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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
So, we've seen the Final Smash of: Samus, Lucario, Charizard, Villager, MegaMan, Wii-Fit Trainer, Rosalina, Little Mac, and Greninja.

Awesome. I do wonder, I kinda expect a lot of veterans to get a new FS. There's certanly a lot more to be seen, and so far, they are all very Epic. I like that.

Especially Villager's. The most Epic Final Smash ever made.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2013
Are you actually serious when you say some characters makes this game "no-buy". I have never liked IC's, Fire Emblem characters or Pit but hey; they still don't make me even THINK about not buying SSB game.

Also if this no-buy occured to other series i would never bought any Pokémon games thanks to "object-like" Pokémon, any Mario sports/party game thanks to Daisy and any TLoZ game with Beedle's shop.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Are you actually serious when you say some characters makes this game "no-buy". I have never liked IC's, Fire Emblem characters or Pit but hey; they still don't make me even THINK about not buying SSB game.

Also if this no-buy occured to other series i would never bought any Pokémon games thanks to "object-like" Pokémon, any Mario sports/party game thanks to Daisy and any TLoZ game with Beedle's shop.
I've heard the 'No buy' thing a few times. From what I understand some are saying it's a combination of no newcomers they like, alongside a load of newcomers they hate.

Although having a roster with characters you dislike can be fun too; you can go and unleash your hatred upon them in Smash.

I'd prefer my most disliked Mario character in Bowser Jr. for example to Rosalina honestly who I just have blank indifference towards. At least I can take some some joy out of kicking Jr. in the face with a veteran I enjoy playing.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
I've heard the 'No buy' thing a few times. From what I understand some are saying it's a combination of no newcomers they like, alongside a load of newcomers they hate.

Although having a roster with characters you dislike can be fun too; you can go and unleash your hatred upon them in Smash.

I'd prefer my most disliked Mario character in Bowser Jr. for example to Rosalina honestly who I just have blank indifference towards. At least I can take some some joy out of kicking Jr. in the face with a veteran I enjoy playing.
Why exactly do you dislike Bowser Jr.? Never mind, PM me if you really want to justify it, this isn't the place for this.

But I was joking about the no-buy. Some people are just too big of a jerk to appreciate what's in front of them for a single, tiny reason.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
This is something I wanted to talk about for a bit.

So with Greninja in Smash, I had said a while back when Rosalina was shown that it seemed they were picking characters who were more recent. I also mentioned in my Roster Analysis that they have always added a new Pokemon character, so that trend looks like it has continued. When you look at the characters in now. They have appered in a recent game. Villager is using a look from City Folk. WFT came into being in 2008 and Rosalina in 2007. Little Mac had a new game in 2010. So with that, here is what I'm thinking will be in the game.

For Sure
Chrom-Fire Emblem Awakening is the best selling Fire Emblem game selling over 1.2 million copies. Based on recent trend, they will likely chose him. He's a popular character so that helps too.
Palutena-Seeing as there is a million things from KI in this game, she would make sense to be in.

Pretty sure-(good chance, but you never know).
Dixie-For those who don't know, Kirby's "Hammer Flip" was planned for Brawl. It seems like Sakurai is bringing stuff that couldn't have been added to Brawl into this game. Dixie Kong was also planned for this game. She has appeared again in Tropical Freeze as well and is a decently popular character
Shulk-Though not as well know, he is very popular (especially in Japan) and his game is highly coveted.
Rhythm Heaven Character-Generally, for new series that have not been in Smash before, the content related to that series is never shown off before the character. In Brawl, Pikmin stuff didn't come out until Olimar was shown. In this game, the stages for Mega Man and WFT weren't shown intil their respective trailers, despite the fact they were within the same day. Rhythm Heaven on the DS sold over 3 million. It will have something in Smash, but nothing has been shown yet. This implies there could be a character.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Why exactly do you dislike Bowser Jr.? Never mind, PM me if you really want to justify it, this isn't the place for this.

But I was joking about the no-buy. Some people are just too big of a jerk to appreciate what's in front of them for a single, tiny reason.
It's not just you I've seen say it. A few people have said here and there if a certain character doesn't get in, yet we get the likes of Wii Fit Trainer and Greninja, they'll refuse to buy Smash.

And that's fine; it's your right to buy or not buy a product if it doesn't interest you. You're not contractually obliged to get Smash if you don't want to.

I just feel like people are missing out that they can still have some fun with a roster of characters they dislike.

On a side note I don't really feel like I need to justify disliking a character. Plenty of people have given ****ty justification reasons for disliking characters I like, when all it really boils down to is personal preference. If you like Jr, that's fine. I won't change your mind with my reasoning.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
This is something I wanted to talk about for a bit.

So with Greninja in Smash, I had said a while back when Rosalina was shown that it seemed they were picking characters who were more recent. I also mentioned in my Roster Analysis that they have always added a new Pokemon character, so that trend looks like it has continued. When you look at the characters in now. They have appered in a recent game. Villager is using a look from City Folk. WFT came into being in 2008 and Rosalina in 2007. Little Mac had a new game in 2010. So with that, here is what I'm thinking will be in the game.

For Sure
Chrom-Fire Emblem Awakening is the best selling Fire Emblem game selling over 1.2 million copies. Based on recent trend, they will likely chose him. He's a popular character so that helps too.
Palutena-Seeing as there is a million things from KI in this game, she would make sense to be in.

Pretty sure-(good chance, but you never know).
Dixie-For those who don't know, Kirby's "Hammer Flip" was planned for Brawl. It seems like Sakurai is bringing stuff that couldn't have been added to Brawl into this game. Dixie Kong was also planned for this game. She has appeared again in Tropical Freeze as well and is a decently popular character
Shulk-Though not as well know, he is very popular (especially in Japan) and his game is highly coveted.
Rhythm Heaven Character-Generally, for new series that have not been in Smash before, the content related to that series is never shown off before the character. In Brawl, Pikmin stuff didn't come out until Olimar was shown. In this game, the stages for Mega Man and WFT weren't shown intil their respective trailers, despite the fact they were within the same day. Rhythm Heaven on the DS sold over 3 million. It will have something in Smash, but nothing has been shown yet. This implies there could be a character.
Along with this are some... disorderlies.
Ghirahim- If Zelda were to get another newcomer, it'd probably be him. Why? Because he's fabulous he's unique, newer, and extremely popular. He has a good moveset and a fanbase that's really big.
Dillon- Two games on 3DS eShop, both being top in sales for a long bit. He, suprisingly enough, is a brainchild of Miyamoto, and that gives him some precedence, but not much.
Alph- Pikmin 3 sold a lot. Like, wow. Plus, Rock Pikmin are nowhere to be seen, so it's always possible that he will appear using exclusively those.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
What would people's reaction be if Squirtle and Ivysaur still came back, considering only transformations has been disconfirmed and not these characters specifically?


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
What would people's reaction be if Squirtle and Ivysaur still came back, considering only transformations has been disconfirmed and not these characters specifically?
Oddly Charizard was always my least favourite of the three Trainer Pokemon to play. Whilst I'd prefer both Squirtle and Ivysaur back to Mewtwo and Jiggs(just due to preferring playstyles), I'd feel bad for those whom are fans of the other Pokemon vets...especially Mewtwo fans who have been screwed over repeatedly now.

If we got all four back somehow, I'd be down with it.
Last edited:

Deleted member

What would people's reaction be if Squirtle and Ivysaur still came back, considering only transformations has been disconfirmed and not these characters specifically?
I could care less about Squirtle, but I'd love to see Ivysaur get some proper balancing. He/She was easily my favorite of the 3 to use in Brawl.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
And that's fine; it's your right to buy or not buy a product if it doesn't interest you. You're not contractually obliged to get Smash if you don't want to.

I just feel like people are missing out that they can still have some fun with a roster of characters they dislike.

On a side note I don't really feel like I need to justify disliking a character. Plenty of people have given ****ty justification reasons for disliking characters I like, when all it really boils down to is personal preference. If you like Jr, that's fine. I won't change your mind with my reasoning.
You're a good fellow. It is a combination of lack of good newcomers + ****ty newcomers for me, but also with a side of cut veterans.

I will get it eventually, but it has gone far from a day one buy for me unless something changes, if I want a good roster, I still have Brawl. I'm not calling this a bad game by any means, but it just isn't for me, as I have no interest in any of the newcomers shown so far and even dislike a few of them directly.

And I like you because you dislike Bowser Jr.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
What would people's reaction be if Squirtle and Ivysaur still came back, considering only transformations has been disconfirmed and not these characters specifically?
While Mewtwo would still be less likely and have a longshot, we effectively got a Strider character in Smash with Greninja. Replacement or not, I have my newcomer main. And seeing both of them back is pure justice, actually.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
While Mewtwo would still be less likely and have a longshot, we effectively got a Strider character in Smash with Greninja. Replacement or not, I have my newcomer main. And seeing both of them back is pure justice, actually.
Yeah, I have mains in Rosalina and Greninja, so I'm not that worried about what happens next. Don't get me wrong, I want the likes of Lucas back, or Mewtwo, or Palutena. Those are my main three I want in this game. Everything else is topping on the cake.

Knuckles the Knuckles

Here's a taste of the remedy
Apr 12, 2014
Shaq City USA
Personally, I'd be all for Galacta Knight in Smash, playable of course. Sure he would look a bit too much like Meta Knight, but its the moveset that matters, and boy do I want to play around with sword summoning.

*The Sensus Crustulum*

Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2014
Personally, I'd be all for Galacta Knight in Smash, playable of course. Sure he would look a bit too much like Meta Knight, but its the moveset that matters, and boy do I want to play around with sword summoning.
The only Kirby reps I am down for are Magolor and Badanna Dee. Magolor adds to the villain count and Bandanna Dee brings something new to the table.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2014
This is something I wanted to talk about for a bit.

So with Greninja in Smash, I had said a while back when Rosalina was shown that it seemed they were picking characters who were more recent. I also mentioned in my Roster Analysis that they have always added a new Pokemon character, so that trend looks like it has continued. When you look at the characters in now. They have appered in a recent game. Villager is using a look from City Folk. WFT came into being in 2008 and Rosalina in 2007. Little Mac had a new game in 2010. So with that, here is what I'm thinking will be in the game.

For Sure
Chrom-Fire Emblem Awakening is the best selling Fire Emblem game selling over 1.2 million copies. Based on recent trend, they will likely chose him. He's a popular character so that helps too.
Palutena-Seeing as there is a million things from KI in this game, she would make sense to be in.

Pretty sure-(good chance, but you never know).
Dixie-For those who don't know, Kirby's "Hammer Flip" was planned for Brawl. It seems like Sakurai is bringing stuff that couldn't have been added to Brawl into this game. Dixie Kong was also planned for this game. She has appeared again in Tropical Freeze as well and is a decently popular character
Shulk-Though not as well know, he is very popular (especially in Japan) and his game is highly coveted.
Rhythm Heaven Character-Generally, for new series that have not been in Smash before, the content related to that series is never shown off before the character. In Brawl, Pikmin stuff didn't come out until Olimar was shown. In this game, the stages for Mega Man and WFT weren't shown intil their respective trailers, despite the fact they were within the same day. Rhythm Heaven on the DS sold over 3 million. It will have something in Smash, but nothing has been shown yet. This implies there could be a character.
There's also...Isaac's son, Matthew from Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. That came out in 2010 and Golden Sun representation is highly requested.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2014
If I'm honest, I'd actually prefer Matthew over Isaac, since it would practically guarantee the continuation of the series.
I agree, plus the story was never finished. With the high sale numbers of the original game on the Virtual Console, I would have to say it's high in demand for a new one.

High hopes for his inclusions as a playable character.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I agree, plus the story was never finished. With the high sale numbers of the original game on the Virtual Console, I would have to say it's high in demand for a new one.

High hopes for his inclusions as a playable character.
Look at it this way; even if he doesn't get into SSB4, the high sales of the Virtual Console release may convince Camelot to continue with the series. If they do, then Matthew's practically a lock for the next Smash game.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2014
Look at it this way; even if he doesn't get into SSB4, the high sales of the Virtual Console release may convince Camelot to continue with the series. If they do, then Matthew's practically a lock for the next Smash game.
Sigh...I've been singing that song since Melee, lol. I'm just hoping to not see anything GS related until a possible E3 reveal or see an Adult Isaac assist trophy. If that happens...9 times out of 10...Matthew should be playable. Fingers crossed.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Something tells me Shulk is going to end up getting a hate base form Golden Sun fans once the games come out...

Which is a sad thing.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Something tells me Shulk is going to end up getting a hate base form Golden Sun fans once the games come out...

Which is a sad thing.
The reverse could also be true if Isaac gets in instead.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
The reverse could also be true if Isaac gets in instead.
I'd argue it would be more mundane.

Keep in mind that the main thing that some people think Isaac will get in over Shulk is because the character comes from a franchise that has more installments and sales, so naturally would feel cheated that the supposed smaller fish would get in before the bigger fish.

I know a few users here that would feel that way, but to avoid a flame war I'm not going to name anyone.


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2013
And I like you because you dislike Bowser Jr.
If Bowser Jr makes it in and Snake doesn't i will personally fly to japan and force Sakurai to remake the game typing with his feet if he needs to.

The reverse could also be true if Isaac gets in instead.
As a fan of Shulk's inclusion, i wouldn't be mad if isaac was in and Shulk wasn't. More so mad at gematsu for getting my hopes up :troll:

But seriously, both characters would bring something unique to the table, so either of them getting in should be a victory for us.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
Personally, I'd be all for Galacta Knight in Smash, playable of course. Sure he would look a bit too much like Meta Knight, but its the moveset that matters, and boy do I want to play around with sword summoning.
If you're looking for villains, why not Dark Matter? Not recent enough?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2014
Something tells me Shulk is going to end up getting a hate base form Golden Sun fans once the games come out...

Which is a sad thing.
As a hardcore Golden Sun fan, I wouldn't hate on Shulk. What I don't understand is how Shulk's possible inclusion means no Isaac or Matthew as playable characters. That's like saying Ike and Chrom shouldn't get in because of Marth or Lucas shouldn't have been in Brawl because of Ness or Pichu shouldn't have been in Melee because of Pikachu and those characters are all from the same games!

I've never played Xenoblade but according to what others it is nothing like Golden Sun, so the two characters would be completely different. This whole "Shulk vs Isaac/Matthew blonde haired sword wielders" thing is completely silly to me.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2014
I've played neither Xenoblade nor Golden Sun, but I want both Isaac and Shulk playable

Then we can have the ultimate blonde swordsmen battle! Isaac/Matthew vs Shulk vs Link...who would win??? Us, because playing that would be awesome!


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
As a hardcore Golden Sun fan, I wouldn't hate on Shulk. What I don't understand is how Shulk's possible inclusion means no Isaac or Matthew as playable characters. That's like saying Ike and Chrom shouldn't get in because of Marth or Lucas shouldn't have been in Brawl because of Ness or Pichu shouldn't have been in Melee because of Pikachu and those characters are all from the same games!

I've never played Xenoblade but according to what others it is nothing like Golden Sun, so the two characters would be completely different. This whole "Shulk vs Isaac/Matthew blonde haired sword wielders" thing is completely silly to me.
Its not just you, a lot of people think its a stupid argument. Both of those characters have more than enough qualities to make them distinct from one another, and really it makes me question how much people actually know about Isaac and Shulk. Having Isaac won't immediately kill Shulk's chances and vice versa.
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