Smash Champion
dissapointing... i mean, yeah, SEE cool, i really love it how seems o be one of teh best side scrolling games i've ever seen but, in five years more we won't be playing SEE despite all the awesomeness that it could be, we will be playing brawl (i mean multiplayer) and we are going to play that until smash 4 comes out... thats what truly survives the sands of time, and thats the roster is one of the most important things...
I still have a di light of hope that mewtwo is unlockable through some curios way like "have brawl during one month" and thats why he cannot be leaked.. but it's unlikely...
i mean, at least give me ONE reason why the should remove mewtwo from the game??? one! not only original moveset but also UNIQUE... he needed just some buffs... or heck, without buffs i would still find it ok... i mean, he is OUR bottom tier!
Ridley was also a big dissapointment... I was hoping for him in melee.. really. goo dthat DDD, Wario, Diddy and metaknight get in... but hell! why Ridley no?
it also dissapoints me since metroid it's still underrepresented! only one rep? since super metroid is a legend and metroid prime it's one masterpiece of game... hell...
also, the Famicom Wars without representation? since it's a series with 20 years of history and 12 games released in almost every nintendo console? popular until now both in japan and the rest of the world...
Which would dissapoint me more of this roster i think it's that ganondorf still seems to be a cap falcon clone.. i mean sure , Fox and Falco i can understand... Wolf i'm expecting him different... but GANONDORF!?
THAT LAZY WAS SAKURAI?!?!?! i really thought that ganondorf was a Cap falcon clone due to matters of time..., but now it seems that while creating Olimar and Pokemon Trainer, the developer team creativity simply dried out....
yep, Wolf is in the game, but it seems that it costed me Ridley, Mewtwo, and an original Ganondorf...
and what dissapoints me more is that we are not seeing any smash brother until the next console.... ¬¬
also as someone said in this forums... that i'm dissapointed because I made some unreasoneable and "hyped" predcitions, i don't find nor unreasonable nor hyped to have been waiting for the only extreme popular character that doesn't made in, a veteran with unique moveset and gameplay and a new moveset for ganondorf, that's "Hyped"???
Edit.. at least ganondorf and Capitan falcon Final smashes differs, hope that is a good sign...
I still have a di light of hope that mewtwo is unlockable through some curios way like "have brawl during one month" and thats why he cannot be leaked.. but it's unlikely...
i mean, at least give me ONE reason why the should remove mewtwo from the game??? one! not only original moveset but also UNIQUE... he needed just some buffs... or heck, without buffs i would still find it ok... i mean, he is OUR bottom tier!
Ridley was also a big dissapointment... I was hoping for him in melee.. really. goo dthat DDD, Wario, Diddy and metaknight get in... but hell! why Ridley no?
also, the Famicom Wars without representation? since it's a series with 20 years of history and 12 games released in almost every nintendo console? popular until now both in japan and the rest of the world...
Which would dissapoint me more of this roster i think it's that ganondorf still seems to be a cap falcon clone.. i mean sure , Fox and Falco i can understand... Wolf i'm expecting him different... but GANONDORF!?
THAT LAZY WAS SAKURAI?!?!?! i really thought that ganondorf was a Cap falcon clone due to matters of time..., but now it seems that while creating Olimar and Pokemon Trainer, the developer team creativity simply dried out....
yep, Wolf is in the game, but it seems that it costed me Ridley, Mewtwo, and an original Ganondorf...
also as someone said in this forums... that i'm dissapointed because I made some unreasoneable and "hyped" predcitions, i don't find nor unreasonable nor hyped to have been waiting for the only extreme popular character that doesn't made in, a veteran with unique moveset and gameplay and a new moveset for ganondorf, that's "Hyped"???
Edit.. at least ganondorf and Capitan falcon Final smashes differs, hope that is a good sign...