Banned via Warnings
I played street fighter and bushido blade before I ever saw smash. The only nintendo games I played was pokemon and like only 2 games and really to say that's why I main pichu is a terrible reason because I like pikachu better in pokemon games overall because of yellow. But I loved burning jigglypuffs so maybe.
well that same can go for rednecks I geuss. from what i've heard about japanese players they play more fighters but don't uber focus on one for years like some of us.
But what I like about SF is it's easier to focus and I think learn WTF i've been playing smash for years and I still can't do everything I need to I can SWD and JC shine and all kinds of junk fairly easily But I still stuggle with some tech skill like WD oos and bomb jump recovery. mostly learned the JC shine from after kills.
BUt yeah SF learn the ways to move the stick doesn't feel as hard not going to say that's as far as it goes or anything dumb it's just the tech skill doesn't feel so precise as say falco dittos.
well that same can go for rednecks I geuss. from what i've heard about japanese players they play more fighters but don't uber focus on one for years like some of us.
But what I like about SF is it's easier to focus and I think learn WTF i've been playing smash for years and I still can't do everything I need to I can SWD and JC shine and all kinds of junk fairly easily But I still stuggle with some tech skill like WD oos and bomb jump recovery. mostly learned the JC shine from after kills.
BUt yeah SF learn the ways to move the stick doesn't feel as hard not going to say that's as far as it goes or anything dumb it's just the tech skill doesn't feel so precise as say falco dittos.