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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
having sex and gambling now your speaking my language some one has to hurry up and throw a party so i could show up drunk and hit on all the girls, heh heh allright


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
strip smash , loser has to take off an article of clothing.

Shmussian Roulette:
the loser has to shoot himself in the head with an automatic pistol.

anyway, Jose (Turnip) is pretty good, better than i thought he's be. i'm going to drag him to the next tourny as my partner (he's a peach player)

more importantly, i'm starting a crew. Part-time CTers. for those going to college or gone for college or whatever.

jose, steve, budai...you guys should join :D

oh, and shminkledorf. what? you said "but he's not part-time CT!"
true. but he's FUC*ING SHMINKLEDORF.
just so you know.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
more importantly, i'm starting a crew. Part-time CTers. for those going to college or gone for college or whatever.

jose, steve, budai...you guys should join :D
Hah, I would join that crew except I know I'd never get to play with any of you. Middletown is far away from Worcester! Not quite as far from Stratford, but if I'm home it probably means I'm hanging out with my girlfriend or something.

I'd maybe be able to play with you guys at the Vernon meetups, but I won't be able to go to any of them for the next month or so. Last Thursday was my one and only until late October :-\.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
my ideas are phail-worthy
my new crew is called "i'm so ronery"
and no one else is allowed in


seriously though...what's the next big thing? i'd go to a weekly but...no ride :\
so i'll see whoever whenever someone wants to pick me up for something. :D


Smash Rookie
Jan 6, 2007
lol, i changed my board name to dokkoise on a whim and got this account so no one stole my old name. kind of like THEbrookman, ya know.

only i miss hazygoose since i don't even use the "dokkoise" tag in smash anymore. i e-mailed gideon to get him to change my old account name to hazygoose and either have this one deleted or changed to dokkoise or poopheadface or whatever. i hope it works out.

also, who is coming to smash with me soon?
also, who is going to see MC Chris with me? did you find out if you could go or not yet, blue? also, we have never played still and that needs to change.
also, also!
also, fear me and my jigglypuff. i just learned nair to rest combos.

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
i dont attend thigns as much anymore to to the fact that i live in neverland, and fail at life.

also mc chris, new london right? i will try, but thats like 3 hours away i found out.


Smash Rookie
Jan 6, 2007
oh snap. 3 hours away is pretty suck. oh well, if you can't go don't worry about it. i won't be that sad to miss him since i can always take a train to NYC and see him seeing as how he performs there like every other freaking night.

also, living in neverland has it perks. like never growing up. that **** is awesome.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
I like too many cereals. >_>

I am not sure I am going on Thursday anymore... haha. I get out of class at 5:40 and wouldn't get there till 7 and have to be gone by 9 so meh. Super long traffic at around that time. =(

Club blu is pretty sweet, probably one of the only decent dance clubs. On the rocks is ok, bourbon street is too ghetto for me and the rest is more barish. >.> what is the club/bar/restaurant thing that's right off the ccsu campus that everyone goes to called? I forget the name... I've never been but I want to go.

Sometimes when people tell me you have to be 18 just to enter, I'm like dammit! Oh wait I am over 18 now. LOL Even though everyone still thinks I'm 15... well every new person I meet does or at least says I look 15. I am going to get carded until I am 40.
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