Try if you could also take into account the region me and okin are playing in.
Yes we did fairly poor but we both had hard brackets, i lost to Boss 2-1 and a falco player 2-1, i ended up going 2-2 which was breaking even and i believe okin did the same. One loss to Lobos and i dont know the other.
Then i went to Little Rock arkansas and went through with a breeze until i got to a wario main and i couldnt handle it.
I never played melee for real so im far behind but im tryin to catch up. I think if me and okin could just break down our playstyles and just explain what we do we can build as lucas mains.
For me, i go through phases, first was dair phase because i really liked the damage and the follow up to it if you get all the hits.
Dair-> dtilt->fsmash
Then i hit the jab cancle, (works magic people).
Now i made my own playstyle with things i know work for me. Im not a dair lucas, im all about nair, jab, jab cancle, pkf.
1x jab->Nair>utilt (fav thing in the world)
2x jab->dtilt->ftilt
(starting combo) 2x Ftilt[angled downwards] try it. suprise lol
Nair->2x jab->ftilt
2x jab means 2 hits 1x is one his so on and so on lol
that is what my game consists of ^^.
Most used aproach for me is airdodge because you can buff the attack to come out fast once you land.
Also, i run away instead of rolling.
any one else?
i have a weird playstyle.
as for combos, everything depends on percentage.
i can almost always trip whenever i use dtilt. so dtilt to something(any%). I've been told i have very good spacing.
fair -> dtilt lock. (it works sometimes @ mid%)
utilt -> utilt -> uair follow up with something based on prediction. (low %)
dtilt -> 2x jab -> grab/dsmash (any%)
2x jab -> dtilt trip -> fsmash (high%)
dair -> dtilt lock -> fsmash (high%)
dair -> ftilt (low to mid)
dair -> 2x jab -> ftilt (low to mid%
dair -> 2x jab -> dtilt -> 3x jab (low to mid%)
ftilt -> dtilt lock (mid%)
dthrow -> utilt -> foxtrot -> pivot grab (low%)
nair -> ftilt (any%)
nair -> uair -> more prediction stuff (low%)
dthrow -> nair (low%)
nair -> utilt -> uair -> ...prediction crap
idk that's pretty much me for combos.
then comes spacing blah blah blah. i use pk fire often. it refreshes moves and spaces well. i appraoch with dair, nair, retreating rar uair (mindgame), SHAD, empty SH. dash to shield. i'm working on running when i make a mistake instead of rolling.