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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
But...no it doesn't...you made that a pattern by adding Demise...

Demise isn't Ganon...besides, both Toon Link and Sheik stand out greatly from the counterparts. Ghirahim is like the opposite of Ganon, so by that logic, it makes much more sense to have contrasting villains from the same evil force.
Well it was a pattern of 2, i just made it 3, you know since reincarnation is kinda big in The legend of zelda I thought it fit well. Ganondorf has demises reincarnated power, that is their connection. Also toon link really doesnt stand out that much moveset wise only arts style wise. Demise can be a pretty fast power sword user using dark lighning attacks and such while ganondorf becomes a slow magic user/ melee fighter who is heavier than demise. Ghirahim could even be utilized in his moveset somehow since it is Demises sword afterall.
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You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
You're complaining about... a zero-point warning for something stated to be explicitly prohibited in the OP? My my

My new prediction roster

Alphonzo is Chorus Kids from Rhythm Heaven, he is taking the spot while I dont have an icon.
Any chance that Ganondorf might have some custom moves based on what ever Demise did in Skyward Sword? Maybe even an alt costume would be interesting. Not that they both can't co exist in smash bros, I don't think we need them both while Sakurai can just improve on Ganon's move set.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Implying you broke rules, she gave you mercy and you proceeded to break them even more.

She asked you to take discussion into a PM.

I suggest you do so. I don't want to see any more complaining like that in this thread. Hear me?

So, at this point, what would you guys rate Snake's chances of returning?
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
The Super Smash Bros fanbase - Racist against clones since 2001.
Hey, Mew taught us long ago that the originals will always be better then those inferior clones, it's only right that we obey the cute little pink kitten that can be captured in a ball.

So, at this point, what would you guys rate Snake's chances of returning?
I'm really not sure, it has been quiet on the character and Kojima's words aren't as positive as Sega's in the same situation, but it's not the first time he's mislead either and could be covering, so it could go either way. I feel E3 is his best chance to be revealed as that would be a fantastic moment to reveal a popular returning third party and get a lot of hype for the game and Konami. If he misses it, then I'll start being much more worried for him.
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Deleted member

I saw lots of rosters with Mach Rider pages back.

....it's making me hyped for him/her/it again.

I've found pics of an old guidebook that gave an...interesting design for Mach.

Definitely gives off a Kamen Rider vibe. I prefer Melee's version, though.
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Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
Was there just a conversation about underrated characters who'd be awesome in-game?

Try this guy on for size.

You're killing me here...
I can't say no to my favorite video game character!
But...grrr, it'd go against the reasons I support characters...
I'll just start with this...
I wouldn't be unhappy if he was playable.
More importantly though, King Boo better be in the game in some way! Brawl made me sad in that regard.

Deleted member

And here're finally my roster updates following the last Direct :

First, my Ideal roster including 50 characters :

[collapse="Ideal roster as for April 25th 2014"]

Then, a more Realistic roster : The same but with 5 cuts in order to make it with 45 characters, a multiple of 9, like how many characters are delegated in the bottom of each character page. Cuts explanations can be found bellow:

[collapse="Realistic roster as for April 25th 2014"]

As for cuts from my Ideal roster :
- Lucas, because Ness could be enough to represent the Mother series, and still share several moves with him.
- Takamaru, because Sakurai could consider Little Mac as a Retro face, and that 1 retro like Mac could be enough to his eyes.
- Wolf, because the "cloniest" of the Star Fox trio for many players, and last minute addition in Brawl which could hurt his status.
- Ike, because Sakurai could replace him with an Awakening character (therefore Robin) in order to make place for the newest generation.
- R.O.B., because it didn't make any other cameo since its appearance in Brawl, and WFT could replace it for a new "home console hardware representative".

And finally, my updated Other Potential Contenders roster, with characters who have the potential to be playable, but are not selected for various reasons, and could still be DLC/AT materials :

[collapse="Other Potential Contenders roster as for April 25th 2014"]

To finish, I think Yoshi could serve as a 6th Mario rep, as the Yoshi games are still strongly bound with Mario which share the same characters, enemies, etc., unlike DK and Wario.

Also yeah, Robin instead of Chrom who became a DLC/AT. Come at me.
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Deleted member

I always thought it was a bit far fetched to get all the big guys.
We already have Mega Man and Mac, and it doesn't look like we're getting Ridley.
So I think it's possible we get Palutena, K. Rool, and Mewtwo.
I see no reason for them to be passed up.
The only truly big name characters with fan base that rivals that of pre-Brawl are Mewtwo, Mega Man, King K. Rool and Ridley, which would be only four. With Mega Man's inclusion, I definitely didn't think getting Mewtwo, K. Rool and Ridley was far-fetched since I saw Mega Man as the least likely of the four. This was, of course, before the Smash Direct practically disconfirmed Ridley and destroying any shot Ridley has of getting into a future Smash game. I feel as it is past time for the remaining Ridley supporters in denial to move on and to accept the fact that Ridley is most likely never getting in. However, I do feel as Mewtwo and King K. Rool have a good shot.

It's going to be interesting to see if there are going to be any big-named characters for SSB6. One thing is for sure, if we do get any, it won't be anyone from the past game (barring maybe King K. Rool).
So, at this point, what would you guys rate Snake's chances of returning?
Third-party characters are hell to Sakurai (we're very lucky to be getting three this game, or any for that matter) and Kojima has said that he's not likely to return, indicating that Snake has not been planned. Also please don't bring up Raiden's voice actor, he did mo-cap work for PlayStation All-Stars, which was the game he was referring to. Like Ivysaur and Squirtle, he's probably not coming back.
I saw lots of rosters with Mach Rider pages back.

....it's making me hyped for him/her/it again.

I've found pics of an old guidebook that gave an...interesting design for Mach.

Definitely gives off a Kamen Rider vibe. I prefer Melee's version, though.
Looks good on the bike, not so good with him standing in front of us. I'm hoping he gets at least a variation of Melee's design should he finally get in, it'd be so fitting.
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You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
Implying you broke rules, she gave you mercy and you proceeded to break them even more.

She asked you to take discussion into a PM.

I suggest you do so. I don't want to see any more complaining like that in this thread. Hear me?

So, at this point, what would you guys rate Snake's chances of returning?
I'll do it for you Swampasaur.

You're killing me here...
I can't say no to my favorite video game character!
But...grrr, it'd go against the reasons I support characters...
I'll just start with this...
I wouldn't be unhappy if he was playable.
More importantly though, King Boo better be in the game in some way! Brawl made me sad in that regard.
Personally I'd like to see him playable, but he may be better suited as a boss fight. Either way I too would like to see him make it in Smash in some way.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Question, who would be the one character that would redeem an otherwise terrible roster for you? (Likelihood of the character doesn't matter.)

If you have to ask for mine, I'll shoot you.
Obviously Toad(or Captain Toad; both are acceptable) will make a roster for me. You can pretty much fill the rest of the roster up with the entire cast of Mother 1, Earthbound and Mother 3 for all I care providing the Mario-verse cast are up to snuff.
Give me the entire Mario Kart 64 cast as playable fighters and I really don't care what happens afterwards.

However from non deconfirmed(or heavily implied deconfirmed) characters; Pac-Man could save an entire roster for me and to a lesser extent Isaac, Vaati, Dillon, Robin(or Roy) and Dixie Kong could also save a disappointing roster to me providing they're with one other from that list.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2014
Implying you broke rules, she gave you mercy and you proceeded to break them even more.

She asked you to take discussion into a PM.

I suggest you do so. I don't want to see any more complaining like that in this thread. Hear me?

So, at this point, what would you guys rate Snake's chances of returning?
Maybe a 6 considering because he is a fan favorite and he is a diverse character. However nothing hints ar him returning so I dont know how i feel about that part.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
And here're finally my roster updates following the last Direct :

First, my Ideal roster including 50 characters :

[collapse="Ideal roster as for April 25th 2014"]

Then, a more Realistic roster : The same but with 5 cuts in order to make it with 45 characters, a multiple of 9, like how many characters are delegated in the bottom of each character page. Cuts explanations can be found bellow:

[collapse="Realistic roster as for April 25th 2014"]

As for cuts from my Ideal roster :
- Lucas, because Ness could be enough to represent the Mother series, and still share several moves with him.
- Takamaru, because Sakurai could consider Little Mac as a Retro face, and that 1 retro like Mac could be enough to his eyes.
- Wolf, because the "cloniest" of the Star Fox trio for many players, and last minute addition in Brawl which could hurt his status.
- Ike, because Sakurai could replace him with an Awakening character (therefore Robin) in order to make place for the newest generation.
- R.O.B., because it didn't make any other cameo since its appearance in Brawl, and WFT could replace it for a new "home console hardware representative".

And finally, my updated Other Potential Contenders roster, with characters who have the potential to be playable, but are not selected for various reasons, and could still be DLC/AT materials :

[collapse="Other Potential Contenders roster as for April 25th 2014"]

To finish, I think Yoshi could serve as a 6th Mario rep, as the Yoshi games are still strongly bound with Mario which share the same characters, enemies, etc., unlike DK and Wario.

Also yeah, Robin instead of Chrom who became a DLC/AT. Come at me.
I almost didn't see Greninja. The "realistic" roster isn't realistic at all, though.
  • What's with this Lucas cutting fetish? He's a clone, sure, but he's less of a clone than Toon Link, and he's in. So, Lucas makes sense to return.
  • I agree with Takamaru.
  • Wolf is the least cloniest, and he's been in one game, while Falco has been in two and is still a blatant clone.
  • That R.O.B. logic doesn't make sense. By the same logic, we should cut Ice Climbers, Mr. Game and Watch and Captain Falcon, because they haven't even appeared in anything since Brawl. The F-Zero minigame in Nintendo Land doesn't count, because he doesn't appear, his series do.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
Not exactly a good arguement when we got Greninja.
Greninja is the final stage of a starter Pokemon. That alone makes him important.
Should I remind that the reason Demise and therefore, the existance of EVERY single villain in the franchise is ghirahim fault?
Without him Link would still be a common boy, groose would still be a jerk, impa would have never met zelda and basically all the events in the entire franchise would have never happened
@FalKoopa If that's the case then Why are we requesting Chrom? Why did Greninja got in? Why are people expecting or requesting Shulk? Ghirahim has the potential to appear in the future
This logic reminds me of the pre-Brawl days when people wanted Zant. Ghirahim is just a pawn of the real antagonist. And no, Link wouldn't still be a common boy- did you pay attention to the backstory? SS spoilers below
Zelda is the goddess reborn, Link is the hero that aids the goddess, and Ganondorf is Demise. All of these characters existed before the plot of Skyward Sword took place storywise- that's why we got this backstory. Link was destined to guard and protect the goddess.
Ghirahim had nothing to do with it.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2014
Implying you broke rules, she gave you mercy and you proceeded to break them even more.

She asked you to take discussion into a PM.

I suggest you do so. I don't want to see any more complaining like that in this thread. Hear me?

So, at this point, what would you guys rate Snake's chances of returning?
But we are really just guessing, and my guess is its not happening.


Smash Ace
Apr 16, 2014
Greninja is the final stage of a starter Pokemon. That alone makes him important.

This logic reminds me of the pre-Brawl days when people wanted Zant. Ghirahim is just a pawn of the real antagonist. And no, Link wouldn't still be a common boy- did you pay attention to the backstory? SS spoilers below
Zelda is the goddess reborn, Link is the hero that aids the goddess, and Ganondorf is Demise. All of these characters existed before the plot of Skyward Sword took place storywise- that's why we got this backstory. Link was destined to guard and protect the goddess.
Ghirahim had nothing to do with it.
Yes, Link was the chosen hero that was set to fight demise who would be RELEASED BY GHIRAHIM, Link and Zelda wouldn't even know their fate if ghirahim hadn't attacked them in skyloft, basically without ghirahim
1. Demise would have never been released
2. Zelda would have never met Impa, Who was the one that told zelda that she was the reborn of the goddess? Oh yeah it was Impa
3. Most of the bosses with the exception of Tentalus were created by Ghirahim
Ghirahim was the one that started all the events in the zelda series


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
Question, who would be the one character that would redeem an otherwise terrible roster for you? (Likelihood of the character doesn't matter.)

If you have to ask for mine, I'll shoot you.
Ridley. I would've said Shulk, but if the Gematsu leak is true, he's already in, so seeing him would be more of a relief.

The Nerd

Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2007
Greninja is the final stage of a starter Pokemon. That alone makes him important.

This logic reminds me of the pre-Brawl days when people wanted Zant. Ghirahim is just a pawn of the real antagonist. And no, Link wouldn't still be a common boy- did you pay attention to the backstory? SS spoilers below
Zelda is the goddess reborn, Link is the hero that aids the goddess, and Ganondorf is Demise. All of these characters existed before the plot of Skyward Sword took place storywise- that's why we got this backstory. Link was destined to guard and protect the goddess.
Ghirahim had nothing to do with it.
A lot of the newcomers this time are the most recent cool characters of their franchises. Rosalina and Greninja are all recent choices that seem to be chosen for their potential interesting moveset in addition to their state as important characters in the new games of that series. I cannot deny that Ghirahim is all that you say, but he is still immensely popular and could very easily have a cool moveset. My only real problem with his set is that I would have wanted his teleport as a move, and that design space seems to be, at least in part, taken up by Greninja. Nevertheless, he could make an interesting character, especially with his variable sets of weapons. I picture him fighting like a thin, flamboyant version of Necrid from Soul Calibur 2; he doesn't use his different weapons to stance change; instead he forms them as he needs them for his attacks. I think this would be very cool, although it looks like Greninja might yet again have potentially taken this from him. I think he's a definite possibility, and I wouldn't mind seeing him in. He's not my favourite option for a new Zelda newcomer, but it certainly makes sense.

I'm fairly strongly against Demise being in; he seems like a Ganondorf with a better design. Frankly speaking, I would not want both in as unique characters, but I would want Ganondorf in. The only way I could see it is if Ganondorf retains his Brawl set but Demise is given a new set, and even then I'd be indifferent. I'd rather see Ganondorf get Demise as an alt-costume.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2014
@Final Smash Gamer
Oh 45 character roster, something that I think has a chance of happening so, I will comment.
It looks pretty good to me, but my bias would prefer to have Lucas back and take out Issac. Clone or not I like the way he plays way better than Ness. Or maybe just kick out Ness and give us Lucas, I'd be okay with that scenario too
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Smash Ace
Apr 16, 2014
@Final Smash Gamer
Oh 45 character roster, something that I think has a chance of happening so, I will comment.
It looks pretty good to me, but my biased would prefer to have Lucas back and take out Issac. Clone or not I like the way he plays way better than Ness. Or maybe just kick out Ness and give us Lucas, I'd be okay with that scenario too
Little Mac had a game in 2009, he doesn't count as a retro unless you still count Pit has retro, R.O.B situation is the same as Mr Game and Watch, he is still part of nintendo story and deserves his spot


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
I have no knowledge about Demise or what he's capable of. But I have to admit that he looks bad***.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
Yes, Link was the chosen hero that was set to fight demise who would be RELEASED BY GHIRAHIM, Link and Zelda wouldn't even know their fate if ghirahim hadn't attacked them in skyloft, basically without ghirahim
1. Demise would have never been released
2. Zelda would have never met Impa, Who was the one that told zelda that she was the reborn of the goddess? Oh yeah it was Impa
3. Most of the bosses with the exception of Tentalus were created by Ghirahim
Ghirahim was the one that started all the events in the zelda series
If you were adopted and you didn't know it, does that make you the child of your caretakers? No. The same could be said about Zelda/Link- if they didn't know they were the goddess/hero reborn, they still are, whether they know it or not. I already mentioned Zant who got the ball in Twilight Princess rolling. He wasn't important either and people wanted him in Pre-Brawl and we all know how that turned out. Just because you can start a storyline in a game or media outlet doesn't mean you're important to said storyline. Look at Law and Order- those episodes start off with a character who stays alive for 3 minutes, is murdered, and then the main characters figure out the murder. The main characters in the Zelda series are Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf. Also, Link, Zelda, and Sheik are all based on Twilight Princess- Ganondorf presumably will be the same way. Add in Toon Link and that's 5 characters. The same amount as Mario. I doubt Zelda will be repped more than Mario.

Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
@ SS's antagonist: It's Ghirahim. As far as the main plot goes (discounting the backstory), Demise does nothing other than get released and die to Link at the end. Ganondorf in TP is the mastermind behind that game's plot. You're trying to stop Ganondorf, Zant is simply a proxy of his. In SS, you're trying to stop Ghirahim from releasing Demise. While he could be a 'pawn' of Demise (their relationship is left ambiguous, yes Demise seemed to painfully turn him into a weapon at the end, but Ghirahim did 'outlive' Demise prior), he's the pawn you're trying to stop. Not saying that Ghirahim should get into smash, but comparisons to Zant other than one shot character are pretty unfounded.


Smash Ace
Apr 16, 2014
If you were adopted and you didn't know it, does that make you the child of your caretakers? No. The same could be said about Zelda/Link- if they didn't know they were the goddess/hero reborn, they still are, whether they know it or not. I already mentioned Zant who got the ball in Twilight Princess rolling. He wasn't important either and people wanted him in Pre-Brawl and we all know how that turned out. Just because you can start a storyline in a game or media outlet doesn't mean you're important to said storyline. Look at Law and Order- those episodes start off with a character who stays alive for 3 minutes, is murdered, and then the main characters figure out the murder. The main characters in the Zelda series are Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf. Also, Link, Zelda, and Sheik are all based on Twilight Princess- Ganondorf presumably will be the same way. Add in Toon Link and that's 5 characters. The same amount as Mario. I doubt Zelda will be repped more than Mario.
And how would they have found out that they are the choosen hero and the goddess reborn? Nobody knew it and even if they were they would have never left skyloft if ghirahim hadn't attack zelda and link, ghirahim is indirectly responsible for all the events in the franchise, zant was never that important to the zelda franchise, Is Zant responsible for the existance of all the villains in the franchise? No, your law and order is a bad example, ghirahim is canocally because he was the one that started the whole good vs evil fight in the series, OH, I didn't knew you were Sakurai, Who are you to say that Mario won't get 6 rep? Pokemon is likely to get 6, oh and zelda got more reps than mario in brawl so that points doesn't matter anyway
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Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2014
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
If you were adopted and you didn't know it, does that make you the child of your caretakers? No. The same could be said about Zelda/Link- if they didn't know they were the goddess/hero reborn, they still are, whether they know it or not. I already mentioned Zant who got the ball in Twilight Princess rolling. He wasn't important either and people wanted him in Pre-Brawl and we all know how that turned out. Just because you can start a storyline in a game or media outlet doesn't mean you're important to said storyline. Look at Law and Order- those episodes start off with a character who stays alive for 3 minutes, is murdered, and then the main characters figure out the murder. The main characters in the Zelda series are Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf. Also, Link, Zelda, and Sheik are all based on Twilight Princess- Ganondorf presumably will be the same way. Add in Toon Link and that's 5 characters. The same amount as Mario. I doubt Zelda will be repped more than Mario.
Well Ghirahim is way more important than Zant in his own game, also... we saw Ghirahim so many times, that you get to know him, you get to see many faces of him and the final fight with Ghirahim is way harder and more epic than the fight with Demise >.>


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2014
So, at this point, what would you guys rate Snake's chances of returning?
I think snake will be returning (as in transfer his moves) as a different character. Somewhat like Little Mac being very similar to Ike special moves.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
And how would they have found out that they are the choosen hero and the goddess reborn? Nobody knew it and even if they were they would have never left skyloft if ghirahim hadn't attack zelda and link, ghirahim is indirectly responsible for all the events in the franchise, zant was never that important to the zelda franchise, Is Zant responsible for the existance of all the villains in the franchise? No, your law and order is a bad example, ghirahim is cannocaly because he was the one that started the whole good vs evil fight in the series, OH, I didn't knew you were Sakurai, Who are you to say that Mario won't get 6 rep? Pokemon is likely to get 6, oh and zelda got more reps than mario in brawl so that points doesn't matter anyway
Zant isn't, but neither is Ghirahim. Demise is. Demise is the antagonist of the game. Ghirahim was working to serve him. Ghirahim worked to free Demise and then served him as his weapon- he's a pawn the same way Zant was to Ganondorf. That's like saying a butler is more important than the master because said butler is doing all the work. At the end of the day, the master is more important. Demise is more important. And Demise is just the precursor to Ganondorf.

Brawl had the same number of characters on the select screen. And because transformations are separate now, I don't see Zelda getting more than Mario. But that part is my opinion, you are entitle to your own.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
So, at this point, what would you guys rate Snake's chances of returning?
As of right now, I'd say likely (then again, I have this knack of almost always being wrong). As it doesn't seem like there will be anything that'll cut his chances.
But then again, Konami could just as easily pull the plug. Though, after Brawl I'd assume they're a bit more accepting towards said franchise.
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Smash Ace
Apr 16, 2014
Zant isn't, but neither is Ghirahim. Demise is. Demise is the antagonist of the game. Ghirahim was working to serve him. Ghirahim worked to free Demise and then served him as his weapon- he's a pawn the same way Zant was to Ganondorf. That's like saying a butler is more important than the master because said butler is doing all the work. At the end of the day, the master is more important. Demise is more important. And Demise is just the precursor to Ganondorf.

Brawl had the same number of characters on the select screen. And because transformations are separate now, I don't see Zelda getting more than Mario. But that part is my opinion, you are entitle to your own.
Not even close, Ghirahim is the show until the last 10 minutes unlike zant where it was clear that ganondorf was the master mind at half game, I'm not saying ghirahim is more important than demise canonically, but he is indeed very important to the franchise as link and zelda would have never found out who they were if it wasn't for ghirahim, Sakurai doesn't count slots but characters, sakurai had to work in zelda characters and worked on 4 characters for mario which still means that zelda got more characters than mario in brawl in the end and like I said before How do you know there won't be a 6th mario rep?
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