Midna I don't see the inherent uniqueness of, honestly. Could you explain it to me?
Alright, I'm going to have to do this for BluePikmin's Uniqueness Thread so I might as well start now.
The use of PORTALS.
Now, we all know Zelda, Sheik, and MK already have the ability to warp. But Midna uses them in many more unique ways.
She spins up into the sky and warps to a new location. Not too crazy yet.
To portal down as a shadow. Pretty cool. But it gets better.
[No picture]
With her Twili power, she can move large objects such as the Bridge of Eldin and a large flaming boulder, up into the air without touching them, and can warp them to where she wants them to be.
Think about it.
Midna could potentially have a move where she sends an opponent up a portal and controls where they land. Moving other characters by just raising your arms to push them away with a portal is definitely not in Smash Bros yet.
She has a full portal gimmick, but what else?
This is a character with multiple forms all very unique. Well, some less significant than others.
This form has many of it's own attacks including magic twili orbs that can break through steel.
She mostly revolves around Twili magic and her hair-hand.
However, she can use a sword and shield if she wants to, but she usually doesn't. She doesn't think the human's weapons can compare to the twili's

FORM #1.5:
She can turn into little balls of Orange, Yellow, Green, Black, and Gray.
As she is doing in the picture. She does this to move through walls and other things you can't normally walk through.
This could could be very unique. Moving though walls? What if she could go down solid platforms that are too thick to be regularly passable unless by going around them? Very unique.
She's more of a projectile based character, like Megaman.
She even has Shadow Crystals.
She is not quite invisible but she's not able to be touched like this. This could be used like a shield or deflector, causing her to not be able to be hit or jumped on for a short time... this could make an opponent swing right past her, and she could get them from behind.
She also takes this form when warping downwards.
[collapse= looks cool, doesn't it?]
A MAJOR part of Twilight Princess is transforming into Wolf Link. And he has his whole own set of moves.
Claw, scratch, bite, pounce... what you'd expect, really, but Midna is different when riding Wolf Link.
Not sure if senses or dig are good moveset potential though.
The most important move is "Electric Field"
And an entirely different recovery ability:
She flings forward, he jumps off, she catches him in her hair-hand.
He hair-hand is very helpful to Wolf Link, she uses it to open doors for him. But more importantly, it's what the final boss fight with Ganon was centered around:
Definitely potential for a grab there.
Yes, what you see here is Midna. And yes, like Zoroark's illusion ability, Midna can change into the appearance of any character she wants to. She does this with Ilia and Colin.
But would look like an opponent on the screen if translated into a move that would attempt to trick the opponent(s).
You see this giant thing here? It fights with a spear! Final Smash!!!Yes?
It's basically a whole new character.
If Imp was centered on the hair, Princess would take the magic...
but what else?
Taking from the game, a tear projectile, she pushes it forward with one swipe of her hand and it shatters a mirror, small but powerful.
But that would be like a slower Melee Din's Fire, so how about the Twilight Sword?
Or Link's unused items?
Yea, there's less to work with when discussing her humanoid form, but she could by a magic character, a sword character, or an item character, easily.
I'm assuming you've played the game. So I don't want to go in full detail on her more basic attacks... but these are gimmicks some seem to forget.
And are very unique.
Easily among the most unique.
Also, here's a perfect color swap... her sick form
Perfect color swap for Wolf Link too:
The Golden Wolf, the Hero's Shade, the Hero of Time, Link from Ocarina of Time. Can't get much more specific than that.
Such agile.......
Interested? Yea? YEA?
Because I'll be going way more in depth on the Uniqueness Tier list thread soon, and I'll probably post it here too!