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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Rep!!!! I haven't seen you in forever...I know Pipe and Lock play at least once a week. Lilian is out there too, you should definitely play with them somehow!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2006
Pipe... We should get together on the weekend at Uconn. Lil is up in that area too?


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Yeah, mine works now too. I was wondering if other people had the same problem, seems like it.

Anyway, I think I'm about halfway done with Prime 3.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I just finished Brryo, or whatever the 2nd planet is called. I basically just got the
boost ball and plasma beam


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
That was amazing, basically

IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:04:30 PM): more games need good glitches.
Cort 28633 (5:05:29 PM): mhm
Cort 28633 (5:05:37 PM): if I developed games
Cort 28633 (5:05:41 PM): I would put them in on purpose
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:07:00 PM): that would be weird
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:07:02 PM): glitching a game on purpose
Cort 28633 (5:07:13 PM): I really think developers should consider where online gaming communities take games after they've long been out
Cort 28633 (5:07:28 PM): and how to make games long lasting and interesting to play
Cort 28633 (5:07:36 PM): I almost think they do
Cort 28633 (5:07:39 PM): for games like metroid prime
Cort 28633 (5:07:41 PM): or smash, even
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:07:58 PM): i don't know
Cort 28633 (5:08:00 PM): I hope brawl doesnt turn into the prime 2 of gaming
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:08:10 PM): it's hard to know which games will be taken to their limits
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:08:25 PM): there's a lot of things that the programmers just never considered.
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:08:34 PM): like, what happens when you jump off a ledge and use the mirror simultaneously in lttp.
Cort 28633 (5:09:02 PM): well
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:09:05 PM): it would be interesting if they had serious gamers play the games during the testing phases.
Cort 28633 (5:09:08 PM): they connected all the rooms into the game
Cort 28633 (5:09:24 PM): it almost seems like they wanted you to exploit something like that
Cort 28633 (5:09:32 PM): so you can travel to any room you want
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:09:46 PM): i somehow doubt that.
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:09:49 PM): but maybe.
Cort 28633 (5:09:50 PM): I know.
Cort 28633 (5:09:51 PM): but it's
Cort 28633 (5:09:53 PM): so pretty to think so
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:09:55 PM): yeah
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:10:39 PM): super metroid would be so ****ing boring if it wasn't for sequence breaking.
Cort 28633 (5:12:13 PM): even if it all was just accidental or glitchy
Cort 28633 (5:12:18 PM): after making melee
Cort 28633 (5:12:28 PM): I would look back and see how different communities play the game
Cort 28633 (5:12:31 PM): casually and competitively
Cort 28633 (5:12:44 PM): and then try and incorporate more things to benefit both communities at the same time
Cort 28633 (5:12:56 PM): and not try to just dumb things down
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:13:13 PM): i think if I was on a design team, I would put a lot of thought into which glitches i fixed and which i didn't.
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:13:20 PM): cause some of them are obviously just cool.
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:13:24 PM): and could add something to the game.
Cort 28633 (5:13:34 PM): I think the removal of instant fire
Cort 28633 (5:13:37 PM): had to be some sick joke.
Cort 28633 (5:13:47 PM): and is just a reflection of how bad bowser is in general
Cort 28633 (5:13:56 PM): I donno
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:13:57 PM): yeah.
Cort 28633 (5:14:01 PM): maybe they just have sick senses of humor
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:14:29 PM): i just don't understand the train of thought that removes flame cancelling but leaves needle cancelling?
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:14:31 PM): and float cancelling?
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:14:38 PM): and... every other kind of cancel in the game?
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:14:43 PM): but also makes zelda's smashes worse?
Cort 28633 (5:15:18 PM): yeah, twisted senses of humor
Cort 28633 (5:15:21 PM): is my only explanation
Cort 28633 (5:15:34 PM): guys.. guys.
Cort 28633 (5:15:35 PM): zelda.
Cort 28633 (5:15:36 PM): her smashes.
Cort 28633 (5:15:40 PM): are just TOO GOOD
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:15:42 PM): obviously broken.
Cort 28633 (5:15:44 PM): LOOK HOW MANY ****ING TIMES THEY HIT
Cort 28633 (5:15:47 PM): LIKE 30 MILLION
Cort 28633 (5:15:48 PM): let's nerf her
Cort 28633 (5:16:03 PM): everyone else in the room
Cort 28633 (5:16:06 PM): "yeah sure why not"
Cort 28633 (5:16:13 PM): "yeah I ****in hate that ******** *****"
Cort 28633 (5:16:19 PM): "sakurai always ***** me with her smashes"
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:17:21 PM): what about falco's lasers?
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:17:25 PM): ... what about them?
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:17:29 PM): you can cancel
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:17:30 PM): all of the lag
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:17:33 PM): completely
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:17:38 PM): oh.
Cort 28633 (5:17:43 PM): I donno what you're talking about
Cort 28633 (5:17:46 PM): they're slow
Cort 28633 (5:17:48 PM): but stun
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:17:49 PM): obviously.
Cort 28633 (5:17:50 PM): foxes are fast
Cort 28633 (5:17:52 PM): but dont stun
Cort 28633 (5:17:53 PM): its balanced
Cort 28633 (5:17:54 PM): NEXT TOPIC
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:17:56 PM): obviously.
Cort 28633 (5:18:28 PM): just imagine falco landing with like, the same lag as link lands from an arrow
Cort 28633 (5:18:34 PM): from a laser
Cort 28633 (5:18:51 PM): ...o_o
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:21:26 PM): lol.
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:21:34 PM): link should be able to arrow cancel.
Cort 28633 (5:21:39 PM): lol
Cort 28633 (5:21:43 PM): nah
Cort 28633 (5:21:47 PM): he is already really good
Cort 28633 (5:21:48 PM): with his up b.
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:21:54 PM): obv.
Cort 28633 (5:22:08 PM): and he has a lot of **** to throw
Cort 28633 (5:22:12 PM): so he is clearly the best character
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:22:18 PM): clearly.
Cort 28633 (5:22:21 PM): why would we make him betteR?
Cort 28633 (5:22:26 PM): god, you're ****ing stupid
Cort 28633 (5:22:28 PM): you're fired.
Cort 28633 (5:22:31 PM): from the development team.
Cort 28633 (5:22:32 PM): get the **** out.
IAMINTERFACE LOL (5:22:58 PM): yeah, basically.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I'm going to try to go to Thursday's meetup. I'm going to play Pipe a whole bunch.


Robot chicken started up again. :D


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
My *** is broken.

Anyway, I dropped the bomb and got the
hyper missiles
. That boss wasn't nearly as annoying as the previous leviathan scale one where I spent 90% of the time recharging my health.

How far am I now? =D

I haven't used a guide or had any of the game spoiled for me yet <.<


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
I'm going to try to go to Thursday's meetup. I'm going to play Pipe a whole bunch.


Robot chicken started up again. :D
By try, do you mean go for however long it takes until I show up (if I do), and then leave 10 minutes later? :(


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
No, Sabrina. I made an agreement with my parents about stuff. Hopefully, if this agreement starts by Thursday, I'll be attending around 6:30 and I'll be leaving at around 9:45pm. I will play you this time. :) If I go...

I wish I had as much time to play MP3 as Cort. :( You already caught up to me. >_<


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
No... in the first version of melee (1.0) Bowser's flames can be instantly shot out if you press b shortly before landing. That's all flame canceling is.

In the later versions he still has that "wind up" before shooting the flames.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
good stuff today papito. make sure u play like that on saturday. sry for leavin u like that, bu u kno... good-looking girls > smash

neone wanna play tomorrow? i'm free from 11:30 am - 6:30 pm

i'll go thursday if someone in the area is going and is willing to bring me
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