Multi Front Smash Attacks
So, while while our No.1 Mexican not from Mexico is demolishing WA we also have some
stupid series that might not be cool at all but we should support anyway tomorrow. I wasn't planning on going anywhere for smash this weekend on account of beautiful women, but what the hey.
Before you start calling seats know this. Doubles starts at 11am. Attendance doesn't look so hot so I'm hoping to arrive early, kick some ***, then leave early so I can try to catch a party at 8 (I'm not expecting to get there at 8, but I would like to get home prior to midnight). This will be in my AVALANCHE so there will be 4 open spots at a flat rate of $6 for gas even if we don't get a full car (I do this for you community). Once the main event ends we're off like a prom dress so if you're down let me know ASAP. I get off work at 10:30 so I'll be updating then.
To those that want to come meet up at my place (567 Biernacki CT) by 8AM sharp. If a Mexican from Mexico wants to come then i'll pick you up from Burger Fingers hopefully by 8:30.
Hall Driver. A master of Artillery and willing to break the mold
Stauffy Navigator. Hold me closer Tony Danza