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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
after watching that i have a few things to say...
1. omg..
2. Yogi Bera said it best, it ain't over til it's over
3. awesome match, great comeback, fairs ftw
thanks for posting that Jam

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I'm starting to really get unmotivated by the smash community lately.

Digital Mayhem is starting to get ridiculous with there 10 dollar ENTRY FEES (The first tourney I went to for Melee for Esticle was not that expensive.)
People think Brawl is competitive.
People bandwagon so bad on here like we're in high school. (I wont say names)
The players that we look up to or think are really good at Brawl, simply just play for money and do not even care about the game. (haha, so why should we?) PC doesnt play it anymore, Cort doesn't care, Mew2King makes fun of the game every time he plays it.

The only reason why I'm still around is because of the people who still play melee...thats it...and I've met some really cool people on here.

Steven, Jamil, Patric, Alex, Zoraida, Mike, Charlie, Sean, Bobby, Nick, Nelson, Tim, Bernard, Chris, Marc,

Usernames of people I dont know their real names---Baka, (Whats your real name?) Matt (Dotzeb) Phish it, Sol, Ky, Reno, Threex, otg, spife, Roman,

Seriously, Brawl made this community crap..and we all know that deep down. Before Brawl was out EVERYONE was happy and this community was much more peaceful and fun. I'm not bashing Brawl...im just saying that Brawl brought out the worst in this community.

Cog-I'll play a few.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
I'm actually starting to get really addicted to brawl (even though I only play when people come over like once a month, or on saturdays), I just like to make fun of how broken metaknights tornado is, and I get depressed at stupid skillless things in the game randomly, but I am starting to like it as I learn more about it. It's only fun to play actual people though. Things like Falco's CG, Olimar's playstyle, and MKs tornados are things that depress me. Melee is still better obviously, but it's not as fun if there's not many people to play anymore.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
idk it just feels really stupid, you throw pikmin, shield grab, and up smash. The shallowness of things like that, Falco's CG, Tornado, and certain other things just pales compared to how Melee was. A lot of it just takes no skill (walk forward, regrab, etc, at least melee's CGs took some skill and was less boring) and is extremely boring to fight against. But I do like learning any depth I can, although this may take a while since I rarely ever play any people, most of the time it's only Saturdays.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
its the blue pikmen. and at high percents if he grabs you just hold up. (incase its the right pikmen for the grab) i survived it at like 130-140 playing icy. it was on luigis mansion though

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
Garrett, i forget how to spell you name correctly but thats close enough, anyway my real name is Rich. as for what M2K said brawl could have been an awesome game just stupid stuff like what he mentiond make it what it is, that being said i still have fun playing it, diddy is too fun not to play, but if i have the choice between the 2 (melee/brawl) im always going to pick melee. anyway thats all im saying on the subject since i don't want to be apart of another brawl/melee hate war

edit: thumbs the quote on your sig is hilarious

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Now that I've started playing ICs again, I've actually started to like Brawl more as well. But even when I try, something always pisses me off, like whiffed up-bs (ask Noodles), Nana's too-smart-for-her-own-good AI, and the fact that a non-auto cancelled uair MAKES THE ICS FALL ON THEIR BACKS, LEAVING THEM COMPLETELY VULNERABLE. AAAARGGHHHH!

Cogsmooch, I'll add you now.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Blue Backthrow and Fattie Upthrow are the best.

But trust me, you guys need to play decent Olimars. You guys are playing the Olimar equivalent of Pits who spam arrows and then wait for you to approach to Fsmash. This whole "all he does is camp with Pikmin throw and then shieldgrab" is ridiculous. Sure it wins, but real Olimar plays play him more much aggressively and intelligently.

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
PoF wtf do you know about the Smash community lol.

People like you who try to divide the games into their own seperate entities rather than ACCEPTING and bringing all its (new) players together are what could hurt us.

I hate being provoked into this again and again.

Why are you so stubborn?

EDIT: Olimar sux. ;O;

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
so to change the subject... thumbs did you ever find out from your friends were they find fate/stay night stuff, i don't remember if you posted it or not and i'm far too lazy to look back through all those pages


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Thanks Dragon :p

I'm fully aware how an intelligent Olimar plays, I 've played Pyronic Star enough and he's gotten way better these days. I've also seen some NY Olimar (Stars?) at CH3 ****** everyone. I'm just saying that camping with Olimar is SUPER effective and simple. He's annoying to play against either way.

I've started to enjoy Brawl more these days because I love using Diddy Kong. Glide tossing is just too sexy. I still love Melee way more, but Brawl is decent as it is. Though there are many matchups I can't stand playing.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
so to change the subject... thumbs did you ever find out from your friends were they find fate/stay night stuff, i don't remember if you posted it or not and i'm far too lazy to look back through all those pages
AH I completely forgot! My bad, it's usually just that when my friends dl an anime they always burn it to a DVD and never need to remember where they got it from because it usually gets licensed and you can't dl it anymore. I'll still ask them for you though, I just have to remember once I get off work!

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
lol no worries, but yah ask please, ima buy it when it gets licensed anyway but i wanna see it now lol. Also Diddy is also my favorite person to use in brawl, bananas and face **** spikes always equal good times. I still play Pit a lot too.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Yeah Diddy is just too good. Want to know something hilarious? When you face **** Snake while he's on the copter, DON'T do anything after you latch on to him. When he breaks free you go slightly up and he can't up b again haha

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Good games Cog, PoF and Noodles. I got disconnected, and then I couldn't rejoin. Oh well, good stuff nonetheless.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Jam-I feel the same exact way. I keep trying to get into Brawl but there is always something that pisses me off and makes me hate it even more again.

Best example I can think of-I was playing Samikay online yesterday and we were both trying to kill eachother when we were at high percents. I threw my Marth Fsmash out and it missed him but his pit Dsmash hit me. Yeah, thats right...pits d smash. Thats ********.

Its not even THE GAME thats bad...its the people who play brawl that make me despise it....the campers. All it is is waiting around for something to make a mistake...and than punishing. The priority levels on certain attacks are just ********. A diddy f tilt beats out tooooo much, snakes anything, all of mk's moves are broken, robs nair and bair, gaws key, ikes jab, olimars smashes, DDD's grab range, kirbys grab range...theres just too much crap that goes on in that game that should not be happening.

Cat Fight-I know enough to realize that Brawl is nothing compared to Smash 643 or Melee. If you honestly havent realized that Brawl is just full of campers....you're in denial. Heck, when you were at my house and you were playing online...didnt all you play was campers? Pit and Wolf camped quite a bit against you sir....pay close attention to matches and watch them...its all shielding and waiting for someone to make a mistake. Neos Marth plays the same as well...he waits for you to make a mistake...and then ***** you.

Yeah, teams was toooooo fun guys. That actually made me enjoy playing.

Seriously Though-Ask yourself this question

What was Nintendos Goal when they made Brawl? (What did they strive for? What did they want to achieve?)
They did not want to make Brawl competitive and they succeeded. Think about Tripping. Explain to me why tripping was inserted. Why else would Sakurai want to put that into a game? Why are online rankings non existent? Why is every single character in that game pretty much even and fun to play as? I rest my case.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Ha, actually it's the people that make me love Brawl. I said to Baka yesterday, that even though Brawl isn't as impressive as Melee in regards to tech, I still enjoy watching LIVE matches, and playing in them, because it's still exciting to wonder who's going to win in a one-stock reset, and it's still exciting to play in that situation, even if you do just camp it out.

As long as Brawl has that, I can see myself playing it competitively.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Thanks Dragon :p

I'm fully aware how an intelligent Olimar plays, I 've played Pyronic Star enough and he's gotten way better these days. I've also seen some NY Olimar (Stars?) at CH3 ****** everyone. I'm just saying that camping with Olimar is SUPER effective and simple. He's annoying to play against either way.

I've started to enjoy Brawl more these days because I love using Diddy Kong. Glide tossing is just too sexy. I still love Melee way more, but Brawl is decent as it is. Though there are many matchups I can't stand playing.
Starz is easily the best Olimar in NYC, as much as I hate admitting that, but he's also an insanely smart player. He always has been, and when you play guys like that who main Olimar, and guys like DSF as well as Echo, you see that spamming and camping is only part of their game if its absolutely necessary.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Best example I can think of-I was playing Samikay online yesterday and we were both trying to kill eachother when we were at high percents. I threw my Marth Fsmash out and it missed him but his pit Dsmash hit me. Yeah, thats right...pits d smash. Thats ********.
This actually happened a lot in Melee. When Marth forward smashes in either game, he sticks his hand out (along with his sword, of course). If you miss the Forward Smash, Marth's hand is just sticking out there asking to be hit. In fact, since Marth's arm was lying across the ground with his sword, Pit's D-smash was a REALLY smart choice.



Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
when i play marth dittoes luis (jinoichi on the boards) hed fsmash miss then id fsmash and hit and hed be like "how" i though it was because he move closer. so i was kinda right lol

did you know that metaknights dsmash has more reach than robs ftilt?

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Yup, Meta Knights d smash is BEYOND broken. You can't trade hits with it...its toooo fast. Hes a big part of the reason why people hate the game....hes ********. If they honestly do ban MK from tournaments than thats just hilarious because i've never heard of a "competitive" game that had to BAN a character. That character right there should just prove how dumb Brawl is. Theres just so much in that game that just makes me hate life. I'll never compete in another Brawl tournament again. I might consider doubles with Noodles though, because him and I **** kids. :)

I'll always play the game and stuff because its a fun game and its a smash brothers video game but I really pitty the people who believe that Brawl is a competitive fighting game or (the worst case scenario) think that it is honestly BETTER than Melee. You can "think" it is competitive all you want and go to your tournaments but its not. People just think its competitive because its called "Smash Brothers." Theres so much of an even playing field in Brawl that its just digustingly ********.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA-Are you guys on crack? TWENTY dollars to enter for SINGLES? thats the dumbest **** i've ever heard in my life. Sma****aly=failure.
if u didnt show me love in the next post i'd be all over you
When you're good you'll understand.
yea i'll let aesir take it for me

All it is is waiting around for something to make a mistake...and than punishing.

Neos Marth plays the same as well...he waits for you to make a mistake...and then ***** you.

What was Nintendos Goal when they made Brawl? (What did they strive for? What did they want to achieve?)
They did not want to make Brawl competitive and they succeeded. Think about Tripping. Explain to me why tripping was inserted. Why else would Sakurai want to put that into a game? Why are online rankings non existent? Why is every single character in that game pretty much even and fun to play as? I rest my case.
thats how good people play melee tho...

thats cuz Neos good

duh, we kno this, he SAID this. wats ur point? he said he wanted to make a game that everyone can have fun and still feel like they had fun at the end of the day. and he succeeded.
stop hatin

This actually happened a lot in Melee. When Marth forward smashes in either game, he sticks his hand out (along with his sword, of course). If you miss the Forward Smash, Marth's hand is just sticking out there asking to be hit. In fact, since Marth's arm was lying across the ground with his sword, Pit's D-smash was a REALLY smart choice.

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