The "default before customization" in the game we have is every character at 1111. Even Palutena, who comes fully unlocked right away, has a default of 1111. When making a Mii, they default all the moves to 1111 as well, only allowing you to change it after the character has technically already been created. If you back out of the screen after making your Mii without adjusting any customizable options, you have a Mii that has a moveset of 1111. That said, I don't think it's difficult to see how the logic that devs intended 1111 to be the default moves by design, and all others as customs, comes from.
I don't think there should be a debate about what is or is not "default" as that is simply speculation.
Ultimately if someone is instating a "1111" limit for ANY character it still needs to meet the ban/limit criteria. As demonstrated the "it's not fair" argument doesn't hold any water in a competitive ruleset.
Same goes for any claims if they are their own character or not, speculation isn't worth squat in a reasonable understanding of competition. To use this to defend the Mii isn't going to hold any merit, but the similarities to a Zelda/Sheik scenario is noteworthy in case anyone brings up question of "fairness" to change height/weight (similarly Shulk would not be limited in using his Monado arts due to it changing his "weight" as well as other stats).
Newer players need to learn the hard lesson of "adapt" - it'll help in all walks of life as well.
If your assumption isn't supported by other evidence, then I don't see how it would make your argument valid.
Because evidence doesn't make an argument valid, logically, an argument is valid if and only if the premises lead to an entailing conclusion. Whereas evidence is there to support an assertion.
Of course, your assumption that the Mii Fighters don't have custom moves is contrary to the rest of the game
Yeah, contrary to "Customization: Off" not applying to them apparently? Maybe we're playing different games? You might have Wii Sports in your Nintendo Entertainment System. Please remove the game, blow into the bottom, and try it again.
Whether Mii have custom moves or not is not a definite answer anyway, as the game functions to allow for the selection of their Specials regardless of any one person's mere opinion/speculation. When you can demonstrate why you put yourself above the very intrinsic programming of the software we use then you can become the god of Smashville and dictate how I play my game and if I do not obey, feel free to smote me with a plague of Smashville balloons or something.
if you had the game, you could easily test it for yourself.
More groundless speculation/ad hominem... yadda yadda...gotta be something good here somewhere...
This is how the software functions, so it's hypocritical to say that my argument is an out-of-game ruling when you completely discount this behavior of the game.
Yeah, let me know how to help you out here, nobody is going to be able to verify things you aren't clear about.
I was originally pro-ban with the Mii in my stance, but I didn't take your route because it didn't reasonably lead me to any conclusive decisions, these are the roadblocks you are having with your argument either find a different path or show me you can clear them and I'll follow you further down the path than I found.
If you want me to jump back on the pro-ban or limit bandwagon you gotta help me help you, until then the next ad hominem will end this part of the discussion and I'll see where it can progress or conclude to something useful.
It's is very easy to use a Guest Mii in order to make a Mii Fighter and to not change anything else. Don't pretend that it's more complicated than it actually is.
Strawman here, as I never said it was complicated (not sure anyone did really, it's a moot point).
It is not only
easier but a
stronger and more
compelling argument to simply play the game without trying to be god of Smashville - just let the players play the game they traveled to come pay to compete in.
Very reasonable.
Miis with the default height and weight would be considered as the baseline of the Mii Fighter's stats since most of the default Mii Fighter's attacks would deal whole-number damage. It isn't even complicated.
Yeah, and this would entail Shulk couldn't change his stats with Monado Arts.
Sorry, this looks to lead to a
Scrubby Slope (pun off "Slippery Slope"), heh heh.