alot of my posts would probably be considered spam or unneeded, but they are my unique input into what is happening in this thread. at no point in time do i consider "oh man, i could get bashed on for this, i probably shouldn't post it", man, i just posted my hair being braided poorly on a whim, and i'm sure it would probably look terrible. why the fawk would i care about ANYTHING anyone else thought? that's not how i roll...G

in any event, movies almost over, the wife is wicked hot. second MM almost done processing, pc vs paul #3 has failed a third time, i'm going to mess with the format and see if i can change anything to make it work.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Wow, thats not what I said at all Alex. I hate how people always board the bandwagon whether it is in relation to movies, video games, sports teams, or whatever the case may be. No one ever thinks for themselves and people just say what is "cool" so they do not get bashed on.

I also think that Goodfellas is better than the Godfather and the remake of Scarface is the worst mob movie ever created. Care to throw your input on that one guys? I really could care what you guys think about me on a forum...I do not care. I think knowing someone in person is a lot more reliable way of critiquing someone.

My posting rights are banned? ok........
Good Fellas is better than Godfather 1. Everyone stating their opinion it's just widely accepted that Denzel Washington is a great actor who does multiple roles and that can't be argued.

Edit: nothing that has been said was about you as a person only about movies that you stated your opinion on which is a pretty good way of critiquing plus I don't think anyone was really trying to get you heated. :0)

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Wow, thats not what I said at all Alex. I hate how people always board the bandwagon whether it is in relation to movies, video games, sports teams, or whatever the case may be. No one ever thinks for themselves and people just say what is "cool" so they do not get bashed on.
even if its true?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
Yeah Ganon rocks. I like him better in this game plus he looks mad cool.
just don't look at him running lol - shhh mike! :$

kdj vs canti money match, round 2 of 2, 10$ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSr2IgIYTNI

this one is better than the first, believe it or not lol

edit: lol they're talking about my donuts at the end of the vid =P, bishes threw out the bag near the end of the night, claiming "we called out for 5 mins" while was a good 10 feet from the front counter...gg lies >.>
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