Bottom line; I don't think the amateur bracket should be run as it is. I'm sorry Havok, but when i heard you charged $4 for it, and the pot money went partially to winners, I kind of made a double take. My idea for the amateur bracket was similar to minor/major league ball. They're completely separate, and if you're good enough for one, you're invited up to the other.
The price for doubles I agree with, and I think you're right about the $1 venue fee because you and your parents deserve something for letting us use your house every weekend, but I think $4 is a little steep for an amateur bracket that goes to partially finance a $5 pro bracket.
Not only are you charging only a dollar less, you're already telling people that they are not allowed to access any of the money they put down for their own tournament. The amateur bracket is supposed to be just for amateurs. People whose skill we're unsure of, and are new to the game.
Referring to this last weekly:
The winner is guaranteed admission into Pro Bracket and $20. The rest of the money goes to the Pro Bracket. So with 10 entrants, that's $40 from amateurs, with $20 of those dollars given to first place, the other $20 given to directly to the winners of the Pro Bracket. See the disconnect? Why are the amateurs giving money to pros? I don't remember if I said I was for this or against this before, but I've made up my mind now, I think. To be honest, if we're going to have any money in the Am Bracket pot going to the Pro Bracket it should be to pay for the entry fee for the winners of Am Bracket.
I know the idea is to encourage more competition and that if the amateurs wanted, they could still enter pro bracket and try to win the money, but there is a difference between probability and realization. We all know SaltyKracka will NOT beat Hall. Why would he enter the Amateur Bracket, possibly lose to the Amateur Bracket winner and think he has a better shot at getting at the pros?
My argument for the amateur bracket was that the game shouldn't be about the money and rather should be about the people and the friends, and everyone as a community getting better. We really shouldn't be looking at rewarding those that do well consistently as much as we should be looking into helping those that NEED help.
Here is an example what I think the amateur bracket SHOULD have looked like this past week without the $1 venue fee:
$2 for Entry
First and second place get their entries into pro bracket paid for. Top 4 should get their money back, and first place should get the rest of the money.
10 Entrants = $20 Dollars in Am Bracket "Pot"
$20 Start Off With
-$10 to pay for Pro Bracket Entry for 1st and 2nd Place
-$8 to give money back to 1st - 4th Place
-$2 to give to first place again.
We're replacing some of the actual money prizes with "equal value" prizes. The tournament still gets the money, and the winner still gets something that's worth the amount of money they won. So it reality, the above budget, would look like this.
$20 Start Off With
-$9 to First Place
-$7 to Second Place
-$2 to Third Place
-$2 to Fourth Place
Because the price to enter the tournament is $2, we're dealing with really low money payouts, so we can afford to have such a degree of difference between the prizes. And since we're rewarding 3rd and 4th place, we're essentially encouraging them to come back later. Even if we only had 5 entrants the pay out would look like this.
1 - $4
2 - $2
3 - $2
4 - $2
5 - $0
The priority should be to give the appropriate people their money back; give out a (relatively) healthy prize to first, and then pay for Pro Bracket if we can.
See how there is little disparity between 5th and 4th? It'd be the same for 9th and 4th or 49th and 4th. The pride should come from getting fourth, not from money. This is amateur bracket; in other words, this is the "I have to get better placing bracket." With little emphasis on money (cheap price to enter, decent prize to win) we're rewarding people that want to continue playing and getting better and encouraging them to get better.
Now, about the transition from Am to Pro. Any discount we give the Am Bracket for getting into the Pro Bracket is seen in the $2 we give back to the top 4. 3rd and 4th Place essentially only have to play $3 to see how they'll do in Pro Bracket, while everyone else, if they really want to try their luck, will pay $5.
I think we should have a constant reminder or list if we're going to do the point system to strictly enforce who should be in the Pro Bracket or Amateur Bracket and update it on the blog. We don't have anyone that's monitoring it right now and I can see this getting ugly if we don't get someone to do it.
If you have any thoughts on how these things should be run people, voice your opinion. This really is your community more than anything.
That's all.