Here are the notable changes:

All received a semi-universal change where their rapid jabs are made that "the attack does not get neutralized". I am assuming this means this means that you can no longer clank with it.
Overall a very minor change, but we found our obligatory universal change of the patch.
Now to the actual stuff:

Got buffed... for some reason. I legitimately have 0, completely no clue in my mind, why they would buff Ness of all characters.
- His dash attack's third hit got a damage and power buff. Relatively minor change.
- Up tilt got a damage buff, with knockback compensated.
- They also slightly buffed the startup of down air (frame 20 -> 18) and PK Flash, with the latter feeling the most noticeable.
Overall relatively minor changes for Ness, but I am still confused why he got buffed in the first place.

ICs got changed, and it is actually aimed at stuff that I wanted to be fixed for a long time.
- Dash attack got WAY better. Previously it was one of the worst moves in the game, with almost no range, exploitable endlag, and Nana's hit hardly ever connected. Now it has more range (still small, but that is a general IC issue) and Nana's hit actually now consistently connects, which sets up for up air. Nice buff overall. Not really game changing, but it is no longer a pile of garbage anymore.
- Down smash got a little nice knockback buff. Nothing really noticeable, but it is still a change.
- Side special seems like it can grab the ledge sooner, making it a more reliable recovery option, although it is still going to be pretty situational.
- Up special got its tether range noticeably increased. It now covers pretty deep below the stage now. They also fixed an issue where Nana using up B around the same time as Popo would send both climbers nowhere, which is really nice. I don't know if they fixed the issue where if getting hit by up B would sometimes make Popo go nowhere and die, but since it is not listed in the patch notes, I am assuming that this glaring issue has not been fixed.
- One of the most stupid changes made to the character from Brawl to Ultimate imo, is that they added a damage/knockback multiplier to Nana. They now lowered that multiplier, so Nana isn't going to die as early. I don't know how much they lowered the multiplier, and how significant it is, but I am glad they are adjusting that dumb mechanic.
- They also "adjusted Nana's AI behavior" which is something they haven't done for over a year. Nana's behavior still feels wonky, so I don't know how signficant this change is.
Overall, IC's recovery got some pretty good buffs. Dash attack is no longer a pile of garbage. The damage/knockback multiplier to Nana got weakened and Nana's AI behavior got adjusted.
I personally don't think this will be a big boost for ICs in the tier list, as they still possess a lot of the same issues (and we don't know how buffed Nana got), but it is a step in the right direction, especially considering that the character has been neglected for so long.

In a similar vein to Ness, why Sonic of all characters got buffed is a mystery, but at least the buffs are to areas that do feel somewhat frustratingly inconsistent with the character, so I will give the devs that.
- UP AIR FINALLY WORKS! The move actually functions properly at last. Through my testing on using up air against an opponent multiple times at different angles, up air only dropped once. This will help Sonic considerably in contesting the area above him.
- Up smash has decreased startup (frame 18 -> 14), increased invincibility, and a more consistent multi-hit. The move is still weak in terms of knockback, so it is still going to be very situational, but it is better nevertheless.
- Dash attack has increased damage and slightly less endlag. Nothing too major here.
- Up tilt got slightly reduced endlag. Makes combos out of it slightly more consistent, but it is still a pretty difficult move to initiate combos with.
Overall, nothing that will boost online Sonic too much (if not at all), but offline Sonic, who is already high tier, will definitely love having a functioning up air. Contrary to what people says, I actually like these changes.

Lucario also got some love this patch.
- Max aura is even stronger. This is a cool change that allows him to be more threatening at high aura.
- Jab got a nice frame data buff. Previously 7 frame startup, it now starts-up at frame 5. Still relatively slow for a non-swordie jab, but every bit helps.
- Forward tilt now connects better. I didn't actually never knew that this move drops, so cool I guess?
- Up special got slightly less landing lag. It was already miles faster than in SSB4, so it being even faster is helpful.
- Side special aura attack (not the command grab) got increased knockback. High aura Lucario (that got buffed) has a new toy to play with, although the knockback from my testing is still not too impressive for a high aura Lucario move.
- Down smash got a nice frame data buff. Previously 19 frames of startup, it now comes out on frame 16.
Overall, mostly QoL stuff to Lucario. It doesn't really address too much of Lucario's core flaws. For example, I think they could've pushed the jab (and overall frame data) buff even further, and I think he still needs more survivability to take advantage of his buffed aura. However, every little bit helps.

Shulk received a small mix of buffs and nerfs, but are worth pointing out.
Up smash got a multi-hit consistency change and Vision got a knockback buff. Both are rather inconsequential.
Shield Monado can now be launched farther away. By how much, and how significant this is will be determined.
However, I doubt this will Shulk that much, if not at all.

Bowser Jr. got some love this patch.
- Forward tilt knockback got buffed a rather inconsequential amount.
- Up smash multi-hits got a pretty nice QoL consistency buff. Now all we need now is down tilt and forward smash at higher percents lol.
- Down smash got a startup buff. Previously frame 15, it now comes out at frame 12.
- Up special got a startup buff, as Bowser Jr. ejects out of the Clown Car slightly sooner. Overall buff to his recovery.
- Forward throw getting a slight knockback buff. Makes it's role as a situational KO throw near the ledge better, although I think most Jr. mains are likely going to use jab finisher more often than not.
- Clown Cart Dash armor got buffed. I am not sure by how much, but this has potential to be a fairly significant change.
Overall, nice QoL changes to Bowser Jr. We will see how significant his side B armor buff is, and if this changes Bowser Jr. as a whole. Overall, he is relativelt the same character.

Got some buffs at last.
- Dash attack got a damage buff, as well as its base knockback increased. This improves reward, and it improves safety on-hit at low percents.
- Up tilt also got its base knockback increased. On paper, this nerfs combo potential, but up tilt's endlag is pretty high where it didn't really have much (of any) combo potential to begin with. Conversely, this improves safety on-hit at low percents.
- Down smash got a nice knockback buff. It was a pretty weak move for a down smash, while having relatively high endlag. It is still on the weak side in terms of smash attacks, but every little bit counts.
- Up smash got a startup (frame 18 -> 16) and knockback buff. It now KO's stupidly early now even if isn't at the tip. This is good, since you are hardly ever going to land this move.
- Up special received an increase in "attack range". I don't know if they are referring to travel distance or hitbox size of the move. Either way, up B still travels a meh distance, so even if it the former, it isn't going to improve their recovery that much.
Overall, the Belmonts got some nice QoL changes, but I heavily doubt this will actually change the character that much, since they didn't really address of their glaring weaknesses.
All other changes in the patch notes are minor move consistency changes.
I believe that

may be potentially the biggest winner of the patch, but it solely depends on how significant the side B buff is. I don't think he will increase much in the tier list otherwise.
If not Jr., then

is the biggest winner, as they received changes that directly help with their weaknesses. However, I personally doubt that they will increase in the tier list that much.

changes are nice, but they didn't really touch their most glaring weaknesses, only QoL changes.
My overall summary is that I think the adjusted characters, outside of maybe Jr. and ICs, are barely going to change in the tier list, only maybe a tier spot higher at best. Even then, I don't think Jr. and ICs are going to change much tier-wise this patch.
Overall in terms of character changes, this is a relatively uneventful patch, especially after 8.0's craziness (many mid tier buffs + them buffing the Pits and Corrin straight out of low tier irrelevancy).
On the bright side, it is nice to see a major patch in Ultimate where the DLC character gets the limelight. I will post tomorrow on my observations and impressions on Steve.
Well, maybe we'll get another patch in the near future, I doubt this will be in the game for very long
There was a problem fetching the tweet
I think this is either a stage (they are playing on one of the Minecraft World variants) or a Samus specific issue. Either way, this isn't really that significant.
It would seem that Steve joins the Min Min school of janky glitches at DLC release.