Changed my vision a bit from recent opinions...
I think there will be 5 lines of 9 character slots this time seeing how the rules of 4 slots max have been broken with Rosalina... 44 characters and 1 random icon.
Pretty much confirmed:
Is coming back since Sakurai talked about balancing the falcon punch in an interview.
Seen on concept art and Ashley and Waluigi have a W sign in the direct.
Seen in concept art and the halberd is back.
Also on the concept art Sakurai showed.
good chance:
While the ice bears are seen in Smash Run there's still a small chance 3DS couldn't handle them.
Needs a new moveset but he's never going to be cut for Ghirahim, like Bowser would be replaced for Petey Piranha right?!
Probably coming back.
Original 12...
Original 12...
Danger Zone:
Unfortunately Chrom might take his moveset but a bit faster but they could add Robin and keep Ike aswell.
Only one of them will return, Ness has the most chance but you never know.
Only one can return with an airwing/wolfen and some changes too play different enough from
Pokemon might get 6 slots but if they get 5 his chances are small to beat
Probaly Cut:
Pokemontrainer is gone and people prefer either
over them.
use grenades and items overall from his moves and the developer himself semi-deconfirming him....