Everyone agrees that the name is terrible, and that the kid's father is an ******* for choosing it.
But guess what? As crappy as it is to say, that poor kid just lost the genetic lottery, and has to deal with an ******* for a father. Government is not supposed to make your life fair. While it might not be fair or preferable to have an ******* for a father, tough break. You have my compassion, but I can't remove you from your home, and I wouldn't.
The state does NOT have the right to regulate what you name your kids, or to remove a child from a home for such a trivial matter. Some of you guys seem to be forgetting just how terrible state-run child care (We call it Department of Children and Families in my state) is, EVERYWHERE. Between the choice of having an ******* dad or being bounced between relatives and foster homes until the age of 18, which one is really better?