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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
For me, instead of complaining or praising the "dump," I would analyze in game material and determine whether or not the "dump" that was "leaked" is actually in the game.
There is a Pokemon from X and Y in the game but I don't know its name I swear. Don't ask how I know its from X and Y either or how I even know its a Pokemon. :troll: Believe me?


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Haters will die under Waluigi's thumb of fury!
I don't dislike Waluigi but i don't think he deserve to be a playable character:drsad:, at least not yet, maybe in the future:drshrug: (I hope he gets added into one of Wario's games, like Warioware :drohyou:)


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Ehhh.... I'll have to say that you're taking the Mii sentiment a bit too far... I get it, you don't like the Mii's, and you really don't want to see them playable, but "Destructive to the game's integrity", really?

I'll say that Brash the Bear or Adam Malkovich would make me question the developers' intentions far more than the Mii's.
I say that as my opinion, not as a definitive fact (read: "Ridley cannot work.") Allowing the possibility of avatars instead of Nintendo characters would rupture the game's integrity in my opinion.

Brash the Bear would literally be the best character that could possibly be added. Also, I'm guessing him for E3. Everyone else should, too, because if one person mentions a supporting NPC from a top-selling series, that makes him a guessable character, yes?

So, not that I want to defend Miis really, but they could just lock the Mii you are using to the Mii that is tied to your Nintendo Network account. That Mii DOES represent you, so it wouldn't defeat the purpose, and it would also ensure that no offensive Miis are used (as Nintendo monitors that.)
I understand this, which is why I specified online and offline earlier. Online, I'd be stuck playing against personifications of random users from around the world, rather than Nintendo characters, and considering the allure of "playing as yourself," I think these would become played-out quite quickly. I'd not like that to happen.

You sir, are an idiot.


Jk but seriously why do you hate Miis?
I've given my reasons several times earlier in this thread, and I'm not in much of a mood to list them all out in detail at the moment. In a nutshell, I think they'd be dull, redundant, development-wasting, irritating on and offline, and overused. My thoughts.
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Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Because your Mii could be Hitler.
Well they could make it like wow pet battles:drflip:, when playing with friends (including local games), you will see them normally but when playing online with random people you will have something like these:

You may wonder what are you looking at :drohmy:, well... you can see your character normally but the other player don't actually look like that, they get a generic model (there are like 5 generic models), at the same time, they don't actually see you normally, they see another generic model... they could do the same with the Mii:drohyou:


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
@ BKupa666 BKupa666 now, you're preaching to the choir (men) here with me, since I don't want Miis.... but if you think they would be over used online then that kind of validates their inclusion. The sad thing is that the average 8 year old out there would much rather play as there Mii then as a character they don't have a personal attachment to (such as a K. Rool.)
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Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
@ BKupa666 BKupa666 now, you're preaching to the choir (men) here with me, since I don't want Miis.... but if you think they would be over used online then that kind of validates their inclusion. The sad thing is that the average 8 year old out there would much rather play as there Mii then as a character they don't have a personal attachment to (such as a K. Rool.)
Wait, why do you think the only one who would like to play with a Mii is a 8 year old kid? :drohmy: My brother really likes to use his MII in Mario Kart and only because... is him (he's 27), also... i would like to beat Bowser or Ganondorf myself (well with my Mii but you get it), or to be able to punch my brother in the face without having problems :drflip:, in general... the Mii will get a lot of atention just because it will be your own avatar, it will be whatever you want it to be, why do you think one of the things people ask the most in MMOs are costumisation options?:drshrug: is beacuse they like to create, maybe something cool, something unique or maybe just to play as themselves :drohyou:

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
Wait, why do you think the only one who would like to play with a Mii is a 8 year old kid? :drohmy: My brother really likes to use his MII in Mario Kart and only because... is him (he's 27), also... i would like to beat Bowser or Ganondorf myself (well with my Mii but you get it), or to be able to punch my brother in the face without having problems :drflip:, in general... the Mii will get a lot of atention just because it will be your own avatar, it will be whatever you want it to be, why do you think one of the things people ask the most in MMOs are costumisation options?:drshrug: is beacuse they like to create, maybe something cool, something unique or maybe just to play as themselves :drohyou:
I hate to ask, but can you cut down on the emotes? It makes it difficult for me to read what you are saying.

On Miis, perhaps they could be a completely customizable experience with different moves laid out for them, and you get to choose which ones they have every time you play?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 11, 2014
Kame House
What about Miis getting in the game but only for a unique game mode, something like customize your Mii with other character moves, depending on your weight and height, and then with streetpass you get other Miis and you fight them with your Mii to get stickers or trophies...

Or maybe not just streetpass, fighting but just with your Miis as a multiplayer mode (local and/or online). In that way we can get the Miis but they will not "rupture the game's integrity" as @ BKupa666 BKupa666 said and a lot of people think.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
I don't dislike Waluigi but i don't think he deserve to be a playable character:drsad:, at least not yet, maybe in the future:drshrug: (I hope he gets added into one of Wario's games, like Warioware :drohyou:)
I agree. Waluigi is my second favorite Mario character, but until he gets larger supporting role or his own game (Please Nintendo) I think he should stay an Assist Trophy.

I'm not for Miis either. Ignoring the bad taste problem, if Mario Kart is anything to go by, 70% of people online will just be using their Miis.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
@ BKupa666 BKupa666 now, you're preaching to the choir (men) here with me, since I don't want Miis.... but if you think they would be over used online then that kind of validates their inclusion. The sad thing is that the average 8 year old out there would much rather play as there Mii then as a character they don't have a personal attachment to (such as a K. Rool.)
Any character could become overused online if they were cool or funny or overpowered enough (see: Ike, Pit, and Wolf in Brawl), but only the Mii allows for the player to turn the game into basically a Diet version of The Sims, where everyone only uses their Miis because "it's them," no matter what their merit is as a character. Personally, I'd like that to not happen, because I'd like to fight a diverse amount of characters online, rather than one with its only difference being its face.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Wait, why do you think the only one who would like to play with a Mii is a 8 year old kid? :drohmy: My brother really likes to use his MII in Mario Kart and only because... is him (he's 27), also... i would like to beat Bowser or Ganondorf myself (well with my Mii but you get it), or to be able to punch my brother in the face without having problems :drflip:, in general... the Mii will get a lot of atention just because it will be your own avatar, it will be whatever you want it to be, why do you think one of the things people ask the most in MMOs are costumisation options?:drshrug: is beacuse they like to create, maybe something cool, something unique or maybe just to play as themselves :drohyou:
I'm not saying that the only people interested in Miis are children, I'm just saying that a very large portion of Smash owners are kids and that they are a portion of the fan base that absolutely needs to be catered to.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
I hate to ask, but can you cut down on the emotes? It makes it difficult for me to read what you are saying.
NEVER! :drflip:

Sorry the problem is that... in general, it make it more enjoyable for me to post

On Miis, perhaps they could be a completely customizable experience with different moves laid out for them, and you get to choose which ones they have every time you play?
That could happen but i don't think so, why? cause that will force Nintendo to create way too many things for just 1 character that they will also be obligated to ban in online games and is really likely that most people won't use it when playing local because it will be like "cheating" :drsad:


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
I'm not saying that the only people interested in Miis are children, I'm just saying that a very large portion of Smash owners are kids and that they are a portion of the fan base that absolutely needs to be catered to.
Well that's true, but i'm pretty sure most of the people that play SSB are not childs (unless you're also talking about 14 and 18 years old kids) :drshrug:

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Any character could become overused online if they were cool or funny or overpowered enough (see: Ike, Pit, and Wolf in Brawl), but only the Mii allows for the player to turn the game into basically a Diet version of The Sims, where everyone only uses their Miis because "it's them," no matter what their merit is as a character. Personally, I'd like that to not happen, because I'd like to fight a diverse amount of characters online, rather than one with its only difference being its face.
I'd prefer playing with more competitive players.
Since I'll be spending a lot of time in For Glory, I don't expect to see noobish kids who use their Miis all the time. I expect to be playing against experienced and serious Smashers like the rest of us, and as I increase in rank I will find more of them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is Sakurai said that you play people based on skill level. You won't be fighting sucky players if you're good. And good players won't use Miis unless they have an effective way of doing so.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
I'd prefer playing with more competitive players.
Since I'll be spending a lot of time in For Glory, I don't expect to see noobish kids who use their Miis all the time. I expect to be playing against experienced and serious Smashers like the rest of us, and as I increase in rank I will find more of them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is Sakurai said that you play people based on skill level. You won't be fighting sucky players if you're good. And good players won't use Miis unless they have an effective way of doing so.
Yeah, the Miis could be a great, they could be really fun and also viable for pros:drohyou: (that depends on the design on the character, not who the character is per se)

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Yeah, the Miis could be a great, they could be really fun and also viable for pros:drohyou: (that depends on the design on the character, not who the character is per se)
That isn't what I was trying to say...
But I suppose the Miis have potential. It's just a matter of whether Sakurai wants to pick up on it or not.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Well that's true, but i'm pretty sure most of the people that play SSB are not childs (unless you're also talking about 14 and 18 years old kids) :drshrug:
Brawl sold over 12 million copies, you don't do that unless you appeal to the dude-bro COD demographic or the 10 and under demo. Now, I'm not saying Smash doesn't have a large adult fan base, I got into the game in college (when Melee came out) and there is a very serious community that exists to support it. We are NOT the majority though, if you ever know someone with a kid with a Wii, I can almost guarantee they own Brawl. That demographic, by the way, is the demographic Nintendo needs to impress so that they beg mommy and daddy to get a Wii U. Most of us hardcore adult Nintendo fans already bought a U, and will buy Smash 4 when it comes out regardless.

Honestly, think about how many people here talk about their child hood memories playing Smash 64. There are kids out there doing the exact same thing now.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I'd prefer playing with more competitive players.
Since I'll be spending a lot of time in For Glory, I don't expect to see noobish kids who use their Miis all the time. I expect to be playing against experienced and serious Smashers like the rest of us, and as I increase in rank I will find more of them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is Sakurai said that you play people based on skill level. You won't be fighting sucky players if you're good. And good players won't use Miis unless they have an effective way of doing so.
You aren't guaranteed anything. I am going into For Glory, I am going to climb the ranks with my Jesus Mii. You will find us, you will fight us, you will still experience us. There are competitive players that are so narcissistic that they would want to play as themselves. I am one of them.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
You aren't guaranteed anything. I am going into For Glory, I am going to climb the ranks with my Jesus Mii. You will find us, you will fight us, you will still experience us. There are competitive players that are so narcissistic that they would want to play as themselves. I am one of them.
I'm not narcissist but... i would love to be able to kick someone ass as Ghandi :drflip:


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
You aren't guaranteed anything. I am going into For Glory, I am going to climb the ranks with my Jesus Mii. You will find us, you will fight us, you will still experience us. There are competitive players that are so narcissistic that they would want to play as themselves. I am one of them.
MorbidAltruism is the Messiah confirmed.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I'm not narcissist but... i would love to be able to kick someone *** as Ghandi :drflip:
See that is exactly why I support Miis. They might have repugnant models; but you, the player, have the choice to add any human you want into Smash. That is great, that is fun, and that is appealing. I don't really care if the hard-core community breaks into cold sweats at the notions of Miis dominating online. That is what makes it exciting; I mean, I have fought against Nintendo characters long enough. It is now time for me to beat the living hell out of Martin Luther King Jr. or something to that effect.

No matter how you slice it, Miis are better than Chorus Men or Pac-Man.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
See that is exactly why I support Miis. They might have repugnant models; but you, the player, have the choice to add any human you want into Smash. That is great, that is fun, and that is appealing. I don't really care if the hard-core community breaks into cold sweats at the notions of Miis dominating online. That is what makes it exciting; I mean, I have fought against Nintendo characters long enough. It is now time for me to beat the living hell out of Martin Luther King Jr. or something to that effect.

No matter how you slice it, Miis are better than Chorus Men or Pac-Man.
Human? I'm pretty sure you will be able to add anything!

Like FOX!, why play as Fox when you can play as MII FOX! :drflip: (yeah that's a weird picture)

If you don't think that's enought... LOOK! :drohyou:

edit: changed the second picture why?? cause... is weird :D

Edit 2: ermm... is there a way to change a picture size??
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Human? I'm pretty sure you will be able to add anything!

Like FOX!, why play as Fox when you can play as MII FOX! :drflip: (yeah that's a weird picture)

If you don't think that's enought... LOOK! :drohyou:

edit: changed the second picture why?? cause... is weird :D
Well, I suppose I am going to make Snoop Dogg, Brock, ET, Cookie Monster and Venom. Also, is it bad that I like the Mii version of Ganondorf better than the Brawl version?
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
@ Morbi Morbi

I honestly love the idea of the Chorus Men and dislike Miis, so I disagree. I initially disliked the suggestion of the character(s), but when I sat back and thought about it I realized how absolutely unique and fun a rhythm based character could be. I also believe the Chorus Men would be extremely fun to use if they were allowed to pull moves from all of the different characters and mini-games from Rhythm Heaven.

So, honestly, my judgment on that character would depend largely on how they were implemented.

Miis.... eh, objectively I understand why they would make it into the game. I just feel like, both aesthetically and premise wise, they don't fit (or at least fit MY vision of Smash Bros.)
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Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
@ Morbi Morbi

I honestly love the idea of the Chorus Men and dislike Miis, so I disagree. I initially disliked the suggestion of the character(s), but when I sat back and thought about it I realized how absolutely unique and fun a rhythm based character could be. I also believe the Chorus Men would be extremely fun to use if they were allowed to pull moves from all of the different characters and mini-games from Rhythm Heaven.

So, honestly, my judgment on that character would depend largely on how they were implemented.

Miis.... eh, subjectively I understand why they would make it into the game. I just feel like, both aesthetically and premise wise, they don't fit (or at least fit MY vision of Smash Bros.)
I love the idea of Chorus Men and like the idea of Miis, at first i hated both but then i had the same idea as you when i was thinking about Chorus Men, and i also had the same problem when it cames to MII but...:drohmy: we already have some weird characters like Mr. Game and Watch and Toon Link that looks a little out of place when compared to some characters but in general... they look good there, that's what make SSB what it is, is everything together in one place :drflip:


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
@ Morbi Morbi

I honestly love the idea of the Chorus Men and dislike Miis, so I disagree. I initially disliked the suggestion of the character(s), but when I sat back and thought about it I realized how absolutely unique and fun a rhythm based character could be. I also believe the Chorus Men would be extremely fun to use if they were allowed to pull moves from all of the different characters and mini-games from Rhythm Heaven.

So, honestly, my judgment on that character would depend largely on how they were implemented.

Miis.... eh, subjectively I understand why they would make it into the game. I just feel like, both aesthetically and premise wise, they don't fit (or at least fit MY vision of Smash Bros.)
I was basically attributing differing merits and comparing the two. I would enjoy Chorus Men more based on the notion that Sakurai would clearly innovate with the character and do something entirely unique. However, when you compare ANY Rhythm Heaven character to Miis, it is obvious that the Mii has more merit. I agree with your sentiment, Chorus Men could be really fun, but in terms of bland models? Even the Mii beats Chorus Men.

In the grand scheme of things, I prefer Chorus Men because they would probably be more unique than Mii. You don't have to do with this AT ALL, but I have been arguing in regards to Pokemon Trainer getting removed from the roster since I joined. It was the first debate I got into. The only plausible argument that the incompetent Pokemon Trainer supporters could possibly manifest was that Pokemon Trainer represents the player. I always found it so contradictory that they would support Pokemon Trainer for the reason and yet disregard Miis and their undeniably overt casual fan-base.

In 5 years, I want to look back and not question Chorus Men, I want to be able to say that Sakurai chose the characters that needed to be chosen not based on personal preference, but based on their prominence.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I don't dislike Waluigi but i don't think he deserve to be a playable character:drsad:, at least not yet, maybe in the future:drshrug: (I hope he gets added into one of Wario's games, like Warioware :drohyou:)
Honestly, it's clear that Waluigi will never be playable in Super Smash Bros, unless they come up with Waluigi: The Game.
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