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Character Discussion Thread

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Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
Yeah, mostly because he offers nothing that Marth and Ike already have. Maybe his shield could come in handy, I don't know. He shares Marth's blade and Aether like Ike.

Also I wrote this a while back regarding Chrom...
This is particularly why I'd prefer seeing Lucina or Robin. While Lucina doesn't offer much from Marth, she is female and that series has not had a single female rep. Robin on the other hand grants an entirely different perspective in all ways and could even give us the option to play as a male or female.
Not dissing Chrom, but the other options do have their positives over him.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Chrom may not have much to differentiate himself from Marth and Ike, but it seems like he's gonna make it anyway.
Although I have faith that Sakurai will make him interesting, there's no rule that dictates that every character must be unique.

Being a mix of Marth and Ike may be his claim to fame, unfortunately. To be honest, I'm pretty okay with that too.

Deleted member

If Chrom ends up looking really cool, I think we should all buy hats (if you don't already own one) to tip to Sakurai and everyone else who made him look cool.

Otherwise, if he has the taunts I envision him having, he'd make a damn good character for taunt matches.

Jerry Applesauce

Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2014
The Internet
Whenever I think of Chrom being in Smash I'm just like, "Eh." Why put Chrom in when we have Anna or Robin. Blargh.

My attitude:
I personally approve of all the newcomers so far, but if Chrom gets in over Robin, then I'm gonna be upset but get over it but still be upset nonetheless and even play as him too.

At least Matthew Mercer is cool.
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Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Yeah, mostly because he offers nothing that Marth and Ike already have. Maybe his shield could come in handy, I don't know. He shares Marth's blade, and has Aether like Ike.
Balanced out speed and power with a moveset designed to punch holes into the opponent's defenses and force them into a corner with rushdown.

Basically a character that exploits the opponent's defenses to his advantage.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2014
View attachment 17665
Probably fake.

Ice Climbers will be back anyway.
Interesting too that we wound up getting a leaked image of the Ice Climbers on the Wii U gamepad instead of either the 3DS or television monitor. Does anybody in particular even know this game can be played using just the gamepad (sort of like a handheld)? Because if it turns out to be a feature of the Wii U version, there may be some truth to it. Though I kind of wished we got to see the whole screen so we can see what the Ice Climbers' portrait looks like.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Both Lucas and Ness have enough original tricks to be unique on their own merits. I'll never understand why they felt the need to jack Paula's powers and give it to these two. Their movesets are grossly non-canonical, but we tend to look the other way because a Mother character is in at all.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
May as well bring this up since it's relevant, haha.

This was my idea for Chrom's playstyle, with the accompanying moveset also included. The playstyle is the bold that follows the moveset.

Neutral Special - Rightful King - Chrom lifts the Falchion high into the air. If the button is held, Chrom begins to become embued with Naga's Holy Fire. After three seconds, the Falchion becomes the Exalted Falchion. All attacks now have the chance to heal Chrom for some damage if he performs a three or more attack string. This effect lasts as long as Chrom's current stock does. Like Olimar's Pikmin, Chrom will need to re-perform the Awakening ritual to regain the Exalted Falchion.
Side Special - Luna - Chrom tosses a Spear forward in an arc. The arc can be controlled, and Chrom can move slowly while charging. This can break shields when fully charged.
Up Special - Sol - Chrom leaps into the air, and comes crashing diagonally downwards with a heavy sword swing. This is similar in execution to Dedede's Super Jump.
Down Special - Counter - A staple of the Fire Emblem characters, Chrom takes a parry stance, and if hit, slices into the attacker. This is different, though, in the sense that it is mainly an anti-air counter due to the direction Chrom's holding the Falchion. If it hits an aerial opponent, they're smacked to the ground. This makes an easy string into the Down Smash.

Side Smash - Chrom dashes forward up to one Bowser length and stabs the opponent with his Falchion.
Up Smash - Chrom charges up with divine dragon energy and stabs his Falchion skyward. Has a burst effect afterwards, where if the opponent is hit, a burst of divine energy can damage those in close proximity without direct contact.
Down Smash - Chrom gets down low. While charging, he enters a bowing position, as if praying to Naga. When released, the result is a quick energy blast from the Falchion and Shield of Seals, hitting both sides of Chrom's body. The energy hits along the ground and sort of makes a wave ripple effect away from Chrom.
Dash Attack - Chrom runs jumps, stabbing the opponent with the Falchion. This knocks the foe upwards, allowing for easy juggle-starting.
Neutral Combo - Chrom swings the Falchion left and right, followed by a spinning slash.
Side Tilt - Chrom swings the Falchion over his head very quickly downward. This move has increased priority and focuses on getting the hit before the opponent does.
Up Tilt - Chrom does a short upward lunge and swings the sword in an overhead arc. What appears as a simple move on the surface is actually a huge help for Chrom's juggling. This allows him to reach Aether more quickly under the effect of Rightful King, so this works well as a damage healer.
Down Tilt - Chrom's Falchion goes from orange glow to blue glow as he quickly kneals and stabs his Falchion into the ground. This sends the foe skyward with ample upward knockback for a down tilt.
Neutral Aerial - Chrom extends his Falchion arm and twirls the blade and his body in mid-air. Low knockback, resulting in easy air combos.
Forward Aerial - Chrom swings the Falchion with both hands over his head, doing a flip in the process.
Backward Aerial - Chrom makes an arc with the Falchion from the forward position downward, and then back, passing the front of his body. It is interesting as this Back Air manages to hit both sides, though the forward hitbox is much smaller and harder to hit with. This works well with dragging the foe closer to you in the air, using a suction effect. This allows for easier air-juggling.
Up Aerial - Chrom does a mid-air backflip and extends his sword upward while doing so, then back, giving a mid-air windshield-wiper type effect as far as appearance. The two hits assist with Aether.
Down Aerial - Chrom stabs his Falchion downward, and then scoops the foe into the air with it (so the motion is down, then arc to the side).
Pummel - Chrom holds the foe in one hand and begins to hit them with the hilt of the Falchion.
Forward Throw - Chrom holds the foe in place, and then stabs them with enough force to send them forward.
Backward Throw - Chrom grabs the foe, throws them over his shoulder. A simple throw.
Up Throw - Chrom throws the opponent up, skewering them on the Falchion to give ample vertical knockback.
Down Throw - Chrom holds the foe in place, leaps up, and bashes them with the hilt of the Falchion.
Ledge Attack - Chrom leaps from the ledge while swinging the Falchion in a circle.
Get-Up Attack - Chrom stabs his sword into the ground, which he then uses to prop himself up.
Final Smash - Shepherd Raid - Some of the other Shepherds appear and attack the stage. Sumia and Cordelia knock foes out of the air, Vaike, Frederick, Stahl and Sully ambush those on the ground, Gaius steals foes' items, Lissa heals Chrom, Lucina mimics Chrom's moves, and Robin hits foes at a distance with Thoron. Kellam's in the background.

Chrom is very good at getting the foe into the air, where he will juggle them to no end, healing himself in the process. This is based both on the Exalted Falchion's healing ability, as well as Chrom's prowess for jump-and-strike sword attacks in Awakening. However, he's not without his faults. Chrom wears very light armor, so he's easily knocked away, but at the same time, he falls decently quickly (similar to Fox in a way). In addition, Chrom lacks a bit of range, minus one projectile. The two moves with longer range, the Down Smash and Side Special, don't utilize the Falchion, so while they give Chrom more utility, they can't be used to get Aether working, and will break the chain if used. Chrom also needs to activate Aether once per stock, so he must space well enough to allow for the small charge time without being hit. Over all, he's a character that's generally pick-up-and-play, but can pull off some really technical stuff at higher levels of play. The strategy needed for his playstyle is analogous to the fact that Fire Emblem is a strategic game series.


Not the Break Man
Mar 8, 2014
The "Skilled" Halidom
Interesting too that we wound up getting a leaked image of the Ice Climbers on the Wii U gamepad instead of either the 3DS or television monitor. Does anybody in particular even know this game can be played using just the gamepad (sort of like a handheld)? Because if it turns out to be a feature of the Wii U version, there may be some truth to it. Though I kind of wished we got to see the whole screen so we can see what the Ice Climbers' portrait looks like.
There may not be one yet. At the time of the Smash Direct's filming, Diddy was still using his Brawl portrait in game.


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
I remember there was some talk about Chrom being an anti-projectile fighter, which I kinda think would be interesting. I thought it would be cool if he was given a dash move that could bypass projectiles, hitting opponents if he gets into contact. And then BAM! Little Mac gets revealed sometime later and gets a similar move...

Well, HMPH! Fine then, I'll just come up with some other ideas. >:L

Let's give Chrom a move where wind randomly blows outward from both sides of him, making his cape move in the wind. The initial gust can cancel out most projectiles and push opponents a little. The move will also be his recovery and under the right input he will fly upwards with his cape blowing in the wind.


True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Oh goody, I think I've stumbled onto the wrong site. This isn't SmashBoards, this is SalBoards. 24-7 talking about Shulk, Chrom and the Chorus Men!:troll:

So anyone else anticipating the Ice Climbers?

Deleted member

If you want to grasp a few straws relating to the timing of Olimar's reveal last year and this Friday, then Ice Climbers reveal confirmed :4pacman:
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Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
Prediction Roster Roster.png

My prediction roster, complete with all Gematsu and Ridley/K. Rool/Ray/Black Shadow.
The two columns underneath the roster show two different packs of DLC, Blastoise and Venasaur simply use updated versions of their old moves as Squirtle and Ivysaur, with the Down Specials of Bubblebeam and Leech Seed, respectively.

Deleted member

View attachment 17686
My prediction roster, complete with all Gematsu and Ridley/K. Rool/Ray/Black Shadow.
The two columns underneath the roster show two different packs of DLC, Blastoise and Venasaur simply use updated versions of their old moves as Squirtle and Ivysaur, with the Down Specials of Bubblebeam and Leech Seed, respectively.
Finally; a roster that cuts Wolf along with Lucas :4pacman:

There are just two small things that bug me; Mr. Game & Watch and R.O.B. should switch places (because Game & Watch was above the 3rd parties in Brawl, while R.O.B. was underneath the Ice Climbers) and Ness and Shulk should switch. (because Shulk wields a sword)

I love nitpicking things that don't matter!
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Deleted member

If Ridley gets in, he'll be my punching bag.

Because y'know, he'll be so big.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
Give Chrom chargeable aerials. That alone would be enough to make him unique.
Stop trying to turn my party game into a fighting game, you rascal! That's one thing I din't like about most new characters. They seem too damn complicated to play with the younger members of my family, especially with my youngest cousin, who really likes Rosalina.

the smash nerd

Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2013
Fort Belvoir
View attachment 17686
My prediction roster, complete with all Gematsu and Ridley/K. Rool/Ray/Black Shadow.
The two columns underneath the roster show two different packs of DLC, Blastoise and Venasaur simply use updated versions of their old moves as Squirtle and Ivysaur, with the Down Specials of Bubblebeam and Leech Seed, respectively.
I will do it too
Nick's SSB4 Roster 8.0.png


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Stop trying to turn my party game into a fighting game, you rascal! That's one thing I din't like about most new characters. They seem too damn complicated to play with the younger members of my family, especially with my youngest cousin, who really likes Rosalina.
Yeah, because Super Smash Bros apparently never had any influences from fighting games to begin with.

Also, there is a method called "teaching" you can try.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Well, the mechanic would work well with Ridley, but we all know he will not be playable in Smash. Forever.

Forever not playable.
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Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
Yeah, because Super Smash Bros apparently never had any influences from fighting games to begin with.

Also, there is a method called "teaching" you can try.
"Teaching" a six year old how to wavedash when I can't is kind of impossible, isn't it? This game is meant to be casual, but because it's becoming more complicated, it's becoming less fun. And of course it has influences form fighting games, but simple influences. Like, fighting.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
@ Bowserlick Bowserlick
I knew this would be brought up somehow, and I really didn't want it to be.

What I'm saying is that kind of mechanic works better with someone who can spend a lot of time in the air.

Chrom would probably have 2 jumps like most other fighters. Maybe he'd have really high jumps, but to make a smash attack aerial system work he would probably need multiple jumps or a flying mechanic, neither of which really make sense.
"Teaching" a six year old how to wavedash when I can't is kind of impossible, isn't it? This game is meant to be casual, but because it's becoming more complicated, it's becoming less fun. And of course it has influences form fighting games, but simple influences. Like, fighting.
Less fun for you, but more fun for some others.

It's just a matter of opinion. You can choose to play casually if you want. I can choose to play competitively.
We both win.
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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
"Teaching" a six year old how to wavedash when I can't is kind of impossible, isn't it? This game is meant to be casual, but because it's becoming more complicated, it's becoming less fun. And of course it has influences form fighting games, but simple influences. Like, fighting.
The diving pool's depth doesn't make your 3-foot pool any less enjoyable. Just let the competitive side play how they want and you can play how you want.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
@ Bowserlick Bowserlick
I knew this would be brought up somehow, and I really didn't want it to be.

What I'm saying is that kind of mechanic works better with someone who can spend a lot of time in the air.

Chrom would probably have 2 jumps like most other fighters. Maybe he'd have really high jumps, but to make a smash attack aerial system work he would probably need multiple jumps or a flying mechanic, neither of which really make sense.

Less fun for you, but more fun for some others.

It's just a matter of opinion. You can choose to play casually if you want. I can choose to play competitively.
We both win.
I was thinking that the mechanic could be too powerful for a character that can stay in the air for a long time.

But with Ridley the mechanic could offset a mediocre ground game and his large model size.
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