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Character Discussion Thread

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Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
Yes, but...what exactly does that have to do with "slots"? If creating the illusion of equality between Mario and Pokemon was that big a deal to the team, why did they get a good chunk of development done on Mewtwo before deciding to allocate resources elsewhere?

Unless you're claiming that one day, out of the blue, the team had a collective epiphany to stop Mewtwo for the sake of "slot sanctity," the very fact that they planned him at all signifies that their jimmies were not rustled in the slightest by developing 7 Pokemon characters alongside 5 for Mario.
Likely for the same reasons they got some work done on Doc before sending him to the scrap heap. They were going to keep representation equal on the CSS, and Mewtwo didn't pan out as they'd hoped, and they just ran out of time on the others, deeming them acceptable losses as they were clones. And you're right, it's the illusion of equality. Except now the curtain is pulled back because there are no more 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 characters. Lo and behold, a dearth of newcomer announcements, a smattering of veterans revealed, and suddenly the time crunch is setting in, and people are getting nervous.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Which also just conicidentally reinforces the pattern. I don't believe this is coincidence though, it's something consciously being done.

That's never been an actionable pattern, nor is it the crux of my argument. The pattern I've observed is that Mario's presence on the CSS is either always dominant or shares for top. It NEVER gets exceeded.

Time is ticking if they want to work in those extraneous characters. But then, I've also put myself on the line as far as my 40-character belief. Nothing has changed that threatens that, in my opinion.
So basically your arbitrary pattern is arbitrarily more prominent than his pattern? Arbitrary.

Your roster, it sucks!
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Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Ebony, the sarcasm radiating from our computers shows that patterns are meant to be broken. Just because Mario had the most slots or tied for the most slots doesn't mean it will happen again. AND SAKURAI HAS SAID THAT THERE ARE 39 CHARACTERS. SLOTS MEAN NOTHING. We don't get slots, we get CHARACTERS.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2014
Newburyport, Massachusetts
Doesn't that just highlight how low-priority Mewtwo is then? If Sega can bully their lead mascot in at the last second and displace one of 'the most important Pokemon of its series', that kind of says to me that Mewtwo wasn't all that important in the long run, and they just gave up.

Plus, Doc was started too. That would have made it 5/4/5. Mario still unexceeded. Pattern still unbroken.
If we want to bring up all the F7 including ones that weren't as complete as Mewtwo then we would have

  • :mario2:
  • :luigi2:
  • :peach:
  • :bowser2:
  • :link2:
  • :zelda:
  • :sheik:
  • :toonlink:
  • :ganondorf:
  • Toon :zelda:
  • Toon :sheik:
  • :pikachu2:
  • :squirtle:
  • :ivysaur:
  • :charizard:
  • :lucario:
  • :jigglypuff:
  • :mewtwomelee:
  • (assuming PRA_MAI is Plusle & Minun)
So the spaces on the CSS are Mario (5), Zelda (5) and Pokemon (6).

It really doesn't matter if they made it into the game, the fact that they were even considered blows the idea of having more spots on the character select screen out of the water.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Likely for the same reasons they got some work done on Doc before sending him to the scrap heap. They were going to keep representation equal on the CSS, and Mewtwo didn't pan out as they'd hoped, and they just ran out of time on the others, deeming them acceptable losses as they were clones. And you're right, it's the illusion of equality. Except now the curtain is pulled back because there are no more 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 characters. Lo and behold, a dearth of newcomer announcements, a smattering of veterans revealed, and suddenly the time crunch is setting in, and people are getting nervous.
Did you ever think that they're keeping characters secret, like they did in Brawl?


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
Time is ticking if they want to work in those extraneous characters. But then, I've also put myself on the line as far as my 40-character belief. Nothing has changed that threatens that, in my opinion.
What is the basis for your 40-character roster forecast? I would be interested to know, as such a roster would be one character larger than Brawl's total roster.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
What is the basis for your 40-character roster forecast? I would be interested to know, as such a roster would be one character larger than Brawl's total roster.
“It isn’t a matter of ‘if the next game has 50 characters, that’ll be enough.’ There is a certain charm to games that have huge casts of playable characters, but they tend to have issues with game balance and it becomes very difficult to fine-tune each character and have them all feel distinctive…. In terms of quantity, we’ve probably already reached the limit of what’s feasible. I think a change of direction may be what’s needed.”

Interpret that sentence as literal as you possibly can.
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Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Time is ticking if they want to work in those extraneous characters. But then, I've also put myself on the line as far as my 40-character belief. Nothing has changed that threatens that, in my opinion.
You do realize that they've probably worked on the characters already, be they extraneous or not, and that they're not going to reveal all of them before release? For all we know, the game could have 100 characters.
not really but me so over-the-top

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Which also just conicidentally reinforces the pattern. I don't believe this is coincidence though, it's something consciously being done.

Time is ticking if they want to work in those extraneous characters. But then, I've also put myself on the line as far as my 40-character belief. Nothing has changed that threatens that, in my opinion.
It fits in the pattern, but the existence of a viable alternative explanation shows that this "pattern" theory is not absolute fact. And I would agree that it was consciously done; the put Sheik and Zero Suit Samus in the same slot as Zelda and Samus because they characters were tied together, and it made the most sense to put them together like that. That isn't coincidence, it is something that was consciously done, but I see little reason to suggest that it was to fit some fan made pattern.

Also, just to clarify... You do know that the game's roster isn't something that's still being put together, right? I mean, this whole thing about 40 characters implies that you think that what they've shown us now is everything they have completed. They don't just show things as soon as they're done, they show things when they're ready to show them. The roster has been decided, and likely completed, for quite some time now. The time left before the game is released will be devoted to fine tuning the game, not forcing in major components. I'm not sure where you're getting this "time limit" idea from.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
So basically your arbitrary pattern is arbitrarily more prominent than his pattern? Arbitrary.

Your roster, it sucks!
That's completely irrelevant to the pattern I was speaking to. If the pattern was 'hey everyone seems to have the same ratio of reps', then yes, there could be an argument of "why doesn't SF get new reps if everyone else is?" The pattern is 'Mario does not get exceeded ever on the CSS'. That's undeniable. Count the boxes. Now that there are no more transformations, those boxes count for more. Sheik now fully counts as a separate Zelda rep. ZSS now a full Metroid rep. Charizard is his OWN Pokemon rep. Either with Jiggly's reveal(which would vindicate ANOTHER pattern, O12), or eventual discovery in main gameplay, the pattern holds for yet another iteration of Smash.

Also, I have no idea where the 'your roster, it sucks' part of the quote came from, I cannot see it in Morbid's post. I'll chalk it up to Smashboards being weird(oh god the forums ITSELF hates me for my pattern ;.; ).
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Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
Yes, yes. Mewtwo wasn't the highest priority in Brawl, and there are many reasons for that. Developers change their mind all the time -- we have no idea if Mewtwo's gonna suffer the same fate, and Mewtwo is in a different spotlight than what he was in Brawl.

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if Greninja's trailer foreshadowed Mewtwo, as we have multiple examples of foreshadowed things in the past.

I mean, it's possible that Mewtwo's not in. Anything could happen. But I'd be very surprised if Mewtwo not even considered. Like, is the Pokemon Company gonna flat out reject the idea of Mewtwo and threaten Sakurai if he wants to consider Mewtwo? I hardly think so. However, the PC may want certain Pokemon to have higher priority (which might have happened in Brawl, we don't really know).

Like, I'm not the biggest Mewtwo fan, but damn, we need some more characters who are very popular in both Japan AND in the West who could bring mass amounts of hype.

All I hope is that Mewtwo will be fixed up. Even though he really needs some changes, I think Mewtwo could bring some unique things to the table.

Some of my ideas:

- Shadow Ball is okay. I think they could tweak it a little bit to differentiate it more from Lucario's Aura Sphere. Keep the curve-like motion, and maybe make it go through opponents (hey, it's a Ghost type move afterall). Shadowball is iconic, but with 3 humanoid Pokemon having projectiles, I wouldn't mind something else. They could always replace it (or another move) with Psystrike
- Teleport is fine.
- Confusion needs to be a true reflector, but I'd prefer if the move is a long range grab. Like, similar controls to Zelda's Din's Fire with less range, maybe faster. You could pick up/stall opponents and maybe reflect things.
- Disable needs to go. Or reworked. Some sort of barrier or status boosting move would be cool.
- Grabs are cool and strong. Could stay, maybe buff in range.
- Side Smash is kinda similar to Lucario's. Could be changed. DSmash should be on both sides, or at least create a bigger hitbox so that the other side of Mewtwo will damage opponents (like Lucas' down smash)
- Tail moves need to go imo. They just look awkward and could be replaced with just about anything. Like, maybe dark energy slashes (long hitbox), or punches, etc. (I'll be fine if he has like one tail move)
- Buff Mewtwo in some areas (though I'd prefer a whole rework). Jab + other moves needs less cooldown. Hell, Project M did some good changes. Add those changes, and hovering (optional, but always welcomed), and I wouldn't mind (though I would prefer some new moves). Idc, just make him more of a Special Attack sweeper = A-okay for me
- Mega Evolutions are not mandatory for me, but it's more XY promotion if PC/GF wants
- Give Mewtwo his own victory theme.


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Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2014
Newburyport, Massachusetts
“It isn’t a matter of ‘if the next game has 50 characters, that’ll be enough.’ There is a certain charm to games that have huge casts of playable characters, but they tend to have issues with game balance and it becomes very difficult to fine-tune each character and have them all feel distinctive…. In terms of quantity, we’ve probably already reached the limit of what’s feasible. I think a change of direction may be what’s needed.”

Interpret that sentence as literal as you possibly can.
To be honest I had that mindset for a while too. After that quote I was expecting low 40s, with lots of cuts for Brawl this game. But then we got the veterans that I expected to see cut if push came to shove :4lucario::4tlink::4myfriends: plus relatively small characters for their series in the form of :4greninja: and :rosalina:, so now I expect a decent amount of Newcomers, probably putting us in low 50s.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
That's completely irrelevant to the pattern I was speaking to. If the pattern was 'hey everyone seems to have the same ratio of reps', then yes, there could be an argument of "why doesn't SF get new reps if everyone else is?" The pattern is 'Mario does not get exceeded ever on the CSS'. That's undeniable. Count the boxes. Now that there are no more transformations, those boxes count for more. Sheik now fully counts as a separate Zelda rep. ZSS now a full Metroid rep. Charizard is his OWN Pokemon rep. Either with Jiggly's reveal(which would vindicate ANOTHER pattern, O12), or eventual discovery in main gameplay, the pattern holds for yet another iteration of Smash.

Also, I have no idea where the 'your roster, it sucks' part of the quote came from, I cannot see it in Morbid's post. I'll chalk it up to Smashboards being weird.
Well, considering the undeniable fact that Yoshi, Metroid, and F-Zero have always had the same number of slots (count the boxes), now that there are no more transformation, those boxes count for more.

See the problem here?

Also, are you ignoring TumblrFamous? That might explain why you can't see his quote.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
For the record, we do have 30 characters already, the game has been in development for 2-3 years now, and it seems that Sakurai is adding in tiny little details now.

And secret characters are usually a thing. I expect a good chunk of info at E3 and a Direct before release, though.

So I'd say that he has enough time on is hands to make a 48-52 character roster.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
That's completely irrelevant to the pattern I was speaking to. If the pattern was 'hey everyone seems to have the same ratio of reps', then yes, there could be an argument of "why doesn't SF get new reps if everyone else is?" The pattern is 'Mario does not get exceeded ever on the CSS'. That's undeniable. Count the boxes. Now that there are no more transformations, those boxes count for more. Sheik now fully counts as a separate Zelda rep. ZSS now a full Metroid rep. Charizard is his OWN Pokemon rep. Either with Jiggly's reveal(which would vindicate ANOTHER pattern, O12), or eventual discovery in main gameplay, the pattern holds for yet another iteration of Smash.

Also, I have no idea where the 'your roster, it sucks' part of the quote came from, I cannot see it in Morbid's post. I'll chalk it up to Smashboards being weird(oh god the forums ITSELF hates me for my pattern ;.; ).
I suppose it is undeniable, but that notion is negligible as the pattern is self defeating unless we are exclusively alluding to the character select screen. However, an instance of that would be confirmation bias.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Okay, let's go a different route...

Personally prefer King K. Rool over Dixie, but Dixie is fine. Actually, both would be great.
Same ordeal with Chrom.
Overall it's pretty good. 10 newcomers would be pretty lackluster to me though.

Deleted member

One thing I AM going to advise people on, is to brace themselves for the potential butthurt that will be a "No Ridley and K.Rool" roster. I can honestly see it happening, and I'm already over it. There are going to be a lot of people who are surprised at the idea that the "Two biggest newcomers" didn't make it.

Well, my only response to that, is that if we get Mewtwo, Palutena, and Shulk, along with Little Mac and Mega Man, that's 5 characters right there that people really wanted. Even if Palutena was a shoe-in this time because of Sakurai working on Uprising, Palutena still has a fanbase that is fairly larger than others. Shulk isn't necessarily a Top 5 newcomer choice, but he's up there. Mewtwo is the obvious most wanted guy. Little Mac and Mega Man are self explanatory. Sure, we got a few other we weren't expecting, but they aren't even bad.

What i'm saying is, that while Ridley and K.Rool may not make it, I don't see why the roster will be scrutinized to hell and back. It's shaping up to be a phenomenal game, and I can't wait to play it, with or without the Dynamic Duo.
I'd certainly say that excluding Ridley and King K. Rool (especially if we get no DK newcomers) is worthy of criticism. While I can understand Ridley's exclusion (due to being very difficult to develop), I literally see no good reasons to exclude K. Rool out of the playable roster other than "muh bias" from Sakurai. If we don't see a Donkey Kong newcomer, I'm not just going to say "It's Sakurai's will"; I am going to give criticism regarding it because I don't see any good justification for it.

Also I would personally be disappointed if Sal's newcomers were all that we were getting for this game. As Super Smash Bros. is about playing as our favorite characters, I had a highly reasonable expectations that I would get at least one out of the 20+ Nintendo newcomers I did want to see in the game and while some were impossible (like Deoxys and Ray), others like a DK newcomer I had very strong reasons to expect. My prerequisite for buying a Smash game is that at least one newcomer (meaning not Mewtwo) I want must be in. While characters like Palutena, Shulk, and Mii are solid choices, I really don't care for anyone in the Gematsu leak outside of a game play perspective (which only came after their confirmation/showing up on the leak, not before). Thankfully, at least my most wanted character (Mega Man) proved to be an exception and considering how the newcomers turned out (hypothetically speaking), I consider Mega Man to be literally a miracle.

tl;dr: I'll probably get over it soon, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be salty if K. Rool and Ridley failed to become playable. Then again, I set up a very high (although not unreasonable) expectations with the roster (as I did with the rest of this game). I just hate being pessimistic about anything Smash-related, considering that there's few other things in this world worth being optimistic about.
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Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Zelda shouldn't even be on equal footing with Mario and Pokemon IMO.

But that's just me.
I stated that not even a page ago. I completely agree. Mario and Pokémon should lead the way in terms of reps.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
“It isn’t a matter of ‘if the next game has 50 characters, that’ll be enough.’ There is a certain charm to games that have huge casts of playable characters, but they tend to have issues with game balance and it becomes very difficult to fine-tune each character and have them all feel distinctive…. In terms of quantity, we’ve probably already reached the limit of what’s feasible. I think a change of direction may be what’s needed.”
Interpret that sentence as literal as you possibly can.
I'm aware that @ EbonyRubberWolf EbonyRubberWolf may have used this quote (among other things) as the basis for a 40-character forecast.

We're all aware that character inclusion is a matter of multiplication, and not addition, when it comes to game balance. So the more characters, the harder the balance.

So the question is whether 40-on-the-dot characters is the "limit" of feasibility referenced in Sakurai's quote, or if that feasiblity ceiling is closer to 50.

When weighing the pros and cons:

-Developing two games across two systems, spreading out resources and manpower

+Bandai-Namco co-developing along Sora (bigger team, and a company experienced with fighting games)
+No SSE to hog resources, which can thus be redistributed elsewhere
+Securing the Third-Party inclusions earlier, so as to not repeat Brawl's mistakes (if the presence of Sonic and Mega Man are of any indication)

Development on Smash 4 reportedly began back in 2012 following the completion of Kid Icarus: Uprising, and the roster will have been locked in early in development (for the most part). They've thus been working on Smash 4 for two years, and they don't have such obstacles as the SSE development sink and late-addition Third-Parties to hinder their progress, and lead to last-minute cuts due to a reshuffling of priorities (not that this won't happen, or hasn't already, but it is less likely).

With all this said, I'd say 43-44 is the low end of a plausible character forecast, with 52-53 being the high end. To get any more, or any less, than this range would be a surprising thing indeed.
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Quite honestly, I'll only be mildly disappointed if Mewtwo doesn't make it. He completely deserves it, and there will be a ton of backlash if he doesn't, but I think the roster will be fantastic either way.


One thing I AM going to advise people on, is to brace themselves for the potential butthurt that will be a "No Ridley and K.Rool" roster. I can honestly see it happening, and I'm already over it. There are going to be a lot of people who are surprised at the idea that the "Two biggest newcomers" didn't make it.

Well, my only response to that, is that if we get Mewtwo, Palutena, and Shulk, along with Little Mac and Mega Man, that's 5 characters right there that people really wanted. Even if Palutena was a shoe-in this time because of Sakurai working on Uprising, Palutena still has a fanbase that is fairly larger than others. Shulk isn't necessarily a Top 5 newcomer choice, but he's up there. Mewtwo is the obvious most wanted guy. Little Mac and Mega Man are self explanatory. Sure, we got a few other we weren't expecting, but they aren't even bad.

What i'm saying is, that while Ridley and K.Rool may not make it, I don't see why the roster will be scrutinized to hell and back. It's shaping up to be a phenomenal game, and I can't wait to play it, with or without the Dynamic Duo.
Because long story short, the absence of specific popular characters is not excused by the presence of specific other popular characters, especially when the absent ones are so comparatively massive. They shouldn't be looked at as though they're filling some form of quota...that would be like hypothetically saying, "Oh, you didn't get Diddy and Dedede in Brawl, but look, there's Sonic, Olimar, Pit, and Wario...why are you complaining??"
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Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Why not just have Pikmin lead the roster in terms of representatives? Why not? :rolleyes:
How to represent Pikmin:
  1. Olimar
  2. Louie
  3. Alph
  4. Brittany
  5. Charlie
  6. Fat-President Dude
  7. Solo Red Pikmin
  8. Solo Blue Pikmin
  9. Solo Yellow Pikmin
  10. Solo White Pikmin
  11. Solo Purple Pikmin
  12. Solo Rock Pikmin
  13. Solo Winged Pikmin
  14. and Solo @BluePikmin11
That would properly represent the Pikmin Series. I hope everyone understands. If not, please understand.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
Well, considering the undeniable fact that Yoshi, Metroid, and F-Zero have always had the same number of slots (count the boxes), now that there are no more transformation, those boxes count for more.

See the problem here?

Also, are you ignoring TumblrFamous? That might explain why you can't see his quote.
I shouldn't be. o.O I can see his other posts just fine, just don't see that. Huh. >.>;

EDIT: Oh, wait, I'm stupid, it wasn't directed to me. :(

Here's the roster I envision, to clarify my thought process:

3DS Roster Colors.png

Green = Confirmed
Red = Unconfirmed Vet
Blue = Unconfirmed Newbie

(On second thought I could have swapped the positions of DK+Diddy with Yoshi+Wario and have it make a bit more sense. Hrm. V3, here I come!)


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
Sakurai has stated before that he and his team are going to add as many characters as the can cuz y'know, for the people, so I really wouldn't worry or even expect a roster the near same amount as Brawl. Plus, if they we're really that pressed for time then :4lucario: probably wouldn't have made it in if it wasn't for the production team.
If Lucario and Ike wasn't enough to prove that the roster will be bigger than Brawl's, I dunno what will.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Ebony, you mean to tell me that we're only getting one more newcomer?

Seriously. We have E3 coming up and likely 2 months between E3 and release.

Plus secret characters...


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
I shouldn't be. o.O I can see his other posts just fine, just don't see that. Huh. >.>;

EDIT: Oh, wait, I'm stupid, it wasn't directed to me. :(

Here's the roster I envision, to clarify my thought process:

View attachment 15470

Green = Confirmed
Red = Unconfirmed Vet
Blue = Unconfirmed Newbie

(On second thought I could have swapped the positions of DK+Diddy with Yoshi+Wario and have it make a bit more sense. Hrm. V3, here I come!)
I broke into a cold sweat looking at this roster. :urg:


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I shouldn't be. o.O I can see his other posts just fine, just don't see that. Huh. >.>;

EDIT: Oh, wait, I'm stupid, it wasn't directed to me. :(

Here's the roster I envision, to clarify my thought process:

View attachment 15470

Green = Confirmed
Red = Unconfirmed Vet
Blue = Unconfirmed Newbie

(On second thought I could have swapped the positions of DK+Diddy with Yoshi+Wario and have it make a bit more sense. Hrm. V3, here I come!)
I'm gonna laugh when that's not the roster at all.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Sakurai has stated before that he and his team are going to add as many characters as the can cuz y'know, for the people, so I really wouldn't worry or even expect a roster the near same amount as Brawl. Plus, if they we're really that pressed for time then :4lucario: probably wouldn't have made it in if it wasn't for the production team.
If Lucario and Ike wasn't enough to prove that the roster will be bigger than Brawl's, I dunno what will.
That quote is pertaining to the production staff of Brawl, that is not necessarily relevant to Smash 4.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I shouldn't be. o.O I can see his other posts just fine, just don't see that. Huh. >.>;

EDIT: Oh, wait, I'm stupid, it wasn't directed to me. :(

Here's the roster I envision, to clarify my thought process:

View attachment 15470

Green = Confirmed
Red = Unconfirmed Vet
Blue = Unconfirmed Newbie

(On second thought I could have swapped the positions of DK+Diddy with Yoshi+Wario and have it make a bit more sense. Hrm. V3, here I come!)
...Yeah. Honestly, I can't see how you imagine this is possible. Numerous cuts, very few new characters, and only one more newcomer? And Chrom, of all things? I mean, if you're going to pick one newcomer, why not Palutena, who's a more popular request and practically a shoo-in now?

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
I shouldn't be. o.O I can see his other posts just fine, just don't see that. Huh. >.>;

EDIT: Oh, wait, I'm stupid, it wasn't directed to me. :(

Here's the roster I envision, to clarify my thought process:

View attachment 15470

Green = Confirmed
Red = Unconfirmed Vet
Blue = Unconfirmed Newbie

(On second thought I could have swapped the positions of DK+Diddy with Yoshi+Wario and have it make a bit more sense. Hrm. V3, here I come!)
If it's Chrom of all characters, I'm not buying this game. That's one ugly roster.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Ebony, you mean to tell me that we're only getting one more newcomer?

Seriously. We have E3 coming up and likely 2 months between E3 and release.

Plus secret characters...
Secret characters are veterans and we will get amazing veteran reveals at e3.

I'm gonna laugh when that's not the roster at all.
I am already laughing.

I broke into a cold sweat looking at this roster. :urg:
I am breaking into a hot sweat looking at this roster.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
...Yeah. Honestly, I can't see how you imagine this is possible. Numerous cuts, very few new characters, and only one more newcomer? And Chrom, of all things? I mean, if you're going to pick one newcomer, why not Palutena, who's a more popular request and practically a shoo-in now?
Every new game has around 12 newcomers, I don't understand why this person thinks we're only getting 7.
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