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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
How would you feel if Ridley, K. Rool, and Mewtwo were DLC then. :p
I would feel just fine, it will shut up the mewtwo fans though they will still complain, it would stop ridley arguments which I can't even grasp the point of and People will stop K.rool vs Dixie arguments and to top it all off the villain demand will be satisfied.

DLC the magical problem solver.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
DLC can be done right, guys. See: Artorias of the Abyss, that one perfect DLC in Dark Souls. I'd rather have all the characters right from the start, paying only for the game obviously, but not every company wants to **** their consumers like Cacpcom, EA and Ubisoft. That said, I would easily take DLC Ridley over no Ridley and DLC King K. Rool over no King K. Rool.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
I meant "you" in general, as in Black Shadow fans making up a moveset for him (I'm sorry it came off that way, I wasn't trying to accuse you). Which is still exactly what I'm getting from that thread, someone who watched the anime (which doesn't count, for multiple reasons) and made up something for him. Why does it not count? You may bring up Pokemon, but other than the Pokemon saying their names (which is something even GameFreak has added to the games with Pikachu at least) and a few moves resembling ones from the anime, all of it is from the games. The reason some of the moves resemble the anime? At the time Sakurai made SSB, Pokemon was just a Game Boy game, and the sprites hardly had enough to translate into a 3D character in a fighting game, so Sakurai had to improvise. Some people say the movies influence who Sakurai chooses, but this isn't true either, since he goes to GameFreak and asks them about what Pokemon to add.
Not going to even touch on this because I believe Golden summarized my views on this pretty nicely, also apology accepted (even though he actually can do those things).
I don't think two Japan-only characters would be pushing it, I don't really see why anyone should care, but I guess that's an opinion. As for those criteria you posted, those are for characters in general, not for third party characters. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here, as being third party does leave him questionable.
Well it is my personal belief that this should be a very important thing to think about when discussing third-parties, but yeah you gave me the benefit of the doubt here so I'll stop while I'm ahead.
I'm speaking hypothetically, of course we can see moveset potential in Mac, but this all leads back to what I said about Black Shadow. We can make up a moveset for him, but how is Sakurai going to know that we did? There's no guarantee that Sakurai will be able to think of a moveset too, there's the possibility that he sees Mac as nothing but an assist trophy that can throw out a few punches, we can't tell what he's thinking until he actually tells us, or when the game comes out.
Despite the fact that Black Shadow has been shown to this in his own canon, I'll humor you here.
That wouldn't change the fact that Sakurai has made movesets for Fox, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Zelda, Sheik, Falco, Mr. Game & Watch, Pokémon Trainer (Especially Ivysaur), Olimar, R.O.B., Wolf, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, and Rosalina.
They've been given fully-fledged movesets (most of these unique) with fairly little to go by when it comes to the thought of them in a fighting game.
So even if the presented abilities were "made up", I imagine it would be safe to assume that Sakurai could easily come up with something Black Shadow if he really wanted to. Same easily goes to Little Mac as well.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Excuse me?
As the one that made the thread, I'm going to have to call bull**** on this one.

One, Black Shadow is capable of supernatural power in his home series, something Falcon himself is unable to do (yet is able to perform fiery bird punches out of nowhere in Smash). In his profile data, he is said to be capable of black magic, and he actually puts it to use in F-Zero GX where he binds Falcon in chains of energy and spawns Blood Falcon right from Falcon's essence.

Two, your Pokémon example is horribly flawed; Sakurai uses the anime as a source for inspiration; he doesn't ask GameFreak what to add; he asks them for permission to go with ideas he gets.
Aside from that, all you did was bring up the likes of Pikachu and Jigglypuff saying their names; you did not even grasp that Lucario (and Mewtwo in Japanese Melee) actually talk like in the anime. And last I checked a talking Lucario was exclusive to Movie 8.

Three, if Donkey Kong can be given the wind-up punch from the pilot episode of the DKC cartoon (which came out before Smash), Black Shadow can be given moves inspired by Falcon Densetsu. Especially since it's the most relevant thing F-Zero has at this time, with constant re-runs being aired to this day in Japan.
Not going to even touch on this because I believe Golden summarized my views on this pretty nicely, also apology accepted (even though he actually can do those things).
Well it is my personal belief that this should be a very important thing to think about when discussing third-parties, but yeah you gave me the benefit of the doubt here so I'll stop while I'm ahead.
Despite the fact that Black Shadow has been shown to this in his own canon, I'll humor you here.
That wouldn't change the fact that Sakurai has made movesets for Fox, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Zelda, Sheik, Falco, Mr. Game & Watch, Pokémon Trainer (Especially Ivysaur), Olimar, R.O.B., Wolf, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, and Rosalina.
They've been given fully-fledged movesets (most of these unique) with fairly little to go by when it comes to the thought of them in a fighting game.
So even if the presented abilities were "made up", I imagine it would be safe to assume that Sakurai could easily come up with something Black Shadow if he really wanted to. Same easily goes to Little Mac as well.
I concede, I shouldn't have been speaking of F-Zero with the little knowledge of it I have, I just assumed a racing game didn't have much in it besides racing.

And valid points about Pokemon, so call me wrong on that too, my apologies. I never knew about DK's punch though, I haven't seen the show before.

Though It seems the conversation has strayed quite a bit, I was originally trying to say that Black Shadow has nothing to do with Krystal in the first place.
As for Little Mac, it's best to just not talk about him apparently.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2013
AB, Canada
DLC can be done right, guys. See: Artorias of the Abyss, that one perfect DLC in Dark Souls.
Kind of ironic because Namco said they are eliminating DLC from Dark Souls 2 :laugh:

Considering that Nintendo, who barely ever does DLC, and Namco, who seem to be steering away from it, are making this game, I would be surprised to see DLC in any form. However, that can always change. Sakurai is a perfectionist; he's gonna release the game in full, but that doesn't mean that he won't come up with ideas AFTER the game has come out, such as a new IP that is strikingly good and he's dying to put them in the game. I'm pretty against DLC, due to some companies purposely leaving out content so they can increase the value of the game, and in some cases, turn a $60 game into a $120 game (pretty much every FPS nowadays.)

Although I'm against DLC, I have a feeling that Nintendo, if put in the position, would handle it quite nicely. Consider Super Luigi U, which was DLC for Mario Bros. U. The cost was $20, yes, but it was basically a whole new game with a different story. the length of Luigi U was the same as Mario U, which is quite a good value then buying a whole other Super Mario game for $60. Compare this to Battlefield or CoD, where $20 will get you a few new guns and 3 maps, (I love CoD zombies, so I am a sucker for these purchases,) Where they announce that there will be DLC before the game is even released.

DLC is a scary thought, and i would rather Smash doesn't get bogged down with micro transactions, but I feel like it could be handled pretty well. Plus there's always the chance that the DLC will include characters that are highly requested, but missed their chance.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2013
i wanted to post my roster prediction but i can't get the stinking roster maker to download!!! would it be ok of i just typed my roster out?


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2012
A Pineapple Under The Sea
Ridley: don't really care
K. Rool: Cranky Kong?
Mewtwo: can I get Pichu now?
Sorry to all Mewtwo, K. Rool, and Ridley fans if this sounded selfish :p.

As long as all three are in I'm fine, even if it's going to cost a few bucks or take some extra time.
If there is any Smash DLC no matter what it is, I am buying all of it.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Sorry to all Mewtwo, K. Rool, and Ridley fans if this sounded selfish :p.

If there is any Smash DLC no matter what it is, I am buying all of it.
Yeah, I'm that kind of person too, if it's Smash related I'm getting it. Also planning on getting both versions for sure.

And don't worry about your previous post, the question was about how you felt, so it was supposed to be entirely subjective as far as I'm concerned.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2012
A Pineapple Under The Sea
Yeah, I'm that kind of person too, if it's Smash related I'm getting it. Also planning on getting both versions for sure.

And don't worry about your previous post, the question was about how you felt, so it was supposed to be entirely subjective as far as I'm concerned.
I hope to get both versions but I don't even have a Wii U :p. Planning on getting 3DS version. Hoping Sakurai handles it well.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
So, I don't have the roster maker (nor do I ever intend to download it), I am curious about what you guys think of my roster though. I have two, I have my want roster, and I have my prediction roster. I am interested in seeing how they compare and what the common consensus regarding them entails.

Prediction Roster

Newcomers: 6
Omissions: 2 (Pokemon Trainer, Squirtle and Ivysaur)
1. Black Shadow
2. Meowth
3. Waluigi
4. Bandanna Dee
5. Hades
6. Tom Nook
Wish List Roster

Newcomers: 7
Omissions: 0

1. Ridley
2. King K. Rool
3. Palutena
4. Little Mac
5. Chrom
6. Mewtwo
7. Shulk

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Yeah I am putting all my hope in Sakurai to add DLC Pichu.
If there is DLC, I'd be willing to put money that there would be a "Melee Returning DLC" with Dr. Mario, Young Link, Pichu, Roy, and Mewtwo if he doesn't get in from the start.

So, I don't have the roster maker (nor do I ever intend to download it), I am curious about what you guys think of my roster though. I have two, I have my want roster, and I have my prediction roster. I am interested in seeing how they compare and what the common consensus regarding them entails.

Prediction Roster

Newcomers: 6
Omissions: 2 (Pokemon Trainer, Squirtle and Ivysaur)
1. Black Shadow
2. Meowth
3. Waluigi
4. Bandanna Dee
5. Hades
6. Tom Nook
Wish List Roster

Newcomers: 7
Omissions: 0

1. Ridley
2. King K. Rool
3. Palutena
4. Little Mac
5. Chrom
6. Mewtwo
7. Shulk
Why don't you want to download the Roster Maker?
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Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2013
Crocodile Isle
So, I don't have the roster maker (nor do I ever intend to download it), I am curious about what you guys think of my roster though. I have two, I have my want roster, and I have my prediction roster. I am interested in seeing how they compare and what the common consensus regarding them entails.

Prediction Roster

Newcomers: 6
Omissions: 2 (Pokemon Trainer, Squirtle and Ivysaur)
1. Black Shadow
2. Meowth
3. Waluigi
4. Bandanna Dee
5. Hades
6. Tom Nook
Wish List Roster

Newcomers: 7
Omissions: 0

1. Ridley
2. King K. Rool
3. Palutena
4. Little Mac
5. Chrom
6. Mewtwo
7. Shulk
Did you by any chance mean to put "Wish roster" and "Prediction roster" the other way around?

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
So, I don't have the roster maker (nor do I ever intend to download it), I am curious about what you guys think of my roster though. I have two, I have my want roster, and I have my prediction roster. I am interested in seeing how they compare and what the common consensus regarding them entails.

Prediction Roster

Newcomers: 6
Omissions: 2 (Pokemon Trainer, Squirtle and Ivysaur)
1. Black Shadow
2. Meowth
3. Waluigi
4. Bandanna Dee
5. Hades
6. Tom Nook
Wish List Roster

Newcomers: 7
Omissions: 0

1. Ridley
2. King K. Rool
3. Palutena
4. Little Mac
5. Chrom
6. Mewtwo
7. Shulk
Your wish list roster is good.

Your prediction roster though...there are way too many question marks.

I'll tell you right now that Mewtwo isn't going to be passed over for Meowth. There would be quite a bit of butthurt if Meowth were the one who took that from Mewtwo. There is simply no reason to expect that to happen.

Waluigi, or any Mario character for that matter, has taken a significant hit as far as their chances are concerned. I certainly would not expect a 6th Mario character. That would be as unbalanced as any series could likely get.

Bandanna Dee's chances are greatly overstated in my opinion, but I won't judge anybody for adding him. As long as they concede he isn't up there with Mewtwo or Palutena or whoever.

Speaking of Palutena, to have Hades in over her is probably not going to happen. While Hades is memorable from Uprising, Palutena is the huge success story, and is a character with decent amounts of requests and popularity, making her one of the top characters. Hades can't argue that. If you're going to put Hades in, then I would consider adding Palutena in with him, which in itself isn't likely.

Tom Nook is a character that I fail to see potential for. What would he do that the Villager wouldn't already do? I know he is a shop keeper, but what source material is there that wouldn't make him at the very least a semi clone of Villager?


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I don't know where you guys are getting from Tom Nook being a semi-clone of Villager, it makes no sense.
Being a raccoon I think they could take elements from SMB3 and give him Tanooki Mario powers, he could use furniture and bells, (and maybe his broom) as a character.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2013
look's like i can't download roster maker so I'll just have to type my roster out it contains 52 characters so here we go

Mario characters

Donkey kong Country characters
Donkey kong
Diddy Kong
King K Rool
Dixie Kong

Legend of Zelda characters
Toon Link

Metroid characters

F zero characters
Captain Falcon

Earthbound characters

Yoshi characters

Kirby characters
King Dedede
Meta Knight
Bananna Dee

Star Fox characters

Pokemon characters
Jiggly puff
Pokemon Trainer

Fire Emblem characters

Kid Icarus characters

Pikmin characters

Wario ware characters

Ice climbers
Mr Game and Watch
Wii fit Trainer
Little Mac

3rd party
Mega man
Pac man

i apologize for making such a long post but here y'all go hope you guys like it

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I don't know where you guys are getting from Tom Nook being a semi-clone of Villager, it makes no sense.
Being a raccoon I think they could take elements from SMB3 and give him Tanooki Mario powers, he could use furniture and bells, (and maybe his broom) as a character.
They COULD take those ideas, but they would have to make an entire moveset from 4 ideas. That really isn't a whole lot. Not to mention, one of those ideas is something that he isn't even associated with, and is something more associated with the main mascot, Mario.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2013
I see where you're coming from, but Kirby doesn't need another character. Its main cast is already there.
I understand so I'll just take him out and replace him for someone but I don't know who to put in his place any suggestions


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2012
A Pineapple Under The Sea
They COULD take those ideas, but they would have to make an entire moveset from 4 ideas. That really isn't a whole lot. Not to mention, one of those ideas is something that he isn't even associated with, and is something more associated with the main mascot, Mario.
If Tom Nook is in Smash, he won't be a clone. Sakurai wouldn't ever add him if he thought he would be a clone.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
People are really overestimating Bandana Dee's chances.
I would honestly assert the complete opposite, everyone underestimates him as they arbitrarily perceive Kirby as "complete." He is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate (as one of the most prevalent and iconic characters yet to make an appearance), so why is the most suitable candidate from one of Nintendo's most prominent franchises "overestimated." Nobody even predicts him, there are maybe half a dozen on this forum that are dedicated to the notion that he may appear, I don't see him competing against anyone else.

The same could be said about Krystal.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I understand so I'll just take him out and replace him for someone but I don't know who to put in his place any suggestions
It depends on the intent of your roster, if you want individuals from Smashboards to perceive it as likely, go ahead and add a facetiously "shoe-in" character like K. Rool, Ridley, Little Mac, Palutena, Chrom, Shulk. If you want to get really diverse, go crazy? Maybe add Dixie Kong or Isaac.
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