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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
As Promised. Dave might hold it against me if I do not respond.

You try so hard to be unbearably stupid. I love plenty of people that suck at smash (note: everyone) and I'm pretty sure I'm not a real dick to anyone in real life or online (besides you, jackass.) Quit trying to pretend you know me based on all the nonsense I throw at you, and just use your fucking brain for once.

What makes you think I should take someone seriously who just insults me directly in one of his lighter more polite posts? You've been a jerk to me since day one and I can not recall a single day where it was pleasant to be around you. I've been nice to you, and drove you to NY. Show some respect or don't talk to me anymore. I'd stop being a tool if you would. I'm not normally a big douche bag.
But you never listen to anyone.

Seriously, I didn't start being snotty to you until you had overflowed my patience meter with months upon months of posts that were simultaneously uneducated and haughty. That combined with your propensity to never ever address posts that counter your arguments pushed me over the edge into being SLIGHTY SNOTTY towards you on the boards.
But we've had civil discussions before. About movies, maybe about Tim Burton?

I know what it's like to be an outsider or a noob in the community. I kind of still feel like one every single time I step foot into a tournament. I think maybe you resent feeling that and let it out by flaming everyone and everything online.

But yeah I'll try to restrain myself from quoting you from now on.
I'm not an outsider in the community. People know who I am now whether it is for positive or negative reasons. People know I'm a pain in the *** on the boards and people started to recognize me towards the beginning of Brawl because I was a fairly consistent player. The people who know me know I'm extremely mellow and really laid back in person. Nothing really bothers me or gets to me. Regardless of WHEN you started being snotty and a complete jerk face...you still were. That is the key point. I never called you out or made YOU look like a complete tool unless you did it first to make me feel ****ing stupid. Originally, when I first came into the community I definitely let out a lot of my flaming on others because of the fact that I did have a hard time fitting in and meeting others. Now, i've made so many friends from all over between New York and Maine so finding a place where I belong is no longer as nerve racking. All I'm saying is, if you had a problem with me or something was pissing you off why didnt you just tell me instead of publicly trying to make a fool out of me? You are like 24-25, right?

Somewhere in *Bunches of stuff* up there you were talking about Cog taking things too seriously. You're the one who can't take a prank on smashboards and feels the need to publicly single the people you have problems with out. You frequently post walls of text on this thread in response to single line quotes. Please Mr.Pot, lay off the Kettle.

Now, when it comes to me, first don't quote me when you're not quoting me. I may have been cynical and morose at PC's, but neither of those are direct quotes and I'd appreciate you not posting them on a public forum like they are. I didn't ask if you were still getting *****, I was asking in the NY dudes were ****** you cause those muthafuckas are nasty. I didn't say I wasn't trying, I said I was playing bad. This is always how I am as I'm getting back into smash. I get frustrated with myself for playing like shit, so don't take that personally.

When it comes to the boards, I can only assume you mean when I quoted you as The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Of Fire... Well, get the fuck over it. Someone decided it would be funny to play a prank on you and I thought it was funny. I was supporting Cog cause he was saying exactly what was on my mind and I didn't feel like reiterating it. If you don't like the way people respond to your posts, maybe you should try paying attention to why and fixing it rather than just bitching about it and hoping everyone'll stop if you whine enough.

As to starting over, wtf is that even supposed to mean? I'm never really gonna like you on boards as long as you post the way you do. I'm not going to forget you making an ass of yourself on a daily basis. I also still don't really have a problem with you in person and will continue to not have a problem with you in person. So really I have no idea what the hell you're asking for.
I can't take a prank on smashboards? Find me somewhere else on the CT Thread where someone played a little corny prank like that on someone. It's not the fact that I can't TAKE A JOKE it's more of the fact that it was just.....unnecessary and it just figures....it would be me. Don't quote you when it's not directly accurate? I'm pretty sure I don't remember random things that are said to me. That definitely stuck out to me in my mind because it was beyond unnecessary for you to sound like that. Plain and simple. Maybe I did not get it "word for word" but it was definitely **** close.

Garrett: I don't hate you and I'm pretty sure nobody else around here does either. If you want me to stop being such a "jerk" to you, stop making such a gigantic tool of yourself on a regular basis. As for me having "no patience for anyone or anything," you really don't know anything about me, nevermind enough to make such a ridiculous generalization. OH WAIT all you ever post in here is ridiculous generalizations.

I only made fun of "the list" because you've done the exact same thing before and it was a pretty obvious attempt to exclude certain people who have publicly argued with you. It had nothing at all to do with anything else in that post.

You're not going to bother to respond to this. Oh well.

Does anybody else ever get the feeling that Garrett is actually an unbelievably brilliant troll?
Some of you can not accept the fact that I have strong opinions. That is all it really comes down to. As for not knowing you.....I've been with you enough to know how you treat or act around particular people. I've hung out with you at Alex's, Mikes, the Esticles, and at my house. I'm pretty sure I can gather a general consensus about how you act around people. Do I know a lot about you? No. But is it fair to assume that you're extremely impatient with me and everything I do pisses you off for some mystical reason?

A few examples could be-

My view on Brawl: At Mikes you brought that up and I could tell you were itching to find out the truth behind my whole opinion.

My venue fee at my house: When you handed me that money I could tell it was just KILLING you to do so because you felt SO STRONGLY about that.

I'm not bashing you or anything I am just giving you examples as to how I pickup things from you. I don't pull information out of my *** ya know.


Zoso, Cogsmooch, and Mogwai: I don't make an *** out of myself on the boards at all. People just have a hard time accepting a new idea and stop trying to impress/fit in to the general public. I go my own way and believe what I want regardless of what people think beyond most measures. There are plenty of people on here who do not bother to meddle in things and can accept what people think/believe. PC, Jam, The Dragon, Nus, KevinM, Milktea for a quick example. These people are beyond awesome and I respect them a lot. They do what they want, are intelligent, and are great to talk to on a normal basis. I think differently and view things differently from other people. I use low tiers, I dislike Obama, I think FF VII is overrated, I thought Dark Knight was beyond stupid, I don't like Denzel Washington, I think Brawl is a piece of crap and feel very strongly about that.

Get over it and if you don't like my opinions, then don't discuss things with me.

Also-Please do not call me Poffy anymore. POF, POFster, JigglyPOF, Garrett, Mr. E, or Nygma all work great.

I'm sure some of you will continue to call me "Prince" or "Poffy" just to piss me off. It's expected nowa days. Even Memphischains, Dazwa, and others will continue to piss me off because it's just "so easy," right?

To make things really really really really simple for everyone:

Stop treating me like a ****ing piece of **** and I will stop complaining/whining and all that other junk and we can all be happy.

That's it.

Don't respond to this Dave, Wes, or Paul and we'll all just drop it and move on and be happy.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
As for not knowing you.....I've been with you enough to know how you treat or act around particular people. I've hung out with you at Alex's, Mikes, the Esticles, and at my house. I'm pretty sure I can gather a general consensus about how you act around people. Do I know a lot about you? No. But is it fair to assume that you're extremely impatient with me and everything I do pisses you off for some mystical reason?
Which "people" are we talking about, exactly? I have a lot of friends who you've never seen me with, so I don't know what you think you're basing this on. Also, lol @ "some mystical reason." You really don't get it, huh?

A few examples could be-

My view on Brawl: At Mikes you brought that up and I could tell you were itching to find out the truth behind my whole opinion.

My venue fee at my house: When you handed me that money I could tell it was just KILLING you to do so because you felt SO STRONGLY about that.
I was curious about your real opinion on Brawl. That's it. I think it's funny that your views in person consistently differ from the bullshit you spew in this thread.

I didn't care about giving you that money. I still think it was unnecessary and pretty much 100% motivated by greed, but I recognized that it was your right to charge people and I didn't really mind once I learned that some of it would be going to your parents (it's their house).

I don't make an *** out of myself on the boards at all. People just have a hard time accepting a new idea and stop trying to impress/fit in to the general public. I go my own way and believe what I want regardless of what people think beyond most measures.
There's so much bullshit in this paragraph I can hardly believe it.

Stop treating me like a ****ing piece of **** and I will stop complaining/whining and all that other junk and we can all be happy.

That's it.

Don't respond to this Dave, Wes, or Paul and we'll all just drop it and move on and be happy.
Nobody is going to just "drop it" and be your buddy as long as you continue to conduct yourself the way you have been. That's just the way it is. "Get over it."


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
ok im sorry but like

if you dont care so much then whats with all these random walls of text? lol
in his defense, that wall of text wasn't random at all. Ironically, it was the exact opposite of random -- people had told him that he never responds to their opinions or criticism, so he responded fully. Find what he said sufficient or don't like it at all, either way you can't say that Pofster just ignores you guys.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Tom, would you mind closing the thread for the tournament I had today? It's RIMM Episode 1. Should be toward the top of Atlantic North.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I still think it's hilarious that you think you can force people to call you a certain name and they're all ****ing ********.

Guys from now on please only call me Mr. C, White Tec0, bananaman or The Polish Historian.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
I still think it's hilarious that you think you can force people to call you a certain name and they're all ****ing ********.

Guys from now on please only call me Mr. C, White Tec0, bananaman or The Polish Historian.
Hahahaha this is great. This thread is killing me. Pof just drop it man.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Tom is right to the T.

If I respond you guys complain.

If I don't you all go "Garrett never responds to anything" "Hes such a troll. LOL"

Guys: Hows that meat ridin with Cort going? :)

Do you ever post anything fairly legit Cort? The last post you made that actually made sense was for Esticle.


About a good half of your posts are insulting me. Do you honestly have anything better to do with yourself? Does insulting me make you feel special?

Honestly, get a life dude.

Hey look,

I'm Cort

YourStillxWithMe: I probably shouldn't talk to you on AIM because I know that as soon as this conversation is over, you're just going to post it on Smashboards and get a kick out of it becuase you're just ******** like that.
"Paul (Cort)": hey, kiss my ***
YourStillxWithMe: Shut the **** up Cort, seriously.
"Paul (Cort)": hows about **** you
YourStillxWithMe: I'm ****ing sick and tired of your ****ing attitude. If you've got a problem with me then tell me instead of being a little 10 year old about it "woo, look what he said to me online guys lol"
"Paul (Cort)": I'm perfectly fine, actually
"Paul (Cort)": you're just a complete ****ing idiot
YourStillxWithMe: I never say anything bad or anything degrading to you unless YOU start something first.
"Paul (Cort)": and everyone knows this.
YourStillxWithMe: and yout hink people really LIKE you? LOL
YourStillxWithMe: Everyone just rides your *** because your one of the beast Peaches...or was.
"Paul (Cort)": lol, I've been friends with these same people for years, prior to ever getting good at melee
YourStillxWithMe: If you weren't good at smash...no one would care about you.
"Paul (Cort)": so kiss my ****ing ***, you're a piece of ****.
"Paul (Cort)": goodgame
"Paul (Cort)" signed off at 00:10.
"Paul (Cort)" is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

Now everyone laugh and think i'm funny! Because I'm Cort.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
LOL, well that was easy I suppose.

Also quoted so he can't edit it more:

Tom is right to the T.

If I respond you guys complain.

If I don't you all go "Garrett never responds to anything" "Hes such a troll. LOL"

Guys: Hows that meat ridin with Cort going? :)

Do you ever post anything fairly legit Cort? The last post you made that actually made sense was for Esticle.


About a good half of your posts are insulting me. Do you honestly have anything better to do with yourself? Does insulting me make you feel special?

Honestly, get a life dude.

Hey look,

I'm Cort

YourStillxWithMe: I probably shouldn't talk to you on AIM because I know that as soon as this conversation is over, you're just going to post it on Smashboards and get a kick out of it becuase you're just ******** like that.
"Paul (Cort)": hey, kiss my ***
YourStillxWithMe: Shut the **** up Cort, seriously.
"Paul (Cort)": hows about **** you
YourStillxWithMe: I'm ****ing sick and tired of your ****ing attitude. If you've got a problem with me then tell me instead of being a little 10 year old about it "woo, look what he said to me online guys lol"
"Paul (Cort)": I'm perfectly fine, actually
"Paul (Cort)": you're just a complete ****ing idiot
YourStillxWithMe: I never say anything bad or anything degrading to you unless YOU start something first.
"Paul (Cort)": and everyone knows this.
YourStillxWithMe: and yout hink people really LIKE you? LOL
YourStillxWithMe: Everyone just rides your *** because your one of the beast Peaches...or was.
"Paul (Cort)": lol, I've been friends with these same people for years, prior to ever getting good at melee
YourStillxWithMe: If you weren't good at smash...no one would care about you.
"Paul (Cort)": so kiss my ****ing ***, you're a piece of ****.
"Paul (Cort)": goodgame
"Paul (Cort)" signed off at 00:10.
"Paul (Cort)" is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

Now everyone laugh and think i'm funny! Because I'm Cort.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
you guys make too much drama. sadly, this makes the boards a real pain to look at. it'd be really cool if either of you could be the bigger man and just ignore the other? oh jeez person A said this, OMG OMG i'mA FLAME DEMMMM.

or...wait...hold on...you never see this person irl, cept for a few meetups/tournies...in which you're not required to interact with the other person at all. so, is it really so hard to ignore them online? it's not like it's going to have some drastic effect on your life right? unless hypothetically your life revolves around trolling(nom <3) and argueing with people from the internet. in which case, that could really free up some time to go hang with real people or be physically active. dam...what a huge sacrifice.

anyway, i don't care to side with any of you, cause i don't care =D, and it's a lovely place to be, trust. so, you guys, both 20+, let us pretend we can be mature? just pretend, it can still be a kiddy game if you pretend! that way no one is bothered, smashboards is full of less trashy posts, and people can idk...talk about the game! or cool stuff, as opposed to trashing others?

don't you just love stoner rants? who wants to smoke a blunt today? XD

hi smashboards. skip the nonsense and be good ok? hugs for you all ^_^ *huge hug type nonsense*


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Alex, I miss you, but it's kind of hard to get out there these days since I'm unemployed (again).



Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
So...the reason the MA player finder sucks at spam is because:
1. We don't have people constantly posting
2. We don't have a lot of drama going on....interesting

oh and I just feel I should say that Zoso is pretty patient, example? He doesn't refuse to play me (yet) even though I think I'm slowly killing him off with my poor decision making :bee: I'll **** on your **** one day Zoso, I promise!


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007

CT should come spam MA player finder, some of you guys are close enough for me to drive to so you count >.>...
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