But what fun is beating on a character who dies so easy anyway? It certainly can't be as satisfying as creating a Mii of someone you might not be fond of then smacking them senseless.Not unless they get insta-KO'd when their shield breaks.~

Mhmm. I really don't think it would "fix" as many problems as it would cause, I mean a few fanbases would get satiated, but overall... it would just be like an ongoing battle for inclusion which usually ends when the final roster leaks (apart from the intermittent baseless claims of DLC - which this time aren't baseless and therefore will be a whole lot more prevalent). And it's entirely possible every DLC character be treated as the "last" character, and everyone knows how fickle people are about the last or last few reveals. It's basically like continuing to add fuel to the fire long after it's stopped burning in the past. The arguments and the entitlement will rage on...I suppose "fix" was a broad term. Rather, it would convince even the most stubborn of people that Nintendo realizes they failed to meet our (obviously unreasonable at times, understandable at others) demands, and open the floodgates to every other obscure character still being "possible."
Then the other problem lies in people immediately calling Nintendo's decisions heartless/quick cash-grabs and all the time spent developing "insert scapegoat here" should have been spent including the roster additions in the original version to begin with.
I honestly don't mind DLC, but it's a hassle and raises almost as many problems as if "fixes" most of the time.