hmmm...i dont think i could stand seeing sonic in ssbb. i mean, the first thought of it seems kinda cool, but then it lames down fast. hes not even a nintendo-based character. i thought thats what the ssb series was about. pitting classic characters i the arena together. its kinda lke a remix of all the good and the greatest. apparently, im half wrong already because of snake from metal gear solid, but the idea remains the same. leave ssb to the nintendo stars. this includes old stars from the rare titles back when they were with nintendo. banjo-kazooie probably wont make it in, & conker sure as h%$l ain't, but at least add in diddy kong or something. people who say he shouldnt be in, why not? he stared in DKC2, & played a role in DKC & DK64. did i mention he was in his own game, diddy kong racing? i think it would be cool to at least fight k.rool, but, again, that aint hapening. Sorry if this was a little long.