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Community Interview Thread #9 unreon - ANSWER NOW PLOX JASON


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
when did you start playing smash
favourite smash moment?
favourite video game(s) and why (top 5)
Why did you get into smash?
Why did you get into medicine?
How is your macular?
I first played Melee back when it first came out in USA. In those days, Gamecube just came out 3 months before Australia and I saw Melee for the first time in some dodgy story in New York’s Chinatown. One of the store owner’s kids was playing the thing and was obnoxious enough not to let me have a go (I was a customer!). I was visiting my cousins at the time and they were gracious enough to send me back to Australia with the entire set, on which I still play on today. If you were asking about Smash in general, I played it first at a friend’s birthday party back in 6th Grade, and was instantly hooked with Samus. I bought a N64 + Smash the week after that fateful day.
My favourite Smash moment…I’ve honestly have too many hilarious things to place at the top. Probably when the fateful night at Rambo, where Stu flew across the room into the lockers, Turtle bought too much goon, the bunk railing breaking and Turtle falling horizontally onto TVs and Cao’s laptop yet not spilling a drop of his goon, when we got kicked out, hearing that the manager was snorting coke afterwards, wandering Melbourne CBD from 3-5am, Sam directing me to the opposite side of the city, catching a taxi to the airport in the other direction back home. Insane.
Wow, is this a tough pick. I know I posted my list before on the boards, but it’s so hard to definitively choose as the top 5 are so close together. They’re so homogenous to me.
1. Super Smash Bros Melee – I guess in terms of actual playtime and longetivity, this will never be topped.
2. Super Mario Galaxy – pure joy on a disc, radiating outwards beckoning me into a better universe (or at least a galaxy). Galaxy 2 had better levels but sacrificed a little environment.
3. Shadow of the Colossus – nothing else has impacted me more as a game than this one. It was able to take a very boring colour scheme (brown) and somehow hide a beauty that was far more vibrant. Although desolate and lonely on the surface, it always seemed as if the majesty of the world was just awaiting discovery.
4. Ico – I am a Ueda *****. The connection to Yorda through this was done with one simple magic idea: reactionary kinetics. You pulled her arm, she tugged you back. That alone made it an experience without the need for dialogue.
5. Legend of Zelda: all of them – I really find it difficult enough to rank these, so I’ll put them all down together.
Other honorable mentions: MGS3, Metroid Prime, Mirror’s Edge, Pokemon Blue.
Got into Smash purely because it’s the best game ever <3 I have such an affinity with it.
Getting into Medicine is a really long, tough decision that is not something you want to make on a whim. Personally, high school kids just aren’t mature enough to make such a decision. It’s more than a career, it’s a lifestyle, and honestly I’m still working out reasons along the way. If you’re not questioning your choice every day, then you aren’t attuned to the reality of it. There are a hundred reasons, and on their own they’re corny, cheesy, or trivial, but it all comes together. If it weren’t for Medicine, I’d go into my other dream job – a nature photographer for BBC wildlife documentaries. If only.
My macula is perfectly fine; I’m young and not afflicted with any unfortunate genetic yuckiness =)

who's your fav american falco?
have you ever considered picking up a new character, because falco gets hard ***** by puff, marth, peach etc even ICs i'd say lol
where is the unreon combo video? after all you're one of the best in aus for entertaining exciting combos
For pure entertainment, I think Dr PeePee has the most creativity, innovation, and smoothness to his playstyle that I really enjoy.
I only really love love love playing Falco, but lately I’ve dabbled in Fox. In reality I’d probably only be confident in my Falco regardless of what secondaries I pick up.
unreon combo video is on hold indefinitely because my laptop has chocolate milk inside of it. But thank you for the compliments =)

How can i double jump irl?
You’re just not trying hard enough.

Are you going to CSE Revue?
Why don't you play Brawl? :(
Can I still get 2 pairs of glasses from SpecSavers if I have 20/20 vision?
Are you going to be in CSE Revue? How come you didn’t come to USyd MedRevue “CADAVATAR”? We had tapdancers, a gymnastics/acrobatics/Circ du Soleil act, two bagpipes playing, a jazz routine, and the sexiest men you’ve ever seen (seriously). Videos of Blue and Single Nurses are up on facebook, go check my profile!
Brawl is inherently boring to me simply because of the speed at which I’m able to move around. I’m really sorry, but I just can’t get over that hurdle of it being a far more defensive game where I’m grinding out victories. It’s exhausting and not exhilarating. Though if ROB were in Melee I’d totally use him.
I don’t see why you couldn’t. Though 20/20 is the US system based on feet. Measured in superior metres, Australia uses the equivalent 6/6 notation.

what are you wearing?
were you excited when you played me in starcraft?
what did you think of my fast expand to fast ultras+queens?
can you speak some asian to me when you come to melbourne?
As of 10.43pm on the 22nd September, I am wearing black pjs with a school jersey over on top.
It hurt my feelings, poor Stalkers =(
Yes of course.

Why are you so amazing?
We should do something at Robocop?
Give me your hair.
You tell me.
Of course.
That’s not a question.

what's your weakest matchup?
what's your strongest matchup?
what's your opinion on fox vs falco on FD?
how do i beat you?
why falco?
is smash one of the best games of the decade?
It’s probably Sheik at the moment, or maybe ZXV is too good. But characters like Jiggs, Marth and Peach still make me groan playing them. If they’re floaty, I tend not to like you. I also hate Falco dittos because I lose every one of them.
Easiest machup would be Captain Falcon. It’s just autocombos for me. And I’m very comfortable against Fox’s for similar reasons.
50-50. Falco loses mobility without platforms, and some combo ability. Fox gets grounded by lasers, and easily edgeguarded.
I’m sure you can =) or, use jiggs.
He controls space horizontally and vertically. It’s so simple. And, you have to have fast fingers. There’s a rhythm to him that I love. High aggression is always ridiculously fun, especially when you are in control of the game.
See above.

I still hate him. He’s not funny. Though I <3 you.

how long did you spend practicing the 'grab pull in, punch punch punch down' move for thriller?
if you get a patient you don't like, will you sh pills at them?
don't you think its stupid how falco can't fly despite having wings, and jigglypuff, who is fat and has no real arms, can jump 6 times?
I spent 20minutesish on each video the first time through.
That is the answer to all of life’s problems.
I never noticed that. I do know that Falco’s airdodge makes him fall as if he is skydiving, though it takes him ages to grab the ledge. I suppose skydiving without a chute is dangerous…

Do you know who I am?
Mozart or Chopin?
Since you play SC2, play me =( Also who's better at SC2 out of you and Chris?
Yes I do…I think?
Errrr…I’ve never listened to either despite always saying I should. Ask again later!

Can you find me a cure for Stargardt's Disease?
There are plans for treatment using gene therapy last I heard, it’s currently on the way! Maybe another…10 years or so (if it all works out). Sorry ><
be my optometrist?
be my falco mentor?
battlenet real id?
sc2 race?
Seeing as I graduated without an Optometry degree, it is illegal for me to do so. Plus, you’d want someone more competent. I scored poorly in Optometry classes.
Of course, feel free to ask =)
“unreon”, lol
Protoss, because they’re so sleek and shiny and smexy.

How were you so good at the Thriller dance?
Just need to put some emphasis on every move! And keep your mind aware of the small details – they really make a difference visually!

When are we gonna zombie together again?
Can we haz shoppang in Melbourne?
I would love to! Melbourne shopping >> Sydney shopping. I need new shoes and jeans! Fancy ones mind you.

do you know any asian gangs that are recruiting? (serious question)
No, I don’t. Get help.
(serious answer)
I need a job, how do i write a resume?

Will you get your revenge against ZXV in a major?
Will you consider a move to Melbourne? :)
Sirocco and the cookie conspiracy? Best team ever ay? <3
P.s I'll remember to bring your bro's controller at RC >_>
I doubt I ever will at this point, but I’ll continue to try! I don’t know why he keeps winning, he doesn’t play that smart…
I’m seriously considering it once I get the moneys. And the time.
Best team name ever, we should team again! And make the sequel to that name. Can’t wait to meet again :D
I know, I will. Bring his one! Honestly I think your controller made him so much better, he is probably just as good as I am now! He’s playing loads smarter.

Please move to melbourne?
Pretty please?
Why do you like melee?
Does being asian make you better than me automatically?
Pretty pretty please?
What is the best character in melee in your opinion?
I will in due time!
I will!
answered in above posts. But in short, it’s blazingly fast and you can be creative with your combos. Not many fighters have that. Plus additional concepts like DI and weight add such a unique dynamic to everything.
When played perfectly, it’s still Fox. Objectively you can’t match his frame data. But otherwise Jiggs comes real close.

Any talents/hobbies the greater world doesn't know about? Kinda curious. I only know you as a smasher and doctor-to-be.
I’m not a talented musician like Chris haha. He’s both better at Smash and at studies, simply because of how diligent he is at everything he does. However, I do secretly pride myself as a pretty strong swimmer. I’ve swum continuously for two hours – 100 laps, i.e. 5km – in one sitting for charity. Most boring thing I’ve ever done. I was also once a terrific goalkeeper, being nominated for the state soccer team. However, I turned that down in favour to study in highschool. Sigh, what could have been.

If you were a pokemon, which magikarp would you be?
If you moved to Melbourne would you consider being a permanent QLD representative because QLD is awesome?
How much smash training is there in an average week for you?
And would you like it if you had time for more?
Well, isn’t that a loaded question. Magikarp.
No, QLD is full of asshats in general. Sorry boys </3
I never read up on theory because I’m usually reading other things lol (like textbooks…sure). But I play my brother about an hour a week? Maybe two if we’re free. I don’t take it too seriously though, and not really focusing on getting better. Just enjoying the game for what it is =)
I would love to have more time for so many things. There aren’t enough hours in a day.

Where did "Communist Pinko Falco" come from? (have I got that right?)
Why oh why would you sell your soul to them evil people over at usyd?
Vegimite or PB and J?
Who would you play if you couldn't play falco?
Finally, can you teach me to be good at falco pretty plz :) ?
PlanetStereo extra question: How many Pro Bowsers can you take at once?
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about, lol.
I feel dirty inside every day I step inside USyd. I miss the cleaniness and newyness that is UNSW. And all my old friends. I have no non-med friends in USyd. Sigh. And where are all the hot Asian girls here? I tend to find that people are better dressed in UNSW too. Because of the international students, obviously. Plus lawns that people actually sit on. ARGH I MISS UNSW.
Vegemite originated as the scum scrapings at the bottom of wine barrels. Yuck. I don’t know what PB and J is.
If I were not allowed Falco, I’d probably main Fox. Or Captain Falcon just because he’s a superhero.
Of course, feel free to ask =)
I’m sure I can take 2 if one of them is not Cao’s Boozer. I distinctly remember the first time I played Cao (and first time I met “omgosh THAT’S the great David Cao I keep hearing about?!”), his Boozer and Zelda beat my Falco and Fox. And I was actually trying. ****it =(

what is your favourite position
have you ever taken the great american challenge?
want to go on "the tour" when you come down to melbourne? (tour with me AND dekar)
anally, dry, no spit.
I had to urban dictionary that. But yes. Twice.
I’ll accept for now, if your idea of fun involves the above two scenarios.

Tell us a bit about your MMA/UFC fighting stuff (something many people probably don't know about you)
As a youth I did Taek Won Do for three years, but for the most part it was a joke so I don’t count that. At one point about two years ago I became obsessed with MMA/UFC stuff. I joined a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu place run by Elvis “King of Rock and Rumble” Sinosic and Anthony “The Hippo” Perosh. Both have fought in the UFC on various occasions, however to limited success. They are great teachers though. For those two years I graded to just shy of a blue belt. It’s enormously fun to participate in, and the knowledge you gain is invaluable. In a lay street fight, there are very simple ideas that you learn on the first five lessons that stick with you forever. Ideas such as the basic ground positions give you a HUGE advantage in defending/attacking, as they aren’t very naturally intuitive to most people. E.g., if you control their neck/head, their body has to go with it. Simply clasp your hands behind their neck, pull them down, and that’s your basic clinch/plum position. They can’t strike, and are sitting ducks for knees. It’s valuable to know how to mount a guy on the ground, or inversely shake off the mount. Triangle chokes and rear naked chokes are so basic yet so effective and easy to pull off. As a future parent, I am definitely teaching my kids these skills. Along with swimming training (not just lessons), I am very strongly supportive of things that will garuantee your safety.

how'd you learn to dance so good? has that got anything to do with your wicked mma skillz?
In all honesty, I believe it does. In BJJ, the positions and moves are very, very technical. If your elbow is not tucked close to their body whilst you are pinning them down in side control, then they’re going to sneak their knees into that gap and get into half guard. Each transition and submission attempt must be done to the letter. If you don’t, the forces don’t work out. Try flipping a 100kg angry man off your chest if your pivot point is misplaced, or your hips aren’t working as proper levers. It’s to do with physics and math – I suppose my great respect for these backgrounds also help – and you have to integrate your knowledge of those subjects to clue you in to proper technique. If you’re choking someone but you don’t have a proper clamp over the carotid arteries (I suppose a respect for human anatomy also is important), then they will still get oxygen fed to their brain. Success lies in the tiniest details of each position each motion. The only difference is, in BJJ you will either succeed the submission escape, or you’ll pass out trying. Such careful attention to detail in dance is also incredibly important, but you don’t have such a strong reinforced feedback mechanism to tell you where you go wrong. All you have is a mirror and the will to make everything as visually attractive as possible – that’s all on your shoulders.

Have you ever hit anyone you didn't like with a flying armbar? (or another move...)
You still playing SF4/SSF4? If so, hows that been?
Not anyone I didn’t like. But I have won a sparring round in 5 seconds using a surprise flying armbar :D I doubt it’d ever work again though.
I gave up months ago honestly. Eeeep. I still use Abel though! Play me soon please <3

How can I be as motivated to study as you are?
I'm soooooooooooo lazy......
Do I need to be Asian?
I hate studying. I love learning. You should always love what you are doing. Without that passion, you have no hope. Find what your interests are, and do that. Nothing else matters.
Don’t be Asian, then your parents will beat you for getting B’s.

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Have strange things happened?
Are you going round the twist?
I remember that show. Watched one episode only. Whoa.

By the way Unny.
Possibly Chris.
Mario Party.
Bowser's Bomb Blast.
It's on.
Oh HELLS YES. Challenge accepted.

how doo you like your eggs?
Definitely not splattered across my face like what those jerks in Brisbane did to me! Cooked slow so the white becomes soft and squishy, and the yolk HAS to be sunny side up and runny. So I can pop it and use the yolk as sauce on my noodles/rice. Speaking of which, as it’s cooking slowly I put pepper and salt all over the pan so it all soaks and cooks in. With Me Goreng. Yum.

What do you think of squeee?
Squee <3

Tell us about your pokemon team - and your thoughts on pokemon in general.
If there was a heaven, I’m sure the Pokemon universe would be it. It substitutes for me as a well I can place all my love and affection into creatures and animals, seeing as my mum won’t allow me to have pets. I love the game and world moreso than stat raising and grinding. If I were to have a real Pokemon team, I’d consist of nothing but Eeveelutions because they’re so ****ed cute. <3

can you please answer faster?
You ask bad questions anyway ._.

How can i reduce pimples?
How do i put contacts on without being scared?
Why do i keep waking up at 11am no matter what time i sleep?
When can i learn the ancient technique of double jumping in real life?
Good genes, don’t eat spicy foods, use cleanser and moisturizer everyday.
I get scared of contacts too back then, it’s all about getting used to it.
Why do I always wake up at the correct train stop every day regardless of how little I’ve slept the night before? Sleep is tricky. But to answer your question, it’s because humans have a natural Circadian Rhythm to wake them up at the same time every day. It happens apparently on a hormonal level which is independent to the seasons or daylight exposure going around you. Take, for example, a nocturnal owl and move it to the other side of the hemisphere and it’ll continue it’s patterns for weeks. This is the basis for jet lag. *shrugs* I should know it seeing as I studied for an exam a month ago, but it’s largely escaped me now.

How did we lose to Gords and Bryte that time?
What is your favourite smash moment?
Favourite smash tournament and why?
ZXV is too good and carried heaps, and you were drugged up on benzodiazapenes to sleep. Silly boy.
You’ve asked this already!
Rocky for sure, there is nothing that could ever top that in recent memory. I guess I really found myself to be comfortable around the Smash community, being familiar with many of the people around. Which meant that the tournament meant so much more on a personal level, especially with the rivalries going on. Not to mention that the finals of both Melee and Brawl were ridiculously entertaining to watch, the crowd was enormous and there was so much hype. I had a great set with a narrow win over Atticus (I was actually very lazy the first two games and close losses really made me have to step up my game) to come in a proud 9th. Where I lost to you. Awwww. Though I wasn’t playing well against you, I never do anyway. You’re too good. <3


Someone make a new thread, because I want Atticus to have the next interview!


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
Haha, for some reason I was under the impression you had an optometry degree, I dunno where I got that idea. :S

Still, good read, and we should 'toss ditto on SC2 sometime. :)


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Sydney, Australia.
Interview's over, great job unreon.

Might as well start the polling process.

On second thoughts, let's skip it and just interview Atticus (i.e. I'm voting for Atticus)


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
why bother with a poll
how about unny picks
or better, unny picks atticus

after robocop...


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
I've already said I pick Atticus.

Do it now because post-Robocop = many other winner interviews.

Keru - I have no idea at the moment; too many factors to list. But ideally I'd prefer working with my hands :)


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
tru unny, i will be interviewed for sure after i win all 4 events and beat all the qlders in a 1v10 fight
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