Question for WGF!
Hey SD Brawl! I'm probably going to type up a storm, so bear with me please. I don't really know how I'm to get in contact with the brawl community to get their general consensus as a whole since the AiB forums are pretty dead, so I thought I'd do the next best thing and ask the few guys I know that keep in touch with brawlers.
Long story short, I want to try and format the tournament in such a way so that people playing singles in both games only have to focus on one game at a time. The three schedules I came up with were as follows:
OPTION A: Classic Format
Day 1
Melee Doubles Pools
Melee Singles Pools
Brawl Doubles Pools
Brawl Singles Pools
Day 2
Melee Doubles Bracket
Melee Singles Bracket
Brawl Doubles Bracket
Brawl Singles Bracket
OPTION B: New Melee Format, Classic Brawl Format
Day 1
Melee Singles Pools
Melee Singles Bracket
Brawl Doubles Pools
Brawl Singles Pools
Day 2
Melee Doubles Pools
Melee Singles Pools
Brawl Doubles Bracket
Brawl Singles Bracket
OPTION C: Classic Melee Format, New Brawl Format
Day 1
Melee Doubles Pools
Melee Singles Pools
Brawl Singles Pools
Brawl Singles Bracket
Day 2
Melee Doubles Bracket
Melee Singles Bracket
Brawl Doubles Pools
Brawl Doubles Bracket
Alright so the melee community vastly favors having their tournament ran with the classic format and have basically tossed option B out the window because doing singles before doubles is blasphemy. My questions to you guys are: A) How important is it to have doubles before singles? And B) Would the brawl community mind option C, that is doing all of singles on day 1, and all of doubles on day 2?
The advantage to this format would be that by splitting the days that singles are played on, brawl gets all the hype on day 1, which includes the projector, seating, etc. (I know this was a bit of a problem last year) and in addition, players that wish to compete in brawl and melee would be able to focus on brawl for day 1 and melee for day 2.
This disadvantage to this format is that singles finishes on day 1. My main concern with this is the chance that nobody is going to want to enter brawl doubles on the day 2, which actually would help finish the tournament on time, but would be a major bummer. My solution to try to remedy this problem is having a guaranteed pot. Both doubles and singles will have an equal pot size, regardless of attendance. Hopefully this'll keep the interest sparked in doubles.
Anyways thanks a ton for reading this all the way through. Please discuss it at any future smashfests/tournaments and post what the general consensus is. Any and all input would be greatly appreciated.