I like both Marth and Ike. The latter had a nice heft to him, so I enjoyed his addition in Brawl. But indeed, I also see no reason why we couldn't have three FE characters (Marth/Ike/Teh Best Lord). Unless, for whatever reason, cuts need to be made (and Newcomers would have priority, in such an event).Honestly, I hope he's back.
He was a great addition for Brawl, and I hope he's back.
I still don't get why everyone want's him cut though. All I ever hear is "not relevant, and will be replaced with Chrom/Lucina/Robin/Leif/Roy/Tharja/Owain/Tiki/etc."
Oh which I reply with "Why not both?"
After Viridi's reveal as a Stage Hazard in the 3DS Uprising stage, I recall mentions of her being a Goddess of Nature, or something of the sort. Is that correct?Long story short (and unspoiled) she's part of Viridi's army.