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Community Mafia: El final


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Do a comparison between me and Swords for the past few days (real life days), and tell me if you'd rather lynch me or swords and why.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
vote SwordsRBroken


I'd rather lynch you because I think you're scum and with Swords I know he's either useless town or scum, but I'd rather kill useless town than scum.

That said, we need a lynch toDay. Cop would have been useful for players like you and Swords, but we can't expect a claim from them this early in the game and I don't mind culling the herd.

You are not off the hook for tomorrow Roxy. No more AtE, no more stalling, no more playing anti-town. I don't care if Swords flips town bulletproof cop triple voter or a mafia godfather tracker double killer, you're not off the hook.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

votecount + flip ASAP please, I'd like the rest of my work day to reread the thread for the following Day.

also, note to other players: I start a new job on Wednesday (tomorrow); it's an important job for me that pays fairly well and is more important than mafia. I may have reduced activity, I'm not sure what the job entails. I'm not gonna be browsing smashboards as much in the beginning either way!

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Swords, if your a power role like a cop or something, do you think you want to give us that info you did the previous night before the thread gets locked. Although I doubt you are, and probably won't see this post before the thread gets locked anyways.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Day 2 Vote Count
SwordsRbroken (5): Dark Pappy Charles, GorditoBoy69, X1-12, Ronike, Sephiroths Masamune
Dark Pappy Charles (3): Overswarm, Swiss, SwordsRbroken
GorditoBoy69 (1): Rockin

Not voting: Sworddancer.

It takes 6 out of 10 votes to lynch.

The deadline is Tuesday, August 31 at 11:59:59 PM ET.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Stop bull****ing and co-operate. Tell him two people you think is scum.

I still feel there are other people more scummy then Roxy.
I'm not bull****ting, he could include himself if he wants two people, however I'm back and forth on that.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Day 2 Final Vote Count
SwordsRbroken (6): Dark Pappy Charles, GorditoBoy69, X1-12, Ronike, Sephiroths Masamune, Sworddancer.
Dark Pappy Charles (3): Overswarm, Swiss, SwordsRbroken
GorditoBoy69 (1): Rockin

It takes 6 out of 10 votes to lynch.

SwordsRbroken (Pierce, mafia goon) has been lynched.

Day 2 ends. Night 2 begins.

Night actions are due Thursday, September 2 at 6:59:59 PM ET.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist

Sephiroths Masamune (Abed, jack of certain trades) has been eliminated.

Rockin (Starburns, town nurse) has been eliminated.

Night 2 ends. Day 3 begins.

It takes 4 out of 7 votes to lynch.

The deadline is Saturday, September 11 at 11:59:59 PM ET.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
What is a jack of certain trades and why are there so many nurses?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
@OS: My guess is that a jack of certain trades is a jack of all trades. If you think about it, JoCT is a more appropriate name and Abed is the kind of genre savvy character that would call his role as it is.

As for the nurses, I have a few guesses, but none of them are particularly pro-town to get out there, so I won't share.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I agree /w the Gordito making a case out of thin air thing.

Two deaths is interesting.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Uh, no? We have 7 players. I think at the end of the day BEFORE the hammer everyone should post "Vig target: (name)" so our vig knows what we think (or something similar), but claiming now would be stupid.

We lynch one, one gets NKilled, we get down to 5 players. Vig kills too, we are down to 4 players. Assuming there are 3 scum and we get one within toDay and toNight's actions, that gives town TWO options to kill scum with only 4 left. If he claims now, we might get one vig kill, assuming the vig is protected and/or the vig's order of operations beats it. If he doesn't claim, we might get two shots. Why would you want a claimed vig the Day before lylo?

Gordito, still want your case.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I am basing this whole case from my own perspective. I’m not using any parroting. The reads will STRICTLY go from beginning to end. Meaning NO BIASED OPINIONS.
Here is every player alive at this point (besides me):
5. X1-12
6. Ronike
8. Swiss
9. Overswarm
10. Sworddancer.
11. Roxy
Confirmed town are:

3. Vrael
12. Gheb_01
4. Sephiroths Masamune
1. Rockin
And the confirmed scum is none other than our friend:

2. SwordsRScum
So with THAT in mind, let’s start off with none other than the first player on the "alive" list: X1.

Swiss’ 40:

Cut your jibber jabber fool.
Vote Dark Pappy for me, thx.
X1’s 41:

vote: Dark Pappy Charles
That’s not cute, X1. Nobody’s laughing.

X1’s 55:

don't be a clown, bot

Beat you there swiss
Seems like mild buddying at this point. Not too bad, but something to analyze.

X1’s 85:

vote: Ronike
Why… Would you do this… When the ONLY thing that could’ve been done by Ronike was this:

DPC, you're roxy, aye?
That’s some scummy stuff right there, right? Thought not.

OMG. X1’S 91:

vote: OverSwarm

FoS: Ronike
IGMEOY: Dark Pappy Charles
And guess when this was done? After Swiss’ 87:

X1, I typo'd earlier when I asked you to vote Pappy. I meant vote Overscum, will you vote him now for me. Thanks.
Either X1’s trying to be a Swiss, and is just NOT funny, or he’s straight up buddying Swiss.

X1’s 103:

trying to post like you're god won't make me follow you or do what you want... lol....
So wait… you’re not gonna listen to someone talking like God (with more arrogance, granted), but you’re gonna listen to Swiss, the man who NEEDS to repeat English class? Not gonna buy it. (Not too big, but it bugged me, for sure).

X1’s 120:

Things I don't like in this post:

"*facepalm*" - this is condescending and it also dismisses Gheb's legit question as something irrelevant, which its not

"you guys" what is up with this, firstly it was only Gheb who mentioned it but not its us 'guys' who are these people?

"you guys hated synonyms." well actually that's not what he's talking about at all. he's talking about two words which are fairly different, like and love don't mean the same do they?

in like 10 words I've picked out 3 things I hate, including distracting form the topic (Scumtell), Dismissing legit questions (scumtell) and grouping people together for no reason, which I don't get at all
That’s a reaction to Overswarm’s 118:

I had no idea you guys hated synonyms.
It might just be the most HILARIOUS attempt of being a modern day Sherlock Holmes.

I couldn’t agree with the amount of sarcasm in Overswarm’s 123:

Again, you must be the world's greatest detective.
X1’s 150:

I don't even know anything anymore...

for the record me calling OS's 'slip' wasn't a real slip at all in my eyes, but I didn't like his reaction to what I was saying
WHY? You’re being called an idiot by Overswarm, and you start off by saying something NOT funny, and NOT important. Then, you contradict your whole case on Overswarm. Very flimsy of you here, X1.

X1’s 228:

@Vreal, I'm thinking maybe swords..? I can't say anything conclusively really
I love how that came out of NOWHERE. You were accusing Seph of parroting, and what do you do? Buddy. Lovin it.

I gotta postpone my reread for a bit. My sister, the princess of the house, is getting my mom to take the computer away from me.

For personal reference: I STOPPED AT SEX ROBOT’S 229.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
GBoy, before I make any judgments, I wanta see the end of your case.

Kinda already get the impression though that I know where this is going.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
The problem with your read is that you're looking at the external, not the internal gordito. What are his intentions with all that he's doing? Causing confusion?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
What I'm gonna finish tonight is gonna be a full analysis of all of the alive players, pointing out all of the fishy things.

I'll come up with a conclusion at the end of my full read.

My uncle died yesterday, so I went to Central FL to be with my family.

I'm driving back tonight. When I get back home, I'll finish up.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
BTW, I'm on my dad's iphone, which is why I can't do it now.

Basically, I'll give an overall result when I'm at the end of the thread. What my basic opinion is on everything.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
My uncle died yesterday, so I went to Central FL to be with my family.
If this is a scum way of stalling for time... you have balls of steel. Sorry about your uncle otherwise.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I'm really, really sorry to hear that Gboy.

Actually, on, my grandma isn't in the best health right now. So I'm going to be v/la over the weekend to visit her in Jacksonville.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Good morning town.

So I’ve been thinking about it a bit, and most of this is spouting from my comment on Gordito’s read ‘you’re looking too far into the external and not into the internal’. The main question that we should be having in our minds is..


What intentions does each player have that leads their actions? While X1’s actions seem scummy, are their intentions scummy? That’s what’s really important.

That being said, I would like to shed some light on Overswarm (again). His intentions seem as pro-town as can possibly be, in fact if anyone goes against him, he can surely use that to his advantage to get heat off of him.

However is that really the case? I have three particular areas that I find scummy about Overswarm, or at least leads up to scumminess.

1) His interaction with Swiss – Swiss and Overswarm had a small moment of interaction in the beginning of the game, however after that there was little to no interaction that came ‘near’ the first. If you’re all curious of what I mean, I’m talking about Overswarm looking scummy in Swiss’s eyes, and Overswarm ‘countering’ by… acknowledging Swiss to keep up the town work?

Then the scum claim seemed to have disappeared entirely after that. Why? I would think those claims would still in a sense, show as fishy to Swiss, especially after two days of the so called ‘towniest person here’ still living amongst us, being out prioritized by Gheb and Rockin respectively.

This adds some scum points to Swiss alongside Overswarm mind you. However this is mainly for OS so let’s continue with that.

2) His vote on Vrael D1; His vote on me D2 – Note Vrael’s alignment; town. He seemed quite confident with this lynch even with me acting a fool in retrospect. Perhaps it had more to do with the fact that since we’re both town, it didn’t matter if either of us had died, as long as we did die.

Note, the second time he votes (D2) he votes me; the secondary target of lynch, instead of voting SwordsRBroken, who has flipped to be scum. He ‘openly’ talked about how he’s rather lynch me for reasons I will get into on my next point. I feel his intention wasn’t only to peer attention to me, and have me die today, but instead was to deflect attention from swords for at least one more day. Why would that day matter?

Well, I have a feeling that Overswarm would’ve bussed Swords himself after the flubbed lynch of me and the night kill of an essential townie to make himself look good.

3) A moment of WIFOM – His reasoning for killing me is that I act identical to how he acts as scum. Is this really true? :-S



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
That being said, I would like to shed some light on Overswarm (again). His intentions seem as pro-town as can possibly be, in fact if anyone goes against him, he can surely use that to his advantage to get heat off of him.

However is that really the case? I have three particular areas that I find scummy about Overswarm, or at least leads up to scumminess.

1) His interaction with Swiss – Swiss and Overswarm had a small moment of interaction in the beginning of the game, however after that there was little to no interaction that came ‘near’ the first. If you’re all curious of what I mean, I’m talking about Overswarm looking scummy in Swiss’s eyes, and Overswarm ‘countering’ by… acknowledging Swiss to keep up the town work?

Then the scum claim seemed to have disappeared entirely after that. Why? I would think those claims would still in a sense, show as fishy to Swiss, especially after two days of the so called ‘towniest person here’ still living amongst us, being out prioritized by Gheb and Rockin respectively.

This adds some scum points to Swiss alongside Overswarm mind you. However this is mainly for OS so let’s continue with that.
...You said my intentions seem as pro-town as possible, then follow it up with "his interactions with Swiss were scummy"; Swiss' flip is unknown (hint: it's gonna be town).

Then you say "let's ignore swiss though, this is for OS"

2) His vote on Vrael D1; His vote on me D2 – Note Vrael’s alignment; town. He seemed quite confident with this lynch even with me acting a fool in retrospect. Perhaps it had more to do with the fact that since we’re both town, it didn’t matter if either of us had died, as long as we did die.

Note, the second time he votes (D2) he votes me; the secondary target of lynch, instead of voting SwordsRBroken, who has flipped to be scum. He ‘openly’ talked about how he’s rather lynch me for reasons I will get into on my next point. I feel his intention wasn’t only to peer attention to me, and have me die today, but instead was to deflect attention from swords for at least one more day. Why would that day matter?

Well, I have a feeling that Overswarm would’ve bussed Swords himself after the flubbed lynch of me and the night kill of an essential townie to make himself look good.
Let's ignore everyone else on the Vrael lynch too? This is called tunneling. Anyone that has played with me knows I wouldn't hesitate to bus a scummate, especially one that would have been as useless as Swords. I would have killed him D1 with as useless as he was and used it to claim I was town. I've done that in like every mafia game ever because it always works.

3) A moment of WIFOM – His reasoning for killing me is that I act identical to how he acts as scum. Is this really true? :-S
You're not even trying.

You're pretty much an idiot Rockin', but you know what? I don't even have to convince others because you let out a pretty big scum slip:

you said:
specially after two days of the so called ‘towniest person here’ still living amongst us, being out prioritized by Gheb and Rockin respectively.
That's funny.

Sephiroth's Masamune died tonight.

How exactly were you able to pick out which one were scum kills and which were vig kills and conveniently leave Seph out of this?

vote: Roxy

A bad push with little evidence whose main point is "OS is super pro town... or IS HE?! THINK ABOUT IT!" followed by a scum slip is an easy lynch.
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